
You will have to give me some time to adjust in this bizarre land, stranger. Your words... they are a whole other language.
For starters, what do you mean with this 'Yo, how you doin'?
One might meet Celesaria and immediately assume she is the 'cliche' of the Elven archetype from a land where there is lots of greenery, where all of them fight with bows and arrows and they clearly hold resentment for all other races due to them 'desecrating' their home in their own respective ways. Well... Celesaria's not entirely that. She does have some skill with magic and lacks the bow and arrow to demonstrate what ability she has, so for the most part, she is an intellectual maiden who's landed herself in a strange land that she lacks any knowledge or understanding of.
Special Note: Player is particularly partial to 'learning experience' roleplays for Celesaria to experience the modern world. This can vary from person to person, so more often than not, I'll be up for this!
I have but one rule, and by 'rule' I mean something that will affect if we ever talk again in future: Talk to me like I'm a person. If you can't do that... Gods help you.
As PredAs Prey
Magic |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Multi-Session |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Private |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |