Kanu: She's an assertive girl who knows just what she wants from other girls. She's so blatant her shirt barely even covers her boobs in public.
Kanu was helping
Natsume_Wolf look for a lost contact when she was slurped ass first into her cock and churned into cum.

Madoka: She's a rather naughty girl who likes to pose for photoshoots to give a corrupted image to her idol character.
Madoka was trying to force
Natsume_Wolf to do a photoshoot for her when she found herself being slurped up legs first. She kicked and screamed but in the end only gurgled. Her remains were spurted all over Sera.

Sera: Another schoolgirl cosplayer who just loves wet t-shirt contests.
Sera was involved in a photoshoot but instead of water she was covered in the cummy remains of her two friends. In her shock she was easily slurped up headfirst and churned.

Tori: A lithe and energetic catgirl cosplayer.
Tori thought she could get away with stealing some equipment from the local convention. Little did she know someone else was watching. She was grabbed and slurped in ass first by

Fuu: She's a rather shy schoolgirl cosplayer but knows how to get quite naughty when she's in the mood.
Fuu thought she was crawling into a prop.
Natsume_Wolf's balls that churned her into cum proved her wrong.

Izumi: She's a sexy maid who has acted in several adult films.
Natsume_Wolf caught her alone in her booth and taunted her before slurping the porn star into her cock head first.

Remi: A lewd and rude schoolgirl who flaunts her body on a whim.
Taunted and slurped up, spurted out as another of
Natsume_Wolf's cum stains.

Katsumi: A sexy Dead or Alive cosplayer who likes to pose for the camera.
Katsume and her two friends Lois and Tomo were at a convention for so long that most of it closed around them aside from a few late shows.
Mae_Adeline appeared and offered to help them find the exit. As they went along Mae tricked Lois and Tomo into go through a magical doorway only to appear as magical figures of their characters, frozen but still alive. Mae then lured KAtsumi into bed where they passionately made love for a long while until the mini Tomo was stuffed into Katsumi's rear, and Lois into her mouth. It happened so fast Katsumi didn't understand what was happening even as Mae's bust began to absorb her. Katsumi was left dazed and confused even as her body broke down, all three girls trapped within the angel's breasts for eternity.

Nurse Lois: A busty and thick nurse ready to tend to your every need.

Tomo: A busty and lewd vampire made with stunning red eyes.

Nami: A sexy pirate.
Nami, Haruhi, C.C. Katsura, and Sorceress were shrunk down to micro size, filled with booze until they looked like balloons, and gulped down one by one by
Freida_Cermak. Only Haruhi's hair ribbon was belched up before they were digested and shit out.

Haruhi: A melancholic Melancholy cosplayer. She has the ego of a god.

C.C.: She's a rather dramatic girl who has a bit of a poker face most of the time.

Katsura: Flight attendant cosplayer.

Sorceress: A busty sorceress cosplayer.

Serio: An adorable schoolgirl cosplayer who just blushes at the lightest compliment.
Serio was fed to the micro Elizabeth before being digested in her alcohol filled belly. Elizabeth survived the encounter.

Haruna: A woman clad in tight leather bonds to maximize her body's best features.
Haruna was adjusting her costume in the restroom when
Futa_Ahri decided it was time for a snack. The sexy girl was lifted up and swallowed whole headfirst.

Lauren the Bunnygirl: This blond works as a ticket seller and booth attendant at the conventions for a living.
Lauren heard Haruna's demise and tried to call or help. Unfortunately for her
Futa_Ahri didn't want any witnesses. Both girls were digested, including their very souls.

Yinling: A cosplayer decked out in armor and a rifle. Don't let the serious expression fool you, she can be quite silly.
Bathing_in_Blood was enraged by Suiseiseki's comments and went berserk, dicing Yinling with her claws into a bloody mess.

Carbina: She's a dedicated security guard armed with a simple rifle and a taser to stop anyone from hurting the convention participants.
Carbina attempted to stop
Bathing_in_Blood, only to have her face literally torn off.

Bree: An athletic girl who poses for photoshoots in open and revealing suits of armor.
Bathing_in_Blood gave her a lethal kiss, causing all of the girl's blood to leave her body through her pores.

Suiseiseki: An overly polite doll cosplayer. Cookies are her cocaine.
Bathing_in_Blood had enough of this girl's self righteousness and after toying with her, sank her teeth in and drained her of her life blood. Her corpse was discarded like an empty soda can.

Siren: She's a rather stoic and sarcastic young woman who just loves her toys. Like some of the others she will occasionally do security work.
Siren attempted to shoot
Bathing_in_Blood but her failed to hit her mark and was sliced into many pieces by the girl's claws.

Deadpool: A rather silly and morally twisted girl.
Deadpool attempted to make a joke and was decapitated for her troubles by

Nero: A cosplayer with a gun and sword longer than her body is tall.
Nero rushed
Bathing_in_Blood with her sword and was sliced into several pieces, the pieces of her body falling to the ground pitifully.

Mokoto: A Ghost In The Shell cosplayer who likes to have fun pretending to shoot up giant robots with her plastic SMG.
Bathing_in_Blood stabbed the poor girl with a blood spike as soon as she saw she had called for help. Mokoto's body literally exploded, nothing by bits remaining of her once hot body.

Misty: A fiery red head who just loves animals.
Bathing_in_Blood needed more blood to survive her injuries, and so she ate Misty's guts and sucked out her blood.

Nandi: Another naughty schoolgirl.
Nandi was slashed and then had her heart removed, eating before her dying eyes by

Emma: A celebrity bondage girl. She can usually be found followed by a crowd of fans.
Fed to
Carnara by Reimu who oddly fell in love with the giant dinosaur. Emma had her head chomped off and then her body chewed.

Tomo: An obedient supernatural maid.
Swallowed whole to be slowly and painfully digested by

Asi: A simple swimsuit cosplayer. Her suits tend to be on the thin side and are almost always nearly transparent.
Cock vored by
Carnara as her 'friends' watched.

Sinclair: She's a naughty woman who tends to be a bit shady in her dealings.
Eaten as she checked out a wrecked bus by
Sara_lina. Her friends soon followed.

Sakuya: A magical maid cosplayer. She has a thing for knives.

Heart: Eyecandy hired to bring in more customers. She usually walks around in nothing but high heels and a thong.

Miku: A vocaloid cosplayer who has a beautiful singing voice herself. She usually lip sings her idol's songs however.

Baker: She's a simple girl who likes to dress up for her bakery stand at the conventions. Her food is always cheaply priced so everyone can afford it.

Mimi: An adorable maid nekomimi. She's rather shy but just loves to grope other girls.

Asuka and Rei: A pair of mecha obsessed Evangelion cosplayers.

Etna: She's a fiery. cute succubus who will certainly try to suck something out of the boys she meets.

Frill: A cosplayer who likes to make up her own costumes primarily focusing on frilly undergarments.

Harley: She's a killer prankster and just loves to joke around.

Mai: A busty King of Fighters cosplayer.

Sonico: A super cosplayer.

Tigress: She's a sexy feline dressed up and ready to go on the prowl.