
alt of Vivian_James
Walk into the panda like beings captains quarters....if you're not immediately turned away by the large thighed officer, you'll find it almost reminiscent of a Chinese zen garden... stunningly huge in size...After all these vessels have a lot of space to them..The captains bed placed in the middle of a pond...a small island depression, sinking into water that always remains calm, despite the battle raging outside the Enormous windows surrounding it...wandering around you may find many cabinets containing weapons....blades, small pistols...made for defending and intiating boarding actions.... perhaps you may spring a couple of the traps around as you check out the silken clothing the captain is known'll probably hear the door opening.... you're caught with a pandalike face that is far too cute to run the singular lawkeeping vessel in this district..caught alone with you, the captain smiles.... and opens her mouth..... the voracious Xīng xióng race is actually omnivirous, you recall... unlike the bamboo eating terran species they flexible and stretchy they can swallow most anything whole.... you get to experience such a biological wonder firsthand... -glik-
The captain is indeed rather cute, but as is well known by her crew, an incredibly competent naval else can you hold out against this amount of piratical vessels for so long? She commands from the bridge not with a ferocity, but with an almost manic excitement...The captain truly feeling alive in the midst of battle! directing and micromanaging with the skill of an advanced AI. when down from the bridge Ching Shih tends to be quite sarcastic in a diminutive 5'4 and with looks like hers, not many people who see her in the flesh can take her she makes up for it with snark and enthusiasm. Ching is never stoiv, even in fights, often taking her enthusiastic excitable nature with her to the ring of one on one combat, often making bitey, annoying comments at her opponent to rile them up, before she makes sure she personally lands the final blow on her opposite. She is a collector of fine weapons and artifacts, often keeping the loot from pirate vessels for herself, making Tai-Yung loyalists call her a 'bloody privateer' in a derogatory fashion, even when she saves their ass. Ching's taunting, excitable approach to warfare makes her often develop deep bonds with particular piratical rivals, often dedicating herself to defeating them, studying their tactics and tricks, Focusing on destroying them..right up until they're filling out her stomach or...some other place. Ching, due to the nature of her species eating habits is quite open with her voraphillia, her Rivals and Mutineers often getting the honour/horror of being churned away within the Aliens body, adding much loved padding to her figure.... Despite this openess, she's a bit bashful about sex...and even tends to be a bit subby in bed!. Her hobbies include watching terran kung-fu movies and cooking Terran Asian food, she's a bit of a 'Terraboo'.
District 414- Colloquially known as 'Lawless space' 'pirate space' or 'fucked' by those who hear about it on the news, is a section of known universe, organized in a pyramid around 5 planets- 313, Port 578, and 414 Point Zeta, 414 point beta, and Point Commoragh covering 330 light years of space. It's known as the Lawless Zone, due to the failure of any Collective form of Galactic governance to establish any sort of law there during the first founding of galactic standardized law- law still technically applies there, and there are still governing bodies (if intensely corrupt governing bodies) but no Law keeping infrastructure was put in place, this section slipping through the cracks of the bureaucratic section of the Galactic peacekeeping navy's bureaucratic wing. Now this would not be so much a problem if it was avoidable, but unfortunately, Lawless space charts over 3345 three dimensional trade routes through it, the lions share of these routes belonging to Tai-yung CO.
Tai-yung is primarily a dealer of Plasma based tech- a dangerous, yet absolutely adored technology by ship and weapons manufacturers- Despite the inherent radiation and heat risks of a 'Plasmatic Sun ractor' if properly ventilated and sheilded, they can generate enough energy to last you more than a decade....and nobody does Shielding or ventilation better than Tai Yung. Of course they know they have the market cornered and charge outrageously for them- only the wealthiest can afford ships built with these generators, otherwise they have to resort to the monstrously slow 'Solar Jump System'. Of course, in the lawless Zone, the land of criminals and aspiring criminals, 'going slow' is not a sound anyone likes to hear, and to the pirates running the sector, a hated noise just means raising the prices for earplugs. As such these trade and delivery routs are haunted by the foreboding mess of thousands of pirate vessels..each cutthroat willing to risk their neck to take the latest Plasma tech, and sell it to seedy stores on Commoragh at a 'discount' long as the serial numbers are filed off, nobody can prove it isn't a simple home job...some pirates even setting up phony corporations to help them get away with their ill gotten gains.
Outraged by the lost time, money, and sales these piratical attacks caused, Tai-yung turned to the Galactic Peacekeeping navy for assistance, when they were turned down after the projected loss of billions of Naval ships and lives, Tai-Yung took the only other route available to them- Creating a private naval militia to protect their ships and their stock. Now work in the militia isn't so bad, if you're on route protection duty, backed by hundreds of other ships who always have a sparecannon to intercept with.... but ig you're like Ching Shih, and talk shit to're put on 'patrol'.
Miss Shih is a trained officer from one of the standardized Naval academies across the sector, passing with flying colors, well known for her spunk, loose cannon nature, playful taunting and her lower body. She would've been a shoe in as an admiral for the peacekeepers....unfortunately for her, her academy was located guessed it, Sector 414. Unwillingly snapped up for employment by Tai-Yung Ching Shih flipped off a superior, telling them her talents were being wasted by protecting profits, and that if they went after the piratical kingpins, they wouldn't have anything to fear on their trade routes. Tai-yung aren't ones to abide by a loose cannon when they see one, but firing her meant they could have a potential enemy in the academy, who might start looking further in to what they actually use the brightest from the academy such, Shih was put on 'patrol', Essentially blacklisted from receiuving assistance from any Tai Yung vessel, but otherwise free to pursue her idea of 'justice'