Another entry in
Castamira Corrino, Cas, Cassie-
A witch of no small talent who specializes in transformative and energy-transferring magics.
Current Corruption: Minimal, no visible effects
Arcane Addiction: Light, but present. Mal craves magic.
If She Looks Like A Witch...
Honestly, it's not a leap to guess that Castamira's a witch. She's got the wide-brimmed, pointed hat. She's got the gnarled wooden staff. Occasionally, she even rides a broomstick! Honest!
What might throw one off is that she's no crone or twisted monster. No, in fact, Castamira is a sight to behold, with flowing red tresses that cascade freely, unbound, over her shoulders and down to the middle of her back. Transfixing honey brown eyes, able to pull someone in and hold them, like sap turning to amber around an insect. Or, perhaps one might think she couldn't possible be a witch, with her ample, even over-abundant curves, well presented by a black dress, it's low-cut bodice trimmed in white lace, emphasizing her rounded, full bosom.
While her clothes and even some aspects of her basic appearance may change, from time to time, as her whims dictate (she does know magic, after all!), one won't ever see her without a few essential items, which she holds near and dear. The first is, of course, her hat. While there is nothing particularly magical about it, she thinks it makes her look especially witchy, and it was a gift from her old mentor, before she died. It's black, with purple ribbons tied around it, so it tends to stand out.
The second is her gnarled wooden staff. A crook seems to naturally have formed at the top, and she often uses it as a walking stick, as well as a focus for casting her more difficult spells. It is somewhat enchanted, sporting a few abilities of it's own that she can call on.. and so can anyone else!
The third is an amulet around her neck, the chain made from intertwined copper, silver and gold, and the pendant itself seemingly crafted from a single nearly luminous emerald, set in gold. It fairly pulses with powerful arcane energies, but you'll never see Castamira directing any of her spell casting through it. Nor, in fact, will you ever see it off of her.
It is important to note, however, that due to her alchemical experimentation, and her lack of viable test subjects, oftentimes, she can be seen with seemingly strange alterations to her appearance. Swollen breasts, a jutting belly, the ears of a beast, or other oddities are relatively common, as side effects go, and will often remain a while, until she finds an antidote.

..And She Acts Like A Witch..
Castamira's a bit of an enigma. Most stories tell of witches being vengeful, petty, greedy and cruel, even malicious. To be certain, Castamira's mentor was certainly that way. A hard, heartless women interested in nothing but her own power. She took Castamira on because the girl's parents were desperate to settle a debt, and it never hurts to have a young, healthy body around, should something happen! Velica, her mistress and mentor, saw her as life insurance, more than a true apprentice. Nevertheless, teaching her some measure of power made Velica's own life easier, and once Castamira knew a little, she set out to learn more.
Despite her rather dark and sordid past, Castamira is a surprisingly well-adjusted girl. Happy, outgoing, and often rather carefree, she isn't typically vengeful or spiteful in the least. While, perhaps, her upbringing at the hands of a twisted black witch after being abandoned by her parents has given her some oddities in manners and morality, she hasn't become a simple sociopath or power-hungry killer.
She has a few odd proclivities, and yes, the girl is, perhaps, somewhat on the kinky side as well, though she is at least quite open about it! Thanks to the breadth of options her magical arsenal gives her, she's developed quite an odd array of hobbies, ranging from use of her transformation magics on herself and others, to the judicious application of a lovely little spell called 'Feast of Ashes'.
Since she's now free, out from under her once-mistresses' thumb, Castamira intends to enjoy life to the fullest. She's a young, healthy and surprisingly powerful witch, and she's going to make friends and enjoy herself. Not necessarily in that order.
...Then She's Probably A Witch.
Castamira, seen to the right, under a few of her more potent spells, a person helplessly trapped inside her!
Thanks to her training, native talent, and the bevy of magical items she possesses, Castamira's skill set is rather broad and runs impressively deep.
While the spells below offer a sampling of her talents, they are not the definitive end of them. Have an idea of something she should be able to do? Feel free to suggest it.
Take note: Many of her spells require alchemical aid, and are not simply usable by her at any point. These will be marked as such.
Most notable among these are:
A basic talent that any trainee witch learns to cultivate is the ability to channel native magical talent into specific uses. This is complimentary to her other casting abilities, but, as it's power is innate, she need not study them.
