
Name: Clarke Griffin
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Nationality / Ethnicity: Australian
Age: 19
Height: 5'5''
Weight: 125 lbs
Hair: Blonde, a bit more than shoulder-long
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Regular
Bust size: C
Rear size: Average to round
Build: Average to curvy
P+P Rank: C3
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Kinks: Slightly dominative, wants to have a top position and prove it to herself and her lover, slight smother and powerplay fetish
Traits: Smart, intelligent, talent for leading, good strategist, originally strong morals which watered down over time though, skilled in first aid and medicine, survival instincs, confident in herself, uses vore as method of last resort
Occupation: Survival guide / Ex co-leader of the '100'

PERMAVORED by Ulvia on 7-16-16 in private: (log contains digestion, minor post vore scat)

On a fateful day, the blonde, pretty survival guide turned out to be not so adept to being in the wilderness after all. It started when someone of her tour's group vanished, Clarke later finding out they had been eaten and dumped in the woods later. The blonde wanted to track down whoever was responsible and put an end to it, not because she believed vore was as a whole despicable and illegal, but because she didn't want to loose any others or have her business model ruined.

But Clarke got more than she bargained for. She indeed found the culprit - or rather, was found by her. Something with her map was inaccurate, and when Clarke pulled out her compass, her hands slipped and she had to search it in the grass. The guard of the blonde was down, and so she didn't hear or see the beautiful, predatory demi-wolf girl Ulvia, well not until it was too late. She got pounced and quite easily overpowered thanks to the position, expertise and hidden strength of the wolfess.

Clarke firmly tried to find a way out of the situation, but her struggles and efforts were in vain. Following that, the blonde tried to argue and reason with the wolf, who mocked and teased her about becoming a meal. In the end, the wolven girl had her way, even going for some forced 69 naughty time, bringing the blonde to an unwanted orgasm. In the post-climax haze, she struck, and just when Clarke was about to fight back as she was swallowed, Ulvia gave her another on-the-spot cunnilingus, making her orgasm for the second time.

Limp, the stripped naked blonde human was devoured, the wolf girl savoring the taste and enjoying to be filled up with a delicious, pretty morsel. Any chance was gone, the belly pressed on her, juices started to flow and Ulvia simultaneously teased, but also comforted her, since it would be an honor adding to the demi. Clarke gave up at some point after that, accepting fate and even admitting there were worse fates than being absorbed and becoming part of a sexy half-wolfess like that. She hoped she would end up as swell of breasts, and soon it was over for Clarke.

While her predator made a nap, she was mercilessly digested and torn apart to become a mush of digested meat, juices and bone parts. It was gruesome and painful, but at some point it ended, Clarke honestly hoping she had some purpose in the end, how silly it might be. Ulvia's body put the snack to good use, and with incredible efficiently she digested and used almost everything her prey gave her. The cup size increased quite a bit, and layers of fat added to the rump too, as well as some pudge on the belly, hips and thighs. Satisfied, Ulvia disposed of her meal's remains in the forst, shitting what was left out, to saunter away and enjoy her new curves~

A deceased / permavored member of the Girlcollection, now listed in the Deceased_Girls2. Clarke was a fan character based on the tv series 'the 100', specifically, the first two seasons. She could be played in a canon true to the series, or (what would actually be the standard setting) an abridged version where she lands in Nexus after the events at Mount Weather.

(Since I encountered this a couple of times now. I am a male player irl. If that bothers you, I will not force you to anything. This does not affect the roleplay in the slightest and I will not mention this, and rather keep things in the realm of fantasy and fiction. Thanks for reading and respecting this.)

Clarke Griffin, a girl of australian descent who was part of the 100 delinquents that were sent down to earth and a strong gal with high survival instincts.


Sometime in the future, a nightmarish, atomic war taking place in the middle of the 21st century wiped out most life on earth and polluted almost all areas with intense radiation. Humanity survived on a dozen space stations in the orbit, who bunched and joined together to form 'the Ark'. Originally, these were about 400 survivors, but in a period of 97 years, this number had multiplied to a little over 2500. Resources were scarce, and so some quite martial, harsh laws had been introduced - adult criminals were executed by 'floating' them, aka throwing them out of an air lock, while juvenile criminals were imprisoned until they came of age, when they would get a trial. Clarke was a smart, young girl who was condemned guilty of a crime when she was 17 years and a few months old.

