Name: Breyda Milfeyn (Known alias)
Age: Estimation goes to ancient norse cultures, about two and a half millennia.
Body Type: Motherly curved.
Height: 5'8.
Purviews: Earth, Fertility
Skin color: Fair skinned.
Eyes: Brown.
Hair Color: Shades of brown
Likes: Merrymaking, Baby-making, Freyja, Honey.
Dislikes: Jutons, Muspels, Snakes.
Current Spouse: James_Vorona
Basing her powers on fertility and womanhood - her powers are greatest when her belly is filled to the brim with life - the more babies she has the more powerful she becomes. A follower of Freya, the fertility goddess, she has transformed her woman's nectar into honey and she can enchant most males with a whiff of her perfume. She's lusty, somewhat bubbly and lighthearted - knowing that even if she doesn't manage to sway a potential father, she can just ingest him into her quim and reduce him into pussy-food for her babies. She's quite fond of finding super-fathers - males with massive virility and potency and making them her husbands for years, cranking out one baby after the other, sometimes in twins and triplets (she tried an octoplate once, it was a memorable but ultimately unpleasant experience).
Despite her bubbly nature she has a keen insight for the human nature and sometimes and not thinking only about herself, she would share husbands with other fertility witches and sometimes, when finding someone she really considers a catch, she would enchant whole villages and make sure that the specific genetic dynasty is preserved in the wombs of as many females as she can cast her spells on. Such binges are rare, but very satisfactory as she takes her time to impregnate herself over and over, while making her super-stud fertilize an entire community after she slowly seduce and use the males as her power-sources. Usually after a few years, a village has such a baby boom it turns into a small, thriving city.
In terms of power, she is not so powerful as a spellcaster and more of a witch - her keen insight into the human condition accompanied with advanced understanding of biology and the vorish and reproductive sciences allowed her to savor the powers of every creature she ever birthed. Sometimes called "Sorgi" or "Mother of monsters" She has learned to incorporate the powers of every dynasty that ever passed through her womb into her own. Leading her to the capability of preforming a range of powers unmatched by beings of mortal capacity and sometimes rivaling in diversity the powers of other demigods. Freya, being truly pleased with her horny, sexy, lusty disciple had gifted her with jar of honey from which she reforms every time she needs too, making her quite the immortal if need be. That honey, derived from Ferya's own womanhood, can be used to make any woman fertile with just one drop, or ensure the safety of a baby coming to term along with his mother - no matter how problematic the baby or mother's health are.
[Breyda during one of her many pregnancies, carrying to term the baby of her latest lover - James]