
((Another one of The_Other_People ))

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First Name

Last Name



5ft. 8inches


Ink black

Pure white

Light Brown

Odd features
Elongated canine teeth that can easily be mistaken for vampire teeth


Boss (name classified)


none so far :( (and for good reason)

Motorcycle with a "ALICE" vanity license plate

Black truck with "ALICE13" vanity license plate

Tattoos/Piercings Note about tattoos and piercings: Due to how deadly still her hands stay she did the piercings herself. Only one person that wishes to remain anonymous did her tattoos but wore triple layered latex gloves that has double thickness

Tattoos: Scorpion on left breast, Devil's head on right shoulderblade, satanic pentagram on left shoulderblade, large inverted cross covering lower back

Left Breast
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Right Shoulderblade
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Left Shoulderblade
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Lower Back
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Piercings: Both ears (two in the cartildge and two in each earlobe, both nipples, navel, tounge

3 single barreled/pistolgrip pump action shotguns (one with laser sight, one with a flashlight afectionately haveing 'Legion' on a side of the barrel for it has killed many, one with no sights)

2 double barreled shotguns

1 custom made quadbarreled shotgun (named Superbeast because there's no other shotgun that has 4 barrels)

Undisclosed ammount of ammo carried on person or in her gunsafe

4 357 magnum revolver handguns (two kept on her at all times, one when she has her guard down somewhat, none when she has her guard completely down... all of them when she's feeling paranoid/fidgity)

1 sniper rifle

1 M-16 rifle

5 and a half cartons of Marlboro Smooth 100's

Scraps of paper that different feelings was scribbled down on during her addiction to heroin.

A diary

The Diary(aka The Intermission)

Entry 1: When I first placed my hands on these diaries.. scraps of paper moreless.. there were notes and scribbles and all kinds of shit. A lot of feelings came bubbling up but mostly this one.. how the fucking hell am I even alive still? That's what I think every day but more on that later on. After all this is just the intermission...

Entry 2: December 25th Van Nuys.. merry christmas. Well that's what people say at christmas right? Except for normally they have somebody to say it to. They have friends and family. They ain't crouched naked underneath a christmas tree with a needle in thier arm like an insane person in a mansion in Van Nuys. They're not out of thier minds, they're not writing in a diary and they're definately not watching thier holiday spirit coagulate in a spoon. I didn't speak to a single person today. I thought "Why should I ruin thier fucking christmas?". I've started a new diary and this time I have a FEW new reasons. One.. I might as well have no friends left. Two.. so I can remember what I did the day before. And three.. so if I die I'll leave a nice little suicide note of my life. It's just you and me diary... welcome to my fucking life. Nobody would believe the shit that goes on inside my head, it's haunted. Now that I've come down from the drugs it seems like a sick play that I saw in a theatre somewhere. Thirty minutes ago I could've killed somebody or better yet... myself.

Entries 3 through 13 Day one: Dope free. I went to the clinic today and got my first dose of methadone, I'm out of dope so I left my guns alone.

Day two: I can't believe it's been two days without junk, fucking smack... it just ruins people's lives. At first it seems so sweet then you wake up next to a monster.

Day three: I haven't had anything for three days now. This withdrawal is killing me. It's like shock therapy to my guts.

Day four: Last visit to the clinic. My whole body feels like it's cracking into pieces. "Fragile" doesn't even begin to describe how I feel.

Day five: I'm sick as a fucking dog but this handful of pain killers and a lot of whiskey's gonna get me through.

Day six: When I'm left to my own devices I go fucking insane.. I'll never use heroin again

Day seven: I can't believe I'm clean.

Day eight: Everyone says I look better. Hard to believe since I was just as pale even before I was useing the junk.

Day nine: The parasites are panicking since I stopped useing and buying the junk.

Day ten: They seem amazed that I'm alive. Started shooting my guns again today. I still have better aim than a marine sniper even with a lousy .22 caliber rifle.

Entry 14: So we're at the end and at the same time we're at the beginning of this misadvendture. Why I had to go down a dead end street at 200 mph screaming for vengeance and embracing death is something I'm still trying to figure out. Ya know, part of me thinks this is all some big master plan to expose the raw nerve endings of dysfunction but ya know us addicts.. we think everything's about us don't we? Man it got so convulted polluted and distorted I ran with the only information I was given. I turned it into my armor, my defense mechanism and my weapon of self destruction. Yeah.. I had a fucked up childhood and I was a troubled teen.. those are the facts. How I got there? That's a story told by many voices. It's not my job to blame anyone anymore, I just need to accept the path I was given... this is without a doubt my life after death.