She worked as medical assistant, her mother being a doctor and her father a leading engineer. When her father discovered that the environmental systems of the Ark were irreparably faulty and would break down at some point, he wanted to make that public. The government of the Ark feared a panic, however, and ordered him to keep that to himself. Somehow, Clarke found out about her father's plan, and even tried to help him. Later, her father recorded a video about it, and spread it. Naturally, he was indicted for treason, found guilty and consequently, floated. Due to Clarke having knowledge about it, and even admitting she would try to raise more awareness, the emotionally shaken girl was locked up as a juvenile criminal.

Instead of collapsing under the emotional pressure, however, Clarke got even stronger, more determined and hardened. One month before her 18th birthday, she was chosen alongside 99 other convicts to be send on a scouting mission for earth. It was believed to be still uninhabitable, but since some solution for the degrading oxygene quality had to be found, this was chosen as one possible option. The 100 were supposed to find out if life on earth was possible again, and try to set up camp for following people coming down from the Ark. It went better as expected, as the radiation levels had decreased enough to sustain life again and many plants and trees had regrown. As they found out later, the level of the radiation was still potent enough to kill normal, pre-war humans, but in space due to solar radiation the survivors had developed a certain degree of resistance to radiation and the ability to naturally decompose it.

The new life back on earth didn't go without conflicts though - somehow, a small portion of humanity had survived (called 'grounders' by the inhabitants of the Ark). They lived in tribe-like communities and were a little on the savage, rustic side of things, as society had utterly broken down and technology was thrown back to what resembled medieval times. Those were not the only ones populating earth, however - in a radiation shelter in an old bunker in Mount Weather, normal pre-war humans had survived and kept the ability to use modern technology, although they were vulnerable to the radiation outside and could only leave the shelter in hazmat suits. Various rivalries and battles broke out, and some dire times tested the abilities of the 100 to survive, and adapt. Clarke proved to be a capable leader able to make hard, but in the end necessary decisions. Later, most survivors of the Ark travelled down to earth and got united with those of the 100 who made it, although there were losses.

Ultimatively, one event really threatened to throw her moral compass off-balance, and so, she decided that she needed time on her own to think it all through. Because they were about to kill friends of her and all diplomacy had failed, Clarke chose to eliminate the inhabitants of Mount Weather, called mountain men by the grounders, by exposing them to lethal radiation over the vent system (lethal for the mountain men, not the ones who had come from the Ark). Earlier, the mountain man had captured her and experimented with her, and something had changed her a bit - she developed vorish abilities after this, although she needed a while to figure it all out. Eventually, Clarke left 'camp Jaha' to travel the world by herself, and sometime in her voyage, the blonde being 19 at that time, she must have found... something. The blonde landed in another new, strange environment, which was called 'Nexus'.

Irritated at first, Clarke adapted relatively quickly, trying to find out more about it. To make a living, she started to work as survival guide, offering tours - actual, real tours, as this was not meant as a vore joke like others like to do. She needed to establish herself first, however, and had no cash on hand. Luckily she met Maximilian who offered her a place to stay at the Magician_Hotel, and Clarke took up on the offer for starters, promising to help with medical questions if something should come up. (Not my char, it's from a friend)


Clarke is a beautiful young woman with pale complexion, blue eyes, a slightly round and pretty face, dimple chin, and silky blonde hair falling slightly beyond her shoulders. The girl is a bit short in her height, of about average weight, and has quite some hints of feminine, nicely developed curves. While not having a bombshell or hourglass figure, she definately looks good and sports a C cup bust and a nice, round tush. Clarke is also wear earrings now and then. Because she often travels the wilds and is not in more civilized places, Clarke sometimes is covered in a bit of dirt or even small specks of blood. She only rarely smiles.

She usually wears thermal long sleeve shirts, which show a bit of cleavage, combined with a jacket, dark jeans, and boots. She mostly wears clothes in dark colors such as black, gray, navy blue, dark green and tan. As it was a gift from her father, Clarke almost always wears a watch around her left wrist. If she expects things to heat up, so that she will need better protection, the blonde can also wear a militaristic outfit for combat which offers more defense than her normal clothes.


Clarke is headstrong, determined, dependable, and intelligent. As a natural born leader who is capable of inspiring all around her, Clarke will contemplate and ask questions before acting. However, sometimes she ends up doing spontaneous, impulsive decisions when friends are in danger and there is no time for careful planning, and she is a bit too eager to accuse someone of a crime. She is also fair, selfless, caring, and quite loyal. Even after his death, Clarke shows a high level of devotion and admiration towards her father. She is quick to call people out on their behavior.

