"It's not about overpowering an enemy. It's about taking away what power they have."
Cinder is imperious and cunning, with a touch of cruelty. Usually, she maintains a calm and collected demeanor, and is willing to take over a fight if necessary. Cinder also seems to be ambitious and demanding, stating that she has "big plans" for Roman, and is willing to enlist the White Fang to achieve her goals by any means necessary. Often, she is very direct on the matter at hand.
Cinder doesn't tolerate failure, she prefers that problems be solved quickly, and is seen to give very direct orders, and doesn't like when she is disobeyed.
Well, none of that matters anymore, for you see the fate that has befallen Cinder is one that's much more fitting to a woman of her stature, whether she likes it or not. She has been reduced down to nothing but additional padding on another woman's chest.

To be more specific, Cinder, alongside two others were taken to an underground trading facility where she believed she was going to purchase some new hands to work for her, and possibly a meal. Little did she know, THIS, LITTLE MONSTER:

Mirei_Sonozaki, had other plans. When Cinder was taken to the prey traders facility, she was the one to be sold off as prey to another trader against her will, she remembers the words Mirei said; "Nothing personal babe, it's just business.". Those words infuriated Cinder to her core, she was kicking and flailing but was helpless to escape the grasp of her new rubber-clad owner... Who, put on a show for the other traders and swallowed Cinder in front of EVERYONE with no intention of bringing her back. After being digested for good, she became nothing more than padding on her chest... She was sold for $60,000 as one of a four part meal...
If she ever comes back, revenge will be sweet...
Spoiler: She's not coming back.