Alt of the Dimension_Gate
Name- Cassandra
Age- 14
Species- WereWolf-girl
Human- 4ft 8
Werewolf- 5ft9
Human- 112 lbs
Werewolf- 189 lbs
Title- Princess of Werewolf's and Humans
Older Sis-Victoria_Bane -Servant aswell.
Younger Sis-Oliva_ -Servant aswell.
Younger Bro-Logan_Alpha -Servant aswell
WereWolf Form Text Colour Orange

No one
Cassandra is a cold hearted Young girl, she enjoys nothing more then watching others suffer, either by what she has done or what others had done. Cassandra's loves to have Servants following her wish's, well she is a Princess after all. Cassandra is very evil aswell. But even though the tough and drak exterior of Cassandra's shell she is kind and caring, she loves her family and want nothing more then to protect them and keep her safe, she loves her mother alot as want to be the queen someday herself, even if it means trying to make her sister's believe they want her to be Queen aswell.
Cassandra is the Middle daughter to Celeste and Tiberius and a hier to the throne. Cassandra also has two sister's The older sister being Victoria who she looks up to and loves to spend time with, even if it means making her older sister her Servant and slave, Cassandra's younger sister Oliva is a darling cute and charming little sis who she also enjoed making a Servant of her's and enjoys the female company and doesn't mind to get mean if they didn't listen to her. Cassandra has a annoying little brother aswell his name was Logan, she loes forcing him into funny situations and loves to tease him with her looks and orders him around. Cassandra loves to punish her brother alot seeing he never listen's much to her and he then gets punished.
Her family knew Cassandra was born rather evil as her first kill was when she was only 3 years old, she accidently killed her pet her parents had gotten for her the pet was a young child, Cassandra didn't mean to kill her cute pet she had gone out with her pet giving the young girl her morning walk, when it happened, Cassandra fell into a deep hole and her pet recused her by in the process fell into the hole, and then it collapsed buring her pet alive, this was what made Cassandra become evil, she had lost the thing she loved alot and it hurt her deep down, her parents tried to get her another pet, but she just let them starve as they couldn't replace her first one.
When Cassandra was 7 years old she started to learn how to become her fully werewolf self, when Cassandra is in her werewolf form she loses alot of control and doesn't know what she is doing as she is still young and unable to fully control her powers, her werewolf self is quicker and stronger and she is able to take alot more damage, she loved blood and pain makes her happy so if you find yourself facing Cassandra beg for forgiveness or try to run.
Cassandra ha very little powers though unlike her brother and sister's she is able to control the earth but only alittle, she is able to create small temors and lift rocks to throw at others at a high speed, which if his someones skin would go straight though them, she is also able to create a smokescreen for defence and a retreat move if she is in danger as she is only young after all and still learning all that needs to be know.
More to come later.................