Entry 15: Went back to work today with a new outlook on it and a bunch of people congradulating me on getting clean. Why they did that I'd rather not know. Got my first assignment as well which I won't mention here, took care of the assignment soon as I got it. I missed my job so much that I nearly started giggling when I succeded it. I think I found out something to taunt those that I'm sent to take care of with before I put a bullet in thier brain. It goes something like... ah nevermind it. Anywho now I guess I'm gonna just sit on my ass twidling my thumbs flipping through files looking at my previous assignments.. the ones I was allowed to keep anyways ..until someone comes by with an assignment for me. I hope my trigger finger doesn't get TOO itchy.

*hacking into the agency database*


Enter username


Attempt 1 failed


Access Granted


Processing search request for codename Scorpio


1 File found on codename Scorpio. Retrieving file

Born the year 1981 in Transylvania in the region of Romania the deadly beauty ain't as nice as she looks. Born with looks to kill and an attitude to match along with an uncanny ability to blend in with her surroundings she was given up the day she was born due to an oddly detailed scorpion birthmark on her right breast that she had an actual scorpion tattooed there when she snuck out and went to a friend outside of the orphanage when she was 15. Days.. weeks.. then months went by as she watched what friends she made at the orphanage get adopted but she shed not one tear because of her knowing that one day her coldness and not really careing towards others would come in handy one day. Indeed it did when an odd man dressed in a black suit came and adopted her the day before her 16th birthday. Makeing it known to the man what birthmark she had and what she had covering it sparked the man's interest. The man himself being skilled in guns of all sorts he introduced her to his guns. The feel of a gun in her hand felt so natural to her that she could nail a can off of a tree limb from 50 yards with a .22 caliber. Impressed with her the man decided to move her up to a shotgun within a month. During the same passing year her skills became so great that she could disassemble and clean then reassemble an M-16 within 5 minutes. Feeling like he owed her he bought her her own shotgun which was a single barreled pistol grip shotgun along with a case of ammo. Years went by as she learned different skills in the martial arts, escalating through the ranks faster than any student has before. The day after her 19th birthday there was a knock at the door.. it was an agency recruiter wanting her to join. The man himself being a retired agency agent knew that this day was coming, walking to the front door while holding onto his cane he sighed deeply as for the first time in her life she shed a tear for someone. Giving him a hug goodbye something awful happened.. he fell dead in her arms. Now faced with no option she gathered up her belongings and clothes and weapons along with the M-16 that she cleaned every so often. At the age of 26 now she works as a hired gun/assasin for the agency dareing not to do so much as shake another agent's hand without haveing her gloves on for fear that her touch will literally bring death to those she touches. Likeing what she does so far she............

Hack detected. Authorities have been notified. Have a nice day *hacker's computer implodes*

Theme Songs (yes more than one.. don't like it? tough

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Soft Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Think that's weird? Take a look around and ask yourself that.
Hard Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike There's a possibility of this
Digestion Always/Love
Fatality Always/Love
Never/Dislike Note: She won't kill a person through vore but isn't above to... old fashioned fatality
Reforming Always/Love
Never/Dislike Could go either way
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Never/Dislike No way no how will she do this
Anal Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike "Hey wha... Get out of there!"
Vampiric Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike This is under special circumstances
Soul Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Not sure on this one
Cooking Always/Love
Rough Always/Love
Never/Dislike Loves being rough handled and rough handling
Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike Hey just because she still has her cherry doesn't mean she can't have fun
Pain Always/Love
Never/Dislike Could go either way
Transformation Always/Love
Never/Dislike again... either way but in a different way
Blood Always/Love
Never/Dislike I have a love/hate relationship with this one
Scat Always/Love
Watersports Always/Love
Bondage Always/Love
Never/Dislike Sticks and stones may break my bones so tie me up and show me how much you like me.
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Same Size Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Demi Partner Always/Love
Fur Partner Always/Love
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Since when has a scaley been a prey? HMMM?
Non-Sentient Partner Always/Love
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike Can deal with this...
Quick Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike ...or this
Evolving Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike Either way..
Breaking 4th Wall Always/Love
Staying In Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike Could go either way but likes IC only in a scene
Surprise Me Always/Love
Multi-Session Always/Love
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Whisper Always/Love
Never/Dislike Whisper friendly? Why yes I am
Public Always/Love
Private Always/Love
Never/Dislike I like this better than public can't ya tell?