He is Bee, Bee is he.
Thus the story continues!
((Quick note, been trying to reconstruct the profile from scratch. Background left out for now since it'll probably take the longest.))
Watch Him Go
The average everyday life of Bee consists upon lazing about, booze, dreadful antics, poor attempts at not getting eaten, instigating anarchy and chaos, an occasional cigar, resting on his favorite rock, and sticking his rod in places it doesn't belong.
On The Outside
Back in his early days he used to run around in nothing but some tribal accessories and a loin cloth. Now after being (somewhat) civilized and refined, the lupine can normally be found in his black denim pants and leather attire made up of a vest, bracers, gloves, belt and boots. His physique is on the lean spectrum, baring the finest layer of stored energy over a somewhat toned body. His stature standing only a few inches under six feet in height. Most any indication to muscle or fat is covered up by his rough, darkened fur.
Honorable Mention
There are a couple traits not so common with the lupine, for example his canid fangs are slightly hollow, if someone were to snag one of these teeth and examine it closely they could guess what they were for. Atop this he's allergic to anything mint.
Other than that he's pretty much as natural as anthropomorphic wolves go. His strengh/sight/smell aren't incredible or anything, just enough to usually get him out of a mild situation.
Name - BrowBee Von Hauser
Species - Canis Lupus
Height - 5'9
Weight - One-hundred and seventy-eight pounds
Age - Twenty-six
Eyes - Hazel
Fur - Charcoal black
Soft Vore: Always good!
Hard Vore: This can be fun!
Predator/Prey: Player almost nnneeevvveeerrr preds (sorry 'bout that).
Willingness: Depends on the situation.
Post Length: Give what you get!
Digestion: Ya keep him or ya don't. Simple as that.
Sex: He's a wolf. Dur hur hur.
Micro/Macro: Big or small, Bee likes 'em all!
Treatment: Rough, gentle, or both!
Public/Private: Unless it's something that should belong behind locked doors, he doesn't give a flying fawk.
RP Length: A misadventure that takes several days or a random encounter with fate that only lasts a few minutes? Either one is fine!
Oral Vore: Yes!
Unbirthing: Yyeess!
Cock Vore: No please.
Anal Vore: Yeppers!
Breast Vore: Can do with or without.
Tail Vore: Not bad.