Alt of
Real Name: (Fathers name for her) in an ancient language that is unpronounceable by humans
race: Demi-Goddess
---------Father: the Great Snake God
---------Mother: Humanoid Female (type unknown)
Age: Ancient
Ht: 4'9
Wt: 102 lbs
Crin looks as if she was a short human Girl, with slightly elven features, in her Late teens, Her Eyes are a deep Hazel. Her hair, which is an odd tinge of purple, is wild and short save the random long braids, and one pigtail on the left side of her head.
Her Body is a Masterpiece of tattoo work. Several Snakes of different colors, sizes and shapes inter wine and overlap from the base of her wrists, up to her neck and down to the tips of her toes.
If it wasn't For the odd hair and Tattoos, Crin would look like a very Holmly. Her curves not being very accentuated, nor is she very shaped in the departments of the body most people would look at in a girl. Though, She is not Ugly, nor fat, Nor baring any overly outrageous flaws. She simply doesn't stand out much.
She wheres an orange and brown head band and has a pieced silverish ring in her nose. Other than that her attire Is usally some form of long sleaved shirt, pants, and a modest pair of footware. her clothes are almost always geared toward covering up her tattoos.
Crin is an ageless being.
unhinging Jaw
Crin's Jaw is a 3pt hinging like that of a snake or naga.
Command over Snakes
Threw a form of telepathy, Crin can Comand most Snakes and Nagas to Do her Bidding. Though, It is More of an instintual Acknowledging her lineage to Her father, the Snake God, rather than it being an Accual dominating power over them, even if they are not aware of her lineage. Any creature with Snake blood will Feel a strange nostalgia when in her pressence. As if they have Known her a long time. As well as feeling an odd urge to trust her.
Common Snakes with Animalistic Intelligence will obey her telepathic commands without question. More intelligent creatures with Snake blood, Such as Nagas or Intelligent Snakes Tend to Obey her since they Are linked, however the urge to trust does not always win out over there instints, nor there own agendas. (let me make this Clear, this is
NOT mind control)
Living Tattoos
Crin Has Beutiful Hyper Realistic Snake Tattoos Engulfing nearly her entire small frame from Head to Foot. Their are hundreds of Snakes in all, ranging in size From those Gigantic, to those of smaller size. These are In accuality Real Snakes thats can emerge from her skin at will.
However, unlike common Snakes that are commanded threw telepathic impulses or commands, these Snakes Act as extentions of Crins person, even though they are not nessasaraly attached to her body.
Just as a man wills a finger on his hand to bend, or foot to step. They are limbs, she Sees threw there eyes as well as her own, She touchs what they touch, smells what they smell, hears what they hear... Tastes what they taste.
((has more abilities, But why should I spoil the surprise?))
Snake Tattoo Break Down (W.I.P.)
Crin Has Several Differant kinds Snake-Limbs that can be summoned Forth From her skin. here are Some of the snakes (but not all of them) and there statistics, as well as a Photo of a real life snake they are modeled after.
Giant Contricticters:
resembles a Emerald tree boa, save the fact its color is mostly Black, which fades to a dark green. It is roughly 40 feet long, and about 2 foot in diameter. It is Slow moving and it is non-poisonous.
Resemble Pit Vipers, though they have rock-like ridge down the center of there backs, starting at the head, down to the tip of the tail. They are 20 ft long and 8 in' in Diameter, they move like Black racers, and are lightning fast. making a high pitched siren like sound when they move.
the Many Myths of Crin (W.I.P.)
There are many Myths and Legends about
Donna'mearic Crinaphera the mysterious bastard-child of the Great Snake God of Old. Though the concept of such a Being ever existing is still held in much debate even by those who do whole heartedly believe that the Great Snake God did, at one point, Roam the Land. But debated existance or not, no one can deney that Donna'mearic Crinaphera's Likeness can be found in many cutures threw out the land.
In temples of the Great snake god, atleast those populated by Human worshipers, she is somtimes found in statues and is dispicted as a beautiful Human Temtress with long flowing locks of hair, her flawless nude figure Towering high as she poses seductivly with some manner of massive snake.
The consept of a Majestic temptress is a direct contrast from how the Daughter of the Snake God is dipicted in most Wild-Elven Myths. Refered to as "the Snake Fairy" She is most often Shown to be a Hideous, Troll like creature with Snakes for arms and legs, And is featured as the Villian in many and elven myth and fairy tale, Stealing away Elven Maidens from there familys in the dead of night to Skin off there flesh and feast on there bones. Her Imfamey still survives today,though her legend is mostly used to leture unruly children.
"Be good or stay far from Liveless trees. For if you are naughty and wonder near these. The Snake Fairy will stalk and seek after the, to gobble you up with the greatest of ease."
In most Snake-folk Lore, Donna'mearic Crinaphera is seen to be Large, magestic Cobra with a loving motherly human face and if often depicted embracing lovingly around a Fledgling Naga or Nest of eggs. This Image stems from a short passage within there holy book written about the birth of the Naga-Race.
It states that
Inishakeer, the Believed to be Mother of the Naga race was a Daughter of the Great Snake God. Ishinakeer's older sister,
Miuroa, who was jealous of her, attempted to eat her But was Caught By their much older and stronger Half-sister, Donna'mearic Crinaphera. Donna'mearic devoured Miuroa and saved Inishakeer. The tale goes that when the snake God returned He abondaned Donna'meric and Inishakeer in a forest of the moral lands in a fit of anger, and at the time Inishakeer was very young and could not fend for herself, so Donna'mearic protected her until she was strong enough to do so on her own. --
It is because of this passage from a dissputed holy-book that Donna'mearic Crinapheara is consistered a saint in some Naga Religions. Though others Consider this tale to be fictional, not Believing that thier Goddess and Mother to thier race was every that weak, nor that she later accended to Godhood, as stated in that same holy-book, But was a Goddess from the very begining and was equal to, If not greater than the Great Snake God himself.
Though this is a Major divide in many Naga's religious views, it is still not uncommon to see a small statue of Donna'mearic in Naga nurserys or where children Nagas play. Considered a sign of Protection of youth and innosence and Meturnal Wrath to those who who threaten that.
((under construction))
the story thus far
GVT: A rather lost vollyball player wondered into crins domain where as, after refusing to play crins game of "I tell - you tell", was chased down and devoured whole by one her Racer snakes.
_Renamon_: The poor fluffy thing mistook Crin for a lost soul and tryed to 'save' her from the unspeakable terrors that lurk in the forest. Little did she realize what crin had in store for her until it was too late.
Cindi: Crin had just considered this strange skunken Elf as nothing more than a meal at first. But after a strange misunderstanding, that led to some rather naughty play. Crin Bartered with the skunken-elf to keep her Idetity of herself a secret as to ensure her hunting ground remain unknown. Somthing that seems to be very important to Crin, and as a result Crin is now Cindi's 'boss' and loves her very much. A strange turn events for Crin, who has never even had a friend befor.
Cindi (mid Rp)
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