part of
Daelneth is an elven teen who is the top of her class and the student body president. She is the envy of all girls and herms in her school and she is longed for by nearly everyone. What she doesnt reveal is that she owns a human girl by the name of Kichi who is an underclassman at the same school.
One day Kichi pronounced her love for Daelneth to her face. Daelneth turned her down but Kichi wanted to do anything she could to be with the one she admired. So Daelneth made a deal, if Kichi would give her entire being to her and become her slave then she will be able to be by Daelneth's side. Kichi eagerly took up the offer and let Daelneth brand her back proving she belonged to the gorgeous elf.
Since that day, Daelneth has been renting out Kichi for temporary ownership and Kichi happily obeyed every command she was given and still does. If you want to rent Kichi out for your personal use you have to pay Daelneth a nice sum. However Kichi isnt the only one for sale. While Kichi can be rented, Daelneth is available to be bought and owned by whoever offers enough, if you are the lucky one who buys her to marry her, then you not only get an obedient elven slut to be your slave, you also get her Kichi as your property as well since she belongs to Daelneth. Two girls for the price of one.
Daelneth would love to be at the end of someones leash while Kichi is at the end of her own leash. You can rent Daelneth as well, but the most that would come of it is an eventual friendship if you are a returning customer that is.
Daelneth not only longs for an owner for herself, but also encourages others to become her loyal slaves as well if they desire to be.