A Small Production Company Located Across Town Far Away From The Park
Please Note That His Account Is STRICTLY OOC. If You Wish To Roleplay...Tell Me With Whom You Would Like To Play, But DONT Start The Scene...It Just Makes It Easier For Me To Use This Alt For A Log Of Whom I Rped With...Thanks, And Happy Roleplaying.
1st Floor
2nd Floor
Please Note: A Couple Of Character Have Been Removed, Due To My Slight Dislike Of The Character's Name Or Ect...It Is Not Because Of Any Problems Within The Chat Or Due To Impopularity.....Further More....I'm An Idiot, and accidentally deleted my character list, so i did my best to remember all my characters, if there is one i missed, i will put it on again
Another Note: As the player of these character, I don't really care if you add any characters to a score list, or anything like it, I Just ask that you give me some notice of your intent to place my character on a score list, that way I'm not shocked to see my characters on an eaten/eaten by list. Thanks!
Nathan - Male - Human - Lifeguard
Dalton - Male - Human - Speedswimmer
Alexander - Male - Human - Stripper The Name Has Been Given To Another Player Who Was Interested In The Name
Nick - Male - Human - Model
Sam_and_Eric - Male - Human - Twin Models
Stephen - Male - Human - Cheerleader
Rocky_Horror - Male - Creation - Living Sex Toy
Tayne - Male - Human - Soccer Player
Danny - Male - Human - Student
Cody_Coldfire - Male - Human - Assassin
Caleb - Male - Human - Student
Holden - Male - Human - Porn Star
TJ - Male - Human - Student
Chowder - Male - Cat Thing - Chef's Apprentice
Vic - Male - Human - Sexy Powerhouse Of A Man