Colleen is 20 years old
She is 5 ft tall
She usally wears a snug white vest with a blue top underneath it together with a matching cyan skirt and black stockings.
Colleen is a shy modest yet happy girl that loves life as any other.
Colleen has two sisters and she herself is the youngest of the three though one of them wasn't a sister at first.
Colleen had led a fantastic life at home with her family, leading the life any girl would want hers to live through it simple and full of friends and trips with her family. Things changed however once her, (now sister)
Christina_, was struck by a strange spell that would've changed her former brother into something else. Once Colleen visited him on a day to check up on him until she was struck by awe, Colleen apperantly visited her new sister as she saw her on a moment she could see everything of her new body, something she wasn't ready seeing just yet.
Years went by as she had closed contact with Christina together with the rest of the family while she felt like she had made the wrong decision in following the rest of her family so easily and with that she decided she'd pay her sister a visit again. She simply searched for the park, being astonished to find more people like her sister while it slowly had effect on her. She accepted the way on how the things rolled inside of there while she simply observed the many while asking for a girl that went by the name of Christina many times.
On a faithfull day however she had gotten directions on how to get to her and so she took the first step to restore her relation with her sister. The shyness of the girl didn't work that well in her favour though she liked the park very much by now, hopefully her sister being able to learn her a thing or two to help her out.