Hey, guys. Mind if I take on the winner?
Kiss all those silly 'Girls can't game!' notions goodbye. If you don't WANT to let go of them, prepare to LOSE them. Carmen's proof that girls can and DO kick ass as well as the boys, if they want to, and she's proven it in deathmatch after deathmatch. Those who can't accept it claim she cheated. Sore losers, all of them! Not that she minds. She knows she won fair and square, and that's enough for her.
Y'know. For gaming. She has a life, though! A REAL life! With drama! ... mostly the drama of others. She stays out of that nonsense for a reason! Mostly, what she does is go to school, and learn. And why not? Her parents were brilliant, and they'd have wanted her to do well for herself. So, she goes to college, she hikes, she climbs, and she practices martial arts! This, as you may imagine, has led to quite the interesting figure.
Five feet four inches tall, Carmen is clearly healthy. She's slender and strong, sporting clearly defined muscle on her belly and arms, and a killer ass. Her hair is one of the darker shades of natural red, her eyes are green, and her grin is feared by ALL the guys she games against. Means they're 'bout to get pwned. Good, healthy white teeth, too, in that grin.
Typically, Carmen wears clothes she feels comfortable in. These entail sneakers, shorts, and a t-shirt, most often, at least in the day to day. Sometimes she may substitute hiking boots, or sports wear, depending on the activities of the day. Depending on what she's wearing, you might notice a clearly defined six-pack, too. Still, she does so much that many wonder how she has the energy to keep going!
Of course, they don't know her secret. But, then, not many do.
You see... it happened before she was born. Her parents were both scientists, and on the cutting edge of new technology. They were researching nanotechnology, when her mother became pregnant. And, well, almost nine months later, there was an accident.
It was a massive containment breach. Containable, but at first people simply couldn't. The nanites they were experimenting on went... glitchy. And, well, it was damned near a Gray Goo scenario. Both of Carmen's parents were caught up in it(her mother was visiting her father at work), and both of them perished. However, she was far enough along to still be saved.
It was experimental technology, of course. No one knew if it would work, or if she'd be killed by the effort. However, a friend of her mother acted within minutes, injecting Carmen with prototype medical nanites. It saved her life, obviously... and it gave her some killer perks!
Now, she's stronger, faster, and healthier than pretty much any human. She's never been sick a day in her life, and odds are good that she'll live longer than pretty much anyone else currently alive. And, well, there are other benefits. Faster healing, superior flexibility.... a certain stretchiness, and control over her interior...(oh come on, you knew this was coming)
Still! Aside from that, just a girl. A sporty, tomboyish gamer girl.
Prepare to be pwned.
((PLEASE, for the love of god, do not PM me ICly unless you're a friend, and PLEASE use proper english))