Despite the harsh world she lives in, Clarke is fiercely determined to save everyone’s lives, even if they do not 'deserve' to be saved. The girl has a strong moral compass and tries to stick to that as much as possible in the lawless, ruthless world she is thrown into, and she is quite determined and self-assured. During her stay on the ground, a bit of her original idealism has been lost though, because even Clarke knows that sometimes, it's not possible saving everybody. One less known side about her is that she is quite artistic and a good painter.

Unlike Bellamy Blake, her co-leader back when the 100 were on their own, Clarke is rather idealistic and normally sees no reason for torture, cruelty, or violence of any kind. She does not wish for violence or war and tries to avoid fighting. However, she will betray her beliefs to protect those she loves and cares for, and she is not completely naive or outright pacifistic. For example, she agreed with Bellamy on bringing guns into camp for protection, even if she does not like the thought. She wants to make decisions that are the best for everyone involved, although she can be a bit stubborn too. Clarke has a surprisingly keen mind for warfare and strategy, should a situation come up where fights can't be avoided any longer, only adding to her skills as leader.

As she is quite smart and clever, and went through medical training, Clarke knows a lot about first aid and medicine, and even performed impromptu surgeries now and then, and she puts those abilities to use by helping her friends. Clarke regards her vorish abilities as methods that can be used if all else failed. Even if the sensations are enjoyable and pleasant, she mostly avoids it, until it's the last ace in her sleeve (or if someone really begs and asks to be consumed by her).

Clarke is not opposed to sexual things and having some pleasure with a nice lover at all, and she even can be a bit lewd and kinky in private. She loves to have a top position and 'prove herself', and has a bit of a liking for domination, powerplay, smother and similar stuff.


As mentioned above, Clarke has a talent for leading, both as an inspirational paragon which people follow, and as a military tactician. She is a natural survivor with vast knowledge about the wilds and how to persist far from civilized areas. The girl is a surprisingly capable medic, and while she lacks the experience and knowledge to be a fully-fledged doctor, she still can treat most wounds and maladies.

Even if she has a certain dislike for it, Clarke is good with firearms and handguns. On the Ark, they were also courses in survival skills, and the blonde learned a lot more back on earth, in the wilderness, as well. She is rather skilled with tracking, orienting herself, knows flaura and fauna and can handle herself in the wilds. This was what brought her to her new occupation as guide when she arrived in the place known as Nexus.

Furthermore, Clarke is a predator if need be, and she can devour and process live meals her size relatively well. She also is a notch stronger and tougher than her height and appearance might suggest.

Extra pics:

Facial closeup:

Casual look:

Reading a map:

Armed and on the run: (slightly bloody)

Militaristic outfit:

Clarke determined and ready to pull the trigger:

Clarke as she left the camp:

(Feel free to ask questions or to whisper me if you are unsure about something or want to discuss an RP, mostly I am quite open minded. Worst thing that might happen is me saying I either got no time or no interest at the moment - 2 rps at the same time is about my maximum, more just feel rushed and stressed. Points not listed under preferences normally indicates I am indifferent about it, of course we can talk over it OOC. By the way... If I suddenly vanish its with 95% probability an internet / connection issue. Images dont belong to me.... if asked I will remove them promptly. The character displayed is entirely fictional. Go figure.)

(New - Girlcollection on F-List click Have a look for better representation of some kinks. Roleplaying mainly will still take place on this chat.)
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Switch.
Soft Vore Always/Love
Hard Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Fatality Always/Love
Never/Dislike In scene.
Reforming Always/Love
Never/Dislike Typcially, ooc. We can discuss, though, and the character is available for permavore scenarios.
Endo Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Anal Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Clean.
Tail Vore Always/Love
Breast Vore Always/Love
Vampiric Vore Always/Love
Soul Vore Always/Love
Stretchy Always/Love
Realistic Always/Love
Cooking Always/Love
Food Related Always/Love
Rough Always/Love
Gentle Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Pain Always/Love
Blood Always/Love
Never/Dislike A bit is okay.
Scat Always/Love
Never/Dislike No scatplay.
Disposal Always/Love
Never/Dislike Post vore dumping is enjoyed though - but it can be skipped or just implied.
Watersports Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Same Size Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Demi Partner Always/Love
Fur Partner Always/Love
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Underage Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike Perfectly fine, but no sexual things (personal limit 16+ for normal human chars).
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Evolving Character Always/Love
Staying In Character Always/Love
Multi-Session Always/Love
Group Roleplay Always/Love
Whisper Always/Love
Public Always/Love
Private Always/Love