With Lycus having left Eka, the player of this alt has out these girls up for perma vore! For now, book 'em while the player preps up for whatever reason.
Anyone with an (R) are reserved for perma! Sorry!
^Notice in this, all but the siphon gang have been reserved on day one o.o cripes!
It seems Jasmine, the sitters, interns and breeders have vanished, looking for a new home... now where would they be? They are in
The_Gurgling_Gut of various sexy, gluttonous bunch of preds!
Now even Annabelle has gone. Last that was seen, she was escorted by
Davion back to his place. There, he'd exit daily with a rounded belly and a satisfied face. When anyone asks where she went, he'd say... she's doing double duties.
((If you want to possibly RP with Annabelle, ask Davion to give a visit! He owns her now!))
Before you, in a large home by the looks of things, lies a group of fertile, and possibly heavily pregnant girls, who run a business. The business can be easily guessed by its name: Breed Care.
Their jobs are to typically breed and nurture the young they make, but no one outside knows what happens to them, except those affiliated with their boss
Lycus. They even provide a babysitting service as well, for those in need.
And just because Lycus is the owner, doesn't mean they are restricted for him. Everyone is a customer when arriving to Breed Care, and the payment is not money, but the breeding of young, as well as cum or a very unique item.
The Workers:
The Manager, Jasmine. (R)
She is tasked to watch and manage the company for Lycus, making sure every girl does her thing. Now and so often, she... takes a sample of cum herself, to making sure that all was going well.
The Co-Manager, Jessy.

Her role is just like Jasmine's, only she doesn't get much lucky time. Usually she is the receptionist, when Jasmine is up and kicking.
The Babysitters, Amy and her daughter Remy. (R)
These two are mainly responsible for looking after the babies once they are born. They are experts as one can say, and the most highly recommended for babysitting other people's children.
The Feeder, Annabelle. (R)
Annabelle is a special girl. Unlike the extreme fertile breeders, or the expert babysitters, her special thin so to speak is the mass production of milk, making her a good feeder of the kids... as well as thirsty customers. She never runs out, so she has a good advantage in her role.
Second Feeder as well as spy for BC against the Siphon Gang, Larissa. (R)

Larissa is a person who is a good worker, while also a friend to the Siphon Gang girls, hence for being picked as the Care's spy, alerting them of possible operations against them.
The Breeders, Mia and Minda. (R)
One thing is for sure... no need to say much as their roles are simple and clear as crystal. They are the primary baby-makers of the Care, being genetically enhanced to carry litters more than all girls in the Breed Care combined.
The nurses, Carie and Marie (R)

These girls are, s name suggests, the nurses who look after both the young as well as the workers. They give a checkup of the customers, making ure they don't have any sexual diseases or such.
The Interns (R)

They are the newcomers of the BreedCare. As of now, there are quite a few who are beige first tested I which role they are best suited, before proper training commences.
The rival faction group of BreedCare: The Siphon Gang!
This group are a jealous bunch of horny girls that mainly got rejected to work in the Care, since they are more of a sexual bunch than caring girls for kids. They always try to steal something from them. Whether it's customers, kids or cum.
Members: Currently researched!