"Corruption is the most painful."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Part of:

Age: 17 ( Player is of age. )
Birthday: 2/15/95
Gender: Female

Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Food: Any kind of pasta.
Favorite Animal: Fox

Catylin is a very gentle and kind girl, who has a huge care for animals and people of all kinds, when you first meet this girl she is shy and quiet, she will still be a good friend tho, as long as you don't show any fear towards her, if this happens she will feel ashamed and slither away for a while, if you show kindness back to her tho she will get to know you better and you will get to know her better as well once you know her she's just a chick that loves to have fun and cuddle!

Catylin has medium, red hair, that falls to her shoulders her eyes a bright blue color.


Catylin was raised in a small area that was just for naga's, tho at the time they were still being hunted for the same things snakes were, suitcases, boots and many other things they were kept rather safe for the time being that was until they slowly began to run out of food, for some odd reason none of the naga's could reform, none of them but the 5 year old Catylin, who became the main food source for her tribe of naga's, they took turns, pinning her down and swallowing her whole each night, she was abused and scared, there was one night that happened when she was almost at the age of 9 by then, where she finally tried to escape from her current owner for the night, her name was Lauren. Catylin remembered it well, she tried to slither out of the house to freedom, she was so close! It was then tho, that Lauren grabbed a torch and threw it at Catylin, the torch hit the young naga's arm, leaving it horrible burned, and leaving Catylin crying herself to sleep in yet another stomach for the night, she awoke on the floor next to a bunch of people, her bidders, who would get her tonite? She didn't care anymore, she lay there tears streaming down her eyes, it was then she saw the one who had gotten her for the night, it was a male, a male naga, she looked at him, and he picked her up taking her away like the rest had, but this one treated her different she could tell from the moment he picked her up, his touch it was gentle and kind, she felt just a bit safer, her placed her on his bed when they reached his cabin in the area, where he looked her in the eyes and said "I'm freeing you tonite." Catylin, of course, was confused, why would her predator let her go? Why was he being so nice to her? He explained to Catylin that he was going to eat her and transfer her to a place by the name of Nexus Park, where he had been once in a while and deemed safer for her than this place, Catylin agreed with his plan, she had no reason not to trust him, So he did what he said he would, the naga male would then slither out of his own home and out of the village, many saw him and figured he was going to a stroll to work off his meal. When they reached Nexus park, he had put her under a tree, she had been asleep by then, he left a note next to her reading 'good luck, dear' and that was the last she had ever heard of him, and so her story began in the place called Nexus Park. She is no longer a naga, it reminded her to much of her past so she has now decided to take up being a human, she enjoys it a lot more!


She has gained a bracelet from
Shadow_X that will allow her to shrink him or return him to his normal size.
Shadow_X--Husband ♥
RodgerYoung--Good friend

I'm shattered. I'm broken. It hurts."

Name at birth: Catylin Anne Rose
Current Name: Catylin Anne Yuniti
Aliases/Nicknames (if any): Cat
Preferred name: Catylin
Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity: Straight
Skin Tone: Pale
Height: 5'5
Weight: 104
Build: Pretty skinny, gentle and fairly strong..
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Medium, red
Clothes Style: Usually what's in her profile pic.
Tattoos, Piercings, Marks, Scars, etc.: A burn on her right arm.
Languages spoken: French and English
Weapons (if any): She has a bit of magic.
Special Abilities/Skills: She can calm a person with her touch.
Hobbies: Cuddling, reading and writing, singing.
Interests: Same as Hobbies.
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: She is shy and afraid to pred on people she doesn't know..
Place of Birth: She doesn't remember the name of the place
Now lives: Nexus Park
Lives with:
Current Relationship Status:
Shadow_X --Husband.
Relationship History: None
Family: Her sister--

At least one of us can be free..."

I can fix myself...my soul...my heart...I can do it on my own. I'm fine."