An entry in

"Surely, your Restoration Circles ensure that those of your citizens who deserve to continue life may return. I.. what? You have no Restoration Circles? How.. barbaric."
The Barony of Namitova, a remote and oft-undisturbed fief in titular service to the crown of Dharist Chelt, the Silver Throne, is notable for it's peaceful and long-lived people, as well as it's ruler, the Baronet Bridgette Chriannard. It is one of the wealthiest of the fiefs under Dharist Chelt, namely owed to the talented mages that make their home here, and the centuries-long peace that has allowed the nation, under skilled rulership, to create infrastructure, carefully gather and invest wealth, and grow it's population.
In addition to the peace and prosperity that Namitova has enjoyed for years, and it's place out of easy reach of the soldiers and inspectors of the Silver Throne, the Barony holds secrets, which, in truth, are all related to Bridgette's family, the Chriannards. They have ruled Namitova for the greater part of it's recent history, with few gaps in their long-lived rules.
Bridgette, the youngest in the prestigious line of Chriannard rulers, is also the youngest to ever succeed to the throne Namitova. Her mother, the last Baronet, disappeared at the age of 58, though she looked a mere thirty years of age, the women of the Chriannard line aging gracefully.
Bridgette, after calling for a week of mourning after a month went by with no sign of her mother, proceeded to ascend to the rank of Baronet herself, at the unheard of age of 20.
Name: Baronet Bridgette Chriannard
Also Answers To: Baronet, Lady Bridgette, Your Grace
Other Nicknames: M'lady, Lady of Namitova, Baronet Chriannard
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Platinum Blonde, faintly highlighted in pink.
Height: 5'10
Weight: 147 lbs.
Smells Like: Castcheau's Grace, a prohibitvely expensive perfume she favors. Scents of the rare Tiansi flower and other floral scents.
Distinguishing Features: Graceful bearing, enchanting beauty, long, faintly pink hair that hangs unbound.
Likes: Her home, parties, magic, being Baronet
Dislikes: War, impropriety & rudeness, useless and lazy subjects.
Plane of Origin: *Unknown*
Hometown: Vertala Garden, the summer palace of Namitova.
Species: ________?
Allegiances: Barony of Namitova, Dharist Chelt, Chriannard family.
The Secret of the Chriannards
While the ruling family of Namitova is beloved and widely-known for both their longevity and foresight, they are, among the other members of royalty that make up the fiefs under Dharist Chelt, unique.
The kingdom, as a whole, is vastly dominated by humans. While some other species co-mingle, they are a minority, and, among the nobility, it is taboo for a child to be born into privilege who isn't human. Namitova, being far removed from the central provinces and fiefs of the kingdom, is less vigilantly strict in these taboos than others. And, sometime in the far past, the Chriannards came into being. The first, Lord Chriannard, was granted his title for the defense of Namitova from the darklings that crawled up from the depths of the earth. The family, from that day on, enjoyed a meteoric rise to prominence, and by the time the current Baronet had passed on, Lord Chriannard's daughter stood posed to assume the title, with nary a noble against her, by the time she was granted the title. Each dissenter disappeared, a vanishing so complete and inexplicable that magic or some equally outlandish explanation was the only one that seemed to fit. The truth, begun from the day that the first Chriannard managed to defeat the darklings, passed down all the way to the latest heir, Bridgette, is a terrible one, known only to trusted advisors and loyal vassals.
They aren't human.
Tainted Nobility
Bridgette, to the outside observer, appears to be a perfectly normal, if pretty and well-mannered, young woman. During the day-to-day affairs of state, she's usually seen in a flowing white gown, although depending on the day or occasion, she has any number of equally elegant dresses to choose from. Her typical outfit includes white stockings, a silver-chased pair of heels, long, delicately crafted opera gloves, and the various other adornments she cherishes, such as the Baronet's tiara, a bangle of gold and pearl, and sapphire-laden earrings and necklace.
Though outwardly she's your typical young royalty, in truth, Bridgette Chriannard is far more. Capable of consuming hapless victims whole, and in need of doing so at least once every other day, if not more often, she's what most would call a monster. Her tainted heritage grants her more than just a ravening hunger. In exchange for the consumption of living victims, Bridgette will remain young, healthy and keenly intelligent long past the lifespans of simple humans. In addition, the constant influx of so much fuel in the form of a full-grown person allows her metabolism to run at a greatly increased pace. This means that she's significantly quicker, stronger and tougher than your typical girl. Which, of course, only serves to make her a more dangerous predator still.
Her ancestors, being clever and hesitant to waste valuable citizenry merely to feed their dark hungers, sought powerful mages, enticing them to Namitova with wealth and promises of freedom to pursue what research they wished, as long as they helped to construct three artifacts. They, collectively, are known as the Restoration Circles, and are kept under constant and careful guard, deep inside the Summer Palace.
Capable, with sufficient investiture of power, of returning those slain by the hungers of those tainted by the Chriannard line to life, each of the three is a priceless relic that is kept utterly secret from anyone outside of Namitova. Even those who have them used to return them to life know nothing about it, escorted from the chamber before they regain full consciousness. These have only become more important, as the taint of the Chriannard blood has only spread with time, due to the vagaries of noble marriage and interbreeding. Nearly a full three-quarters of the nobility of Namitova are afflicted by the curse, though it runs strongest in those directly descended, the pureblooded Chriannards.
As a result, vore, and the consumption of prey, willing or resistant, is a fact of life for Bridgette, something she's become accustomed to since she was a young child. It doesn't pain her to consume others, as, for the most part, they are returned to life shortly thereafter, and her hunger is sated, allowing her to continue to protect her subjects. When she ranges abroad, the Baronet tends to assume others have the same abilities, and often fails to understand why some fight so hard for life, when they'll simply return!
The Hunger
As Baronet of an entire small nation, Bridgette considers herself vital to it's prosperity. Her survival is far more important than one simple person, in the grand scheme of things. Add to this her life-long inuring to the act of consuming living, thinking beings, and the hunger that urges her on, and in all, Bridgette is a truly implacable killer. She is not without feelings, however, and often feels sorrow for the loss of those who she consumes, if she's unable to save them by returning to the realm of influence of her home's Restoration Circles.
But such guilt doesn't outweigh her burning desire to survive. While she sees nearly everyone she meets as a potential meal, this doesn't make it harder for her to become close friends with those she meets, or form lasting relationships. She's a politician as well as a predator, and is forced by her position to be personable and outgoing. She'll as readily talk happily about her garden or a play she saw, as pin and consume a victim. Or friend.
Most who are around her for any length of time, those who are not of her blood, are subject to her hunger at one point or another. As long as they're within the range of the Circles, they suffer no ill effects, and indeed, some come to enjoy parts of the process. Some of her best friends are her meals on a regular basis.
As Pred
Being PredBeing Prey |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |