The next big thing in Personal portable intertainment is here thanks to Strawberry(TM). out now are the Chibi Nano(TM). thay play thousand of hours worth of songs. they play thousands of hours of hours of video. you can go on YouTube, facebook or any social web site you belong to, as well as the Chibi Nano social web site wree you can meet other owners of Chibi Nanos. but there much more than a machine they can be your best friends with humanoid modificatiom and truly full self awarness. you can costumize them fully to fit your personality or what you are looking for. we have plenty of modles to choose from. so order now.

The Neko and Inu Doet.(TM) (model 001)
The Neko and Inu Doet. (TM) are sold together each with ther own 10 terabites of media storage.

The Floral And Fawna Bud (model 002)
And for those that are into flower there is there is the floral and fawna bud. filled with Gardening apps that will help you with your gardening.

the Chibi Nano Black Heaven (model 003)
Larvi one owned that she named Beauty.

The Chibi Nano Red Buster (model 004)
Scout_unit_234 special odered model .Need it to be sexually wnating, GG breasts,Highest tech weapons you can get on her, and the ability to form new weapons from nanites... ummmm and a dominant personalityshe can switch back and forth between bodies... and make a body like here's but more twin like with no AI in it. she named Tessa.

The Chibi Nano's Chibi buster (model 005)

Neko Buster( model 006)
comes with claws and drill for pest extermination or anything that they could be used for.

(model 007)

(model 008 and 009)
008 in back
009 in front.

(model 010)

(model 011)

(model 012)
~personalized chibi nano's~
Johnathan_Cascade custom made Nano.Harpy style, blue eyes, green hair and feathers, back-length hair, talkative"