
Image found by Raruha, artist unknown. give credit where credit is due.
A Member of the Chaos_Den
"This is the hell I have brought on Ye! Prepare to face it!"
So says Chaosbreaker, the Data Destroyer.
at least, that's what she insists. it's true that she eats Digimon, Computer Data, as well as anything remotely resembling Data. Truth be told, she's just a big, fat, lazy Guilmon who eats for the kicks. her favorite hobbies are eating, Wrecking computer data, and sleeping! Supposedly, she has a Tamer in a far away land, whom she is taking a break from!
Forms and attacks:
Rock Breaker - "Good for breaking through Firewalls and Nutting over ambitious males."
Fireball/Pyrosphere - "Great for getting an Antivirus program off your ass. also good for insta-BBQ'd data."
Headbutt - "....... don't stare at me like that. It happens to be hard and a good deterrent for those with intent."
Plasmablade/Dragon claw- "An awesome way to charge eletrical devices, slice through hard DataKnots, and, again, break through firewalls~
Exhastflame/Pyroblaster- "No virus program to date has survived this attack, and everything around it becomes nice and crispy golden brown~"
Duel blade: "Well, I'm in flipping Ultimate form. This is when you've really pissed me off, and this attack will slice you clean through."
Atomic Blaster: "..... yea, this hits you, you're as good as gone. too bad all the Data caught up in it gets destroyed as well... it's not as tasty that way."
Gallantmon: "... Strangely, I like relaxing in this form. I'm a giantess Knight. I can take off the Lance, and put down the shield. not to mention.... a chest region, albet armored."
Royal Saber: "I wrap my Lance in thunder, then drive it at you for massive electrical damage."
Knightly Combat: ".... ok, not a real move, but this is pretty much doing basic attacks combining my Lance and Shield."
Family (new!):
personal status: Pregnant and expecting!
Mate: Jellybean - Yes. it's a UniPony. but she loves him, and there's hundreds of perks to a mate you can digest over and over.
Siblings: unknown
Parents: unknown
Children: JellyBreaker- Still in egg, unlaid or hatched.
others: none.