Charm: The gift of the silver tongue. Castamira can be supernaturally charming and alluring, with a simple effort of will. It's a mild effect, and can be shaken off by those with strong minds or resistance to magical effects.
Child-Scent: Technically more an oddity of her powers than a true hex, Castamira is capable of scenting and tracking children and immature creatures with unerring accuracy. They happen to smell very, very good.
Requires Potion Flight: This is fairly self-explanatory. She's capable of flying for short times!
Prehensile Hair: By channeling her magic into her voluminous locks, she can animate her hair, using it as a new limb! It's unnaturally quick, and strong, and grows as she wishes.
Cook People: Again, it's more of a skill than a magical talent, but she's able, from practice and knowledge, to cook intelligent creatures, and turn them into powerful potions for later use, or, simply into delicious meals to share.
Arcana Erotica: This is something more specific to Castamira than to witches in general. She's spent a goodly amount of time exploring the pleasurable side of her powers, and the rather... kinky applications for them. Because of this, she's well-practiced using most of her powers in specific ways, and finds them less difficult if used toward erotic ends, whether by her definition or those of her victims.
Constantly Active
Secret Chest: An adaptation on an old classic. Usually, this spell is used to hide a literal chest somewhere, to allow retrieval of it and security for one's magical items. Instead, Castamira has enchanted her cleavage to act as a chest, able to store things far larger than would appear to fit within. Even when not clothed, she can produce things from between her breasts as though from thin air.
Threefold Aspect: One of her few abilities that is constantly active, and, in fact, is designed to be so without putting a strain on her stamina. This allows her to switch, at will, between three different ages. She can slide from 'young', which puts her at the cusp of womanhood, barely starting puberty, to 'adult', which is her typical appearance, fully developed but still fresh, and up to 'mature', which is rather representative of where she'll be when she embraces motherhood and the attendant changes on her body that will come with it.
Often Used
Alter Self: By long practice and the imbibing of quite a few potions, sprinkled with liberal castings of spells, Castamira has gained the ability to literally become someone else for short periods of time. It can be as simple as changing appearance, or as complex as changing genders, species, or even copying the appearance of someone else! This spell is draining, and she can't keep it up long.
Beguiling Gift: Much as it sounds, Castamira is capable of making something she offers to someone seemingly irresistible. By accepting her gift, the target will be drawn to use whatever it was she gave. A necklace or piece of clothing would be immediately worn, a potion drunk, or food eaten. Often, such things carry odd pranks, and usually, she uses it to feed someone a potion she thinks will be amusing. Beware witches with gifts...
Binding Locks: A spell that enhances her already magically-altered hair, it allows her to magically paralyze those that she touches with her hair. Typically, in order for the spell to take full effect, she has to get a firm hold on her target with her hair, snaring limbs or around the waist, before the paralysis takes hold. As a secondary effect of this spell, her hair becomes as resilient as steel, allowing it to be used in place of more conventional bonds.
Command: In the same way she can make an object irresistible, she can do the same to her own voice. This gives her control over the weak-minded, or those who might be friendly to her, and predisposed to believing her anyway! With this, she can give an order that wouldn't directly harm the target, and have it obeyed without question. The effect isn't long lasting, though, only carrying on until whatever immediate task she set them is completed.
Requires Potion Enlarge/Reduce Person: This is one of her favorite spells. She tends to use the first almost exclusively on herself, and the second on friends and other 'victims'. It does much what you'd expect, allowing her to control the size of either herself or another person. The larger or smaller they get, the more effort it takes!
Requires Potion Feast of Ashes: A favorite of hers, and a truly terrifying spell for anyone to hold. When cast, either upon herself or another, it inflicts a ravenous, driving hunger that cannot be sated by simple food or drink. Only the consumption of a living, breathing intelligent creature can ease the all-consuming need. Luckily, this spell also grants that ability. One so enchanted will find themselves, temporarily at least, capable of eating another person whole!
Requires Potion Fleshflow: Thanks to her mastery over transformative magics, and the heavy layers of enchantment and bespelling she's done to her own body, Castamira is capable, with some significant effort, of allowing her body to become semi-liquid. As such, her skin becomes a permeable membrane, meaning that she can literally absorb people by touch, drawing them within her. Conversely, it means that, should she wish, she could display parts of her victims, allowing them to protrude through herself for all to see.
