Alt of
Height 6"9

Ctenophorae is of a species that doesn't really have any particular name, or any real consistent characteristics to speak of, in fact, the only consistant thing about them is that they're constantly changing!You see, despite her solid appearance, this girl is actually composed of sentient slime... though she does have some defining characteristics.....

Starting from the bottom up, her feet are huge reptile like talons, though due to the malleable nature of Cteno, they aren't really that apt at damaging, they serve their purpose as platforms to walk on..that's all she really cares about. Travelling up her legs, one will notice they're digitigrade, curving far differently to a humans, more akin to a dogs back legs than anything- They make it awkward for her to wear pants, so she usually indulges in skirts, long shirts, and socks- Though she will wear the occasional pair of shorts. her ass? glorious... often seen wide, and due to her lack of pants often exposed with a thin string riding up it...Cteno doesn't mind the stares, they just let her know she's doing it right!
she is in posession of a set of female sexual organs, and does receive pleasure through that, and her small anal passage.. it is unkown wether she it is possible to impregnate her, or whether the anal passage is used for waste disposal. Like her cranial tentacles, Cteno’s tail operates independently. She can exercise a small amount of influence over it, but not enough to form prehensile appendages or do anything particularly useful. Unlike the smaller tentacles though, the tail is generally content to maintain Cteno’s balance and store excess bio-material. Cteno’s semi-fluidic body does evaporate and burn off with activity.

The tail is where reserve material is kept. With enough mass the tail can take on a wide variety of shapes, reminiscent of both vertebrates and invertebrates. This also means that Cteno could potentially have no tail at all if she’s dehydrated, or willfully sever the mass if she needed to, it is also completely hollow, able to hold an entire being within it. she is nothing chested...that is to say, she doesn't even have nipples half the time, though the area still seems sensitive to touching...with enough mass, she can swell them out...but most of her excess mass goes to the rear anyway. she has two large clawlike appendages extending from where a normal bipedal beings arms would be... these claws are quite to lift large objects, and large amounts of objects, but is incapable of performing fine tune actions with them...that is where her head appendages come in...these appendages are hand-like in nature, often manifesting as orange tipped, 3 fingered limbs with which offer the same dexterity as a normal human hand if not more due to their Semi-solid nature...they can extend to theoretically infinite levels if Cteno has enough mass, she can even create multiples of them. They are quite sensitive when squeezed

However, since these appendages have their own rudimentary intelligence, anything above 2 sets (that is, 4 of them) will cause her to lose control of them....when out of control, these limbs act on baser desires stripping Cteno's clothes, groping her own body...others bodies...while Cteno does not mind such sexual contact, it can get in the way of basic limb operation, this lewd behaivour continues until the limbs are removed by an outside source.

Cteno's tongue can extend up to 6", which makes for some interesting is often more liquid than the rest of her body is most of the time. her flesh is of course, semi-sold and soft, entirely under control of Cteno unlike her head appendages and her tail, it is malleable to a certain extent- it is often the same average consistency and moisture levels as human flesh to avoid damage to clothing, however in this state,with enough effort it can still be easily breached by a hand with enough force behind it, it can also become incredibly slimy and moist, often giving her skin a light sheen when it is so... underneath the skin layer of flesh, things are far more semi solid-- similar in consistency to corn starch combined with water, Cteno being completely without organs there is only her 'filler' mass, and her skeleton here. Yes she does have a skeleton, resembling her usually taken form, though it is thin, frail, and often used as more of a guideline than any sort of support structure, it even lacks a lower jaw! Ctenophorae creates new mass by the consumption of carbohydrates, proteins and sugars- meaning most of her dietary intakes are meats, and sweets, her malleable and organ lacking form meaning she can avoid the stresses of weight gain- Contrary to what one might thing, Cteno is actually adverse to water, as the particles will dilute and 'melt' her form upon contact, making it more of a deadly acid than a life giving liquid.. despite this vulnerability, Ctenopharae can regenerate her form with posession of her skeleton, and enough time and food, making her nigh indestructible. Despite her aversion to pure water, she can still ingest alchohol based drinks...which she does, constantly.

Her body is capable of completely absorbing or trapping people within, as she found when accidentally consuming a pet sea slug by leaving her body to liquidated... this is a quick way to gain slime mass when she is well as an incredibly enjoyable feeling for Cteno, a website called 'eka's portal' has been discovered on her internet history as of late, as she is attuning herself to this 'vore' phenomenon...of course, she is not very likely to completely melt someone down...perhaps strip them of their clothes and keep them in her tail until she can remember to remove them. As for her own taste, she purporedly tastes like chocolate covered strawberries

She currently has a job as a receptionist and part-time worker at RainbowTentacle Adult Entertainment, which is a pornography studio that specializes in Shokushu Goukun (Japanese Tentacle porn). This mostly involves deskwork and being her bosses bitch, though Cteno is not immune (nor adverse) to the occasional pornographic shot. (as most of these images should demonstrate)This occupation is quite indicative of her general demeanour, as one thing Cteno has on the brain more than anything is sex, sexy-sexy sex. Cteno's thought patterns will indeed veer down lewd paths quite often, the girl very easily made horny due to her suite of fetishes and fantasy's, having no qualm discussing this with others( Though she very much used to be shy and innocent, that phase has long passed) proudly declaring most of her after-work activities amounts to 'masturbating for 7 hours straight'.

Though that is not all of her interests, she is an avid collector of panties, and has been known to waste her entire paycheck on expensive and lavish designs...owning somewhere up to 200 pairs by last check, more than even her wide collection of socks! she is also a casual gamer, passing the time when she isn't horny by idly playing away at her 3ds. Cteno, despite her high libido and need for entertainment (in her own words she is either 'horny or bored') is quite caring and friendly to others, fond of hugs and spending time with her friends. Cteno is quite fickle with her hair, though she does have common is either long and straight cut, or thick and short. Nobody knows why such a malleable creature needs glasses.