Carsten... he is very different from any human ever existed. No one knows his surname, or who his family is. All they know is, he comes from a place called 'behind-the-screen'! No one knows where that is, or even bothers knowing. All they do know is, he is powerful! Not God-like powerful, but just... powerful! He comes in different species and forms, but one thing's for sure, he arrived to the Nexus as a human.
Since they know him as a shape-shifter, his most notable form is human,as default, dragon and wolf. On occasions he was other forms like slimes and such. The one disadvantage for himself is that he is male, and can't change gender.
Overall, he is friendly, kind and always helpful. He rarely gets angry, but when he does, he speaks his mind. He can be diplomatic at times,depending the situation.
Relations and friends:
Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Mate: none... sad face
Lover: none so far
Pets/slaves: None yet
Mistresses: Try and tame this bad boy ;-)
19th December 2021 - Aaah, few years on this sight, and outside of gaining and losing a pet to one of my own alts, Carsten has gotten himself a nice, early Christmas present, in form of tempvoring
Rachel_Mooshiji and
Saori_Mooshiji! But, a fun and delicious twist! They got until the 1st January 2022 to survive in upcoming digestive dice rolls! Should one or more reach that 100... that's them permavored, individually of course! So an average of 8 or more on teh dice before then should suffice to make them last! Either pregnant cows are getting out, or the first meal of 2022 is a massive beefstew in my guts!~

Day 8 (26/12/2021):Seems over Christmas I forgot to update what had happened. But, Christmas is over, and today I found myself finally completely sloshy in my midsection. Not even one ounce of solid mass or movement. Guess they were fated to be the after party dinner on Boxing Day! Both gone at the same time. And a neat triple kill. Might keep their souls, merge them to me... See what I can do with them. Got any suggestions (that's not giving their complete freedom back), let me know~ ((All three Preds completely, permanently, digested! Maybe should do the same to the rest of the family, no? ~))
3rd April 2022 - Oooh my, game's afoot again! For the next 2 weeks (genuine 14 days <3 ) A Hefty gal=goddess called
Lucky_Palutena is stewing in this fat gut! As with the Mooshiji 'apex's, expect daily upddates! Got me 200HP of godfat to melt down~
Day 1: Geez, I must've been hungry. After teh seduction and giving her good breeding, seems I worked up an appetite and cause maximum daily gurgle! A good start, if I do say so myself!~ (180/200HP)
Day 2: Decided to give the realm a small exploring. Saw them lovely offerings and decided from picking a charm and potion to put on a charm. Gut felt very off suddenly, but guessing the charm help soothed it!~ ((Rolled a 1, and used charm as a reroll to a 10~)) (170/200HP)
Day 3: WEll, guess the inevitable happened. Like with the previous gut-dweller, ended up too horny and fucked my own stomach! But the Goddess of Luck sure had it with her, since unlike April, she didn't get too injured by it! Huff~ (155/200HP)
Day 4: Ooof, now my luck DEFINITELY was all taken, as Palutena squirmed like an internal vibrator. So much so, I don't think I managed to digest an ounce off of her figure. Luckily she tired out fast! (155/200HP)
16th June 2024 - Oh, it has finally begun! I may have done the impossible and gone and drugged an entire specific family, the
The_Mooshijis! If you are reading this, the fun is underway. Won't be hearing from them for the next couple of weeks or longer~
Day 1: Hmph, it's been a while since I had anythign substantual stuffed into my belly. At the end of the day, my gut struggled a bit and only got about $% done in overall digestion. This belly better wake up else I'll feel this fat family squirming out of me with minimum casualties! Wouldn't want that, do we?
Day 2 (17th June 2024) - Had a good lovely and long shower! Feels like however someone has been snuffed out in the process. Feels like
Misty_Mooshiji is all gone for good. past in, first gone. what a turn~
Update: Hm... Seems i got carried away in soke fun. Can't seem to find
Dannie_Mooshiji or
Kat_Mooshiji in all my smoothing heft.... maybe even more...~
In another delightfully digestive event, an individual that is
Ome_Player finally snapped and broke on 19th June, all that teasing, squishing and the former handiworks of mine adding to the player utterly begging liek a good gutslut to be ended. NOt one once of reesistence as he went down. Digested as quickly as his will to live, soul included! Hope his creations fare a better, or an equally lewd fate as this tasty player~
From 24th February to teh 1st March, my stomach housed a cute pair of plush cuties called
Mocha_Cream and
Lucky_Palutena within me, for a little... dangerous game of who'll last the longest! The reward? Getting to live another day and get out. Loser? PArt of this player behemoth for good! Now, Palutena did have an early headstart, being a day within me longer, which may or may not have been her undoing as she was the one who ended up perishing at the final day. Mocha... she was inches from perishing Good thing her goddess tarted early, no? I look so much better with the goddess
Lucky_Palutena stretching me out, no?~ ((Please do check their profiles for the events that transpired each day~))
Hm, seems 8 months after bubbling up her Goddess and impregnating her in teh atermath, I went back
Mocha_Cream again, having missed her! But goodness, she was massive! Bigger than when we played our game, even bigger than herself and Palutena combined! I just... I had to add her to me! I pounced, gulped and fucked her through my gut until I ended her. Guess she got to rejoin her goddess in my fat. Rest in Pudge, dear cutie Mocha!~
-I have a weird life out here! I might get busy, or (as on phone) might get logged out if off tab for more than 5 minutes...
-I live in German... so got a different time zone!
-If I approach and I am not your type of partner... DON'T IGNORE ME!! I had issues like that on my main alt :/
Extra Notes:
- Since I am a shape shifter, and you see me, I can be any form or species you like! :-) Just note, I am and always be male, unless this is a Canon RP and give me either female or herm form ^^;
- I tend to be a huge lover and softy for pregnancies... and mainly female/herm pregnancies. So... include it, you got my full attention!

And because of this nice info up there, searching for nice Paladin pics to commemorate that x3 human version, dragon and wolf! If you got suggestions, don't be shy to show :-)