Forced Quiet: Castamira is capable of enforcing near-silence on a person of her choosing. Typically this is to ensure they can't call for help when she picks them for her 'fun', but on occasion she may use it to help someone move more stealthily, or do the same for herself.
Vampiric Touch: Skin-to-skin contact allows Castamira to draw energy off of her target. The amount and speed of the transfer is directly proportional to how much bare skin is touching. A hand on an arm might be a minor effect at best, but a twined embrace amidst lovemaking is a far more dangerous thing. This is equally useful for those she's eaten, but doesn't necessarily wish to digest outright.
Rarely Used
Blood Transcription: By consuming the blood of someone she's slain in the last 24 hours, be it by itself, or along with rather more of the person, Castamira is capable of learning new magical talents from the spiritual residue that their blood carries. The rite to set up this process is laborious and time consuming, though, so she rarely seeks to use it.
Clothesend: Seemingly a mere parlor trick, but actually a useful spell, Castamira is able to animate her clothes, possessing them with her own will, and sending them out to do her bidding in her place. She's able to cast spells, and interact as normal while possessing the clothes, protecting her body from harm in dangerous situations.
Requires Potion Severed Fate: A rarely-used, but incredibly powerful spell. Castamira is capable of severing the strands of fate that bind a victim of hers to life, once they've fallen into her power, whether by being eaten, drinking a potion, or simply signing a contract. Once done, it binds their life and soul to her, allowing her control over their very existence, beyond death. She can choose what happens to their soul, from that point onward. The responsibility is typically more than she's interested in, though, so she does this exceedingly rarely.
Sleep: One of the simplest and yet, most effective spells in her arsenal, it simply sends a target, or small group of targets into an easy, dreamless sleep that is hard to be awakened from. Quite useful in many respects!
Requires Potion Unnatural Lust: A rather straightforward spell, but a potent one nevertheless. When invoked, mere proximity to Castamira is enough to send creatures into a lustful frenzy. Often, Castamira is the target of their amorous attentions, and the spell is coupled with other mental compulsions, but there are times when Castamira can simply set one victim on another, simply by sitting nearby.
Requires Potion Reckless Infatuation: An enhanced, somewhat altered version of the Unnatural Lust spell, this causes someone to develop a physiological need for the presence of someone. Usually, Castamira will use this to make her targets more pliant, willing to follow her around. But, she's been known to do some work for 'love spells' to paying customers, or even simply as a prank, now and again.
Vomit Swarm: A terrifying and intimidating skill, one of the few summoning talents that Castamira possesses. A deep breath and a few motions are all that's needed to allow her to vomit forth a torrent of spiders. They then obey her orders with utter precision, biting or crawling over whoever she chooses. As they're magical creatures, the summoned swarm is capable of binding targets in spider silk in mere moments, a ready companion for kidnapping particularly delectable victims for later enjoyment.
Requires Potion Youthful Appearance: This spell is a powerful, and exhausting one. With prolonged contact, and enough time, Castamira can actually steal the age from someone else! Years of their life peeled away until they're as young as she wishes! The effect is temporary, usually, unless cemented by something like a potion or contract, the lost age returning over the course of a day or two.
Other Items of Interest
Large Ruby Amulet: The amulet that Castamira wears constantly does more than just look pretty or store strong magical energies. It's a cursed item, originally made as a sort of soul-buffer to ensure that Castamira's mistress would be able to possess Castamira when she died. That didn't quite work out, and, besides that, the amulet seems to have some odd side effects. Castamira herself isn't likely to ever stay dead. Thanks to the regenerative properties of the nearly-indestructible amulet, she'll survive most anything, or at least return to life afterward. But it has a second, somewhat more useful effect.
Anyone she kills, or directly causes to die, will find themselves similarly resurrected by the stone's power.
Castamira's Alchemy Ingredient & Potion Emporium!
That's right, Castamira's opened up a shop for some of her more salable talents. She's quite the visionary, when it comes to potions and tinctures to sell, for helping other people. Always looking for new ingredients and spell combinations, she not only has a wide array of potions and tonics that she knows how to make, she'll also take commissions to create new ones!
And, as the other side of her business, she'll accept alchemical ingredients in trade. Unfortunately, few people have really good ones, so she's often seen hunting around for rare items and powerful arcane focii.
Potions for Sale!
