
Thanks to Aku for the superb pic he did for me. Capture Mr Croc-O-dile so well

15ft tall anthro croc

Big hungry croc looking for tasty prey. Not fussed by prey type, just whatever he can fit down his throat. Has a preference for pink, juicy humans

I love kicking legs and feet. His favourite food overall is human females. He especially likes those with nice big boobs and long sexy legs. But above all he loves feet, sexy feet are sure to draw his eye and his mouth. He goes out of his way to find these delicous morsels...


Ilana - His vore and sex slave, whom he reforms after eating for more
Testa - another slave he uses for sex and occasionally for food too


Mitchy - swallowed whole kicking and squirming
Brittney_Ostler - plucked from the beach in a tiny bikini and gobbled up kicking and squriming. Absolutely devine *Burp*
Leanna_Spy_Girl - tried to sneak into his compound following up rumours that he and his cronies had been putting something in the water supply (sleeping potion makes catching prey easier) But she is caught and gobbled up slowly by the hungry croc. Help arrives, but too loaes she is already digested *Burp*
Ultimate_Girl - this wuld be superheroine tried to put a stop to croc, her powers proved inadequate and he put a stop to her (burp)
owen - ripped apart and devoured the poor man, saving his cock until last
Redfox - offered himself as food, then prepared himself as a honey glazed, pinapple stuffed fox surprise (delicious)
Aysa - found the poor innocent cat girl in the park alone, stripped her of her shoes and ate her whole, head first, saving her cute little feet for last
Anatia - the poor girl made the mistake of skinnny dipping in the lake he was in. she was too busy playing with her penis to notice him. he mercilessly ripped her limb from limb and devoured her, saving her delicious cock until last. Only her bloody pelvis and head remained of her

LillySky - This poor woman went for what she expected to be a lovely little holiday boat trip down the river, carelessly enjoying the sunshine and exotic wildlife. Unfortunately lying in wait was Croc-O-dile seeking the first of the season's tourist meals. He was slightly mesmerised by the best legs and soft, pink soles he had ever seen and he as a result ate her nice and slowly savouring the tastiest meal he had for sometime. Burp

Bekki - this student stripper came to his house to give him a private dance, refused to go further and got half eaten for her troubles. He let he out when she agreed to do what he wanted and subsequently revealed her vore fetish, she was scanned for later reformation and eaten naked and whole, headfirst to both of their pleasures

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As Pred

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike He is a pred
Soft Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Gobble you up whole, alive and kicking
Hard Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Munch you up too if he wants
Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike Sits down to pick his teeth, burp
Fatality Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unconventional Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Love the idea of biting off someone's big cock and eating it. Chomp munch munch. He earned himself the title 'Willy Eater' this way
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Love those with nice big cocks
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Grily ones with cocks..mmm
Human Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Delicious