
It all happened so fast. What was supposed to be a night out for Chelsea, eating some cute hunk and probably the rest of his family changed, abruptedly, when Mirae cast her eyes on Chelsea. The chubby tiger found herself, all at once, victim to the allure of the tanuki's noxious fuck-stink that simply radatiated from that mega-cock. She didn't even wait to turn Chelsea into a cocksleeve before the poor massive kitty was fucked, quite literally, mindless, and found herself melded, utterly, to that vile, stinking cock, adding more pudge to that towering prick-spire, before being inducted the only way one can, when they become nothing more than a superior's cock: by splattering Mirae's entire room in a foul, yellowish mixture of ball-gunk, painting those walls with what was left of her old body. Now, she throbs, contently, between Mirae's legs, belching cum any chance she gets.~ (PERMA, 8/2/2021)
Name: Chelsea
Gender: Female
Species: Tiger
Alias: Cherry Stripes
Age: 40
Height: 8' 6"
Occupation: Homemaker, homewrecker
Player's note: [PERMAVORE] This character has a limited life expectancy. Perma is the end game. It might not be all I'm looking for on them, but, and I can't believe I have to say this, but please do not get attached to these characters, and please do not guilt me about it just because they're your favorite. Instead, just ask me to make you one you want for yourself to perma. I'll probably say yes.
Artist Credit: Kakuteki11029