Milk of the Succubus: A potion as dark as night, and as potent as can be. Literally crafted from a drop of succubus' milk and a few other key ingredients, this potion can induce lactation immediately, increase it twofold if the imbiber already is lactating, and cause breast growth. If used too often, it does have the unfortunate side effect of slowly turning the user into a succubus..
Succubus Delight: A potion recipe she actually borrowed from a succubus, it's rather expensive to reproduce on her own, as she has to barter for the main ingredient, maiden's saliva. It causes increased libido, cum production, and swelling of the testes. There's rumors that the imbiber can grow balls too large to walk easily, and, much like the prior potion, enough consumption can cause corruption of a demonic nature!
Incubus Draught: In a similar vein to the other infernally inspired potions, this one is crafted from a drop of incubus cum. Luckily, Castamira has a contract with one, so this potion is relatively simple to make for her. As one might expect, it grants extra length and girth upon imbibing, as well as increasing one's libido substantially. As with the others, enough exposure to it's power can induce demonic corruption in the imbiber.
Purification Honey:Crafted from the honey of giant (and quite attractive and personable) bee-girls, this honey has had it's natural cleansing properties enhanced with ancient rites and unchanging bedrock to help remove any alterations, corruption or changes that have been inflicted magically on someone. While some magics are more resistant to it's power than others, it helps a little, in most cases. There are some things that it lacks the power to fix, though.
Elixir of Shapechange: A potion that is one of her more diverse items. The basic elixir is relatively simple to make, and she can whip it up at short notice, the hard part is knowing what you want to change into, and acquiring a proper sample of the species, or even particular person you want to imitate. For a nominal fee, Castamira will attempt to acquire the focus for the elixir for her customer!
Draught of Dominion: Easily one of her most expensive potions, this draught is filled with potent ingredients, and is fortified over a month to be utterly unbreakable. Castamira guarantees it's effects will last until the next moon! Slip it into someone's drink, and, bam, they'll obey every word you say without question for the duration. Just be careful, as they'll remember everything that happens, and once it's run it's course, there's nothing stopping them from seeking revenge!
Arcane Potency Admixture: The most difficult potion that she's learned to date, and the one she's most proud of. Hard to make, and dangerous as it requires her own blood to fuel, the admixture can at least double, and possibly triple one's existing arcane powers. Note that this has no effect on divine powers (out of her jurisdiction), and may or may not grant those who currently lack magical abilities any. This one is expensive.. and if taken more than once, highly addictive.
Gendershift Tonic: The name of this tonic says it all. Change your gender with a simple drink out of the vial! It comes in a few styles and potencies, with varying prices. Male, female, and hermaphrodite are all available, as are strengths ranging from an hour all the way up to permanent change. Warning: Castamira is not responsible for permanent changes, and reversal of said effects is not free.
Shrinking Potion: Another simple-to-understand potion. Drink it, and you'll shrink away! Again, this one ranges in power and duration. Want to shave a few inches off? Easy! Want to -be- a few inches tall? Also simple! From an hour, to a permanent change, all is possible!
Any other potions you want, Castamira can make! She's got the skill, but sometimes potions may require difficult-to-acquire, rare, dangerous, or expensive ingredients. Which can make things expensive.. Still, ask away, she's happy to help!
Ingredient Hunting List:
Skunkubus Fur- Perfect for mixing potions relating to scent and attraction! (Unacquired)
Naga Scale/Fang/Venom- (Unacquired)
Micro Bones- What better way to make a shrinking potion? (Unacquired)
Dragon Scale/Horn/Fang- (Unacquired)
Dragon's Breath- It's a flower, dummy! (Unacquired)
Elf's Tears- Typically used in either nature or arcane-type potions, though can be used for longevity, too. (Unacquired)
Maiden's Saliva- Harder to get than you might think. (Acquired, limited supply)
Catboy's Laughter- (Unacquired)
Kitsune's Tail- Potent, and hard-to-get. (Unacquired)
Mageblood- (Unacquired)
Succubi Milk- Fun to get. But dangerous! (Acquired, limited supply)
Incubi Cum- Same. (Acquired)
Giant Beegirl Honey- Luckily, Castamira knows someone. (Acquired, limited supply)
Witch's Milk- Technically something that Castamira could make herself, if she was in the right condition. To be truly potent, she'd have to actually be with child, though..
And more! Suggestions? The list can be expanded!
Note: The above item-shop listing is meant to spur reasons for RP and interaction. Please, feel free to draw from it for a scene!