"Fear the unknown, for it is fear that gives us power. Use that power to cut through the unknown, so it can never harm you, never make you bleed...and never make you cry ever again." -Black Archmage Gir
Born into Poverty
For some, magic comes easy, as though they were born blessed with the gift...this was not so for Gir. Born to parents that didn't want her, she was forced to live in the most decayed room of their little shack for most of her childhood life. She was put to work soon as she was able, helping with yard work for the neighbors, watching pets, anything to make a quick buck...even some of the...darker aspects of moneymaking. After all, her parents always told her, she had an able body and she damned well better put it to use...she needed something, anything to escape her wretched life...and that's when it began. She started to secretly collect bits of the money she got for her jobs, and spent them on books~! She kept these hidden from her parents, fo course, and she loved every moment she was able to read them. They offered her escape, to other worlds of wonder and...magic~ And then, she bought a book that offered her more than escape. It offered her...help.
Running Away from Home
The help offered by the book was nothing less than magic~ However, it began with the darker spells, since it was a darker spellbook, not that Gir realized or even cared about that. She began reading and practicing every day and night, and after a year, she became very proficient in her dark magic, though she had still only read through about half the book. However..that is when her worst fear came true. Her parents found her stash of books. They made her watch as they burned each and every one of them, before threatening to do the same to her for wasting their money on something like books! That night, she fled that house, never to return to it again, with only her knowledge of dark magic to help her through what would come next.
The Deadly Stranger
The magics that she had learned thusfar were rather weak, though she had become great with them. Minor ice spells, pain enhancemend, nothing to hep her get food or water unfortunatly, she would have to get those on her own. She usually had to resort to stealing in order to get a single meal in a weeks time. One day, she stole from the wrong man. A dark mage from a Black Guild! He struck out at her with dark magics of fire and wind, and she had to run just to stay alive! Unfortunatly, the man followed her, however VERY fortunatly for Gir...he underestimated her~ She managed to freeze the ground beneath his feet, causing him to slip and fall, and crack his skull open upon landing. Gir quickly realized that she had just killed the man...and was of course terrified when another man emerged and told her he was from the same guild! However...luck seemed to be on Gir's side this night...
Joining the Black Guild
The man told her that since she had killed a member of his guild...his guild now had an opening~ As the one who had killed the one atacking her, the man told her she could either join and fill the open slot, or die right here by his hand. Of course she said she would join. The man let out a sly smirk and a chuckle, before gripping Gir by the throat, and warping the both of them into the guild hall. It was a dark place, filled with thieves and shifty-eyed mages all looking to one another as though each one could kill the other and not loose a wink of sleep over it. The only reason they stayed together at all,s he learned...was because of the Blac Archmage that headed the Guild~
The Guild and Gir's Survival
After telling her that she should learn her way around the guildhall quick, lest she be tricked into one of the more perverted mages rooms, his last words to her were to tell her that in this guild it's every mage for themself. The stronger the mage, the more respect they had, but they would have to work hard to make themselves stornger. Gir then saw the man vanish, presumably to ransom a child or pilage a home or some such. Dispite the harsh atmosphere...this was the first place Gir had felt safe in ages. Felt almost as though...she belonged. And she didn't want to die to one of her newfound guildmates simple because they were annoyed at her uselessness, something she felt was a COMPLETE possobility...so she began training herself. She wanted to be stronger...be the strongest! it was then that she finally knew her goal...she would be the next Black Archmage.
Her Pain
When news got to the Black Archmage of Gir and her goals, he quickly came down to Gir's quarters. The girl was terrified when her door flew open to reveal a scarred man with a furious look in his eyes. He took Gir by the throat and threw her about the room, before blasting her with magic that he assured her she would never reach. He left her laying there within an inch of her life, her will nearly broken...nearly...
Destroying her Weakness
Years after her encounter with the Black Archmage, Gir had learned a great many things. Firstly, the Black Archmage didn't seem to age, which interested her...and secondly, she was not special. There were many with circumstances like hers, and many who sought the title of Black Archmage. She would have to work hard to make herself attain that goal first. During her training, she learned that the Black Archmage title had to be earned, and that the only way to earn it was to kill the current Black Archmage. Upon learning this, Gir knew that she had to develop something special. After all, the Black Archmage had been around for a long time, and had no interest in passing on the mantel. He could likely use anything she could and more...and then she realized that that was it. Gir would have to form spells SPECIFIC to her and her alone. Spells no one else could ever use. And so...she began to create spells.
Weakening her Weakness
Finally, the day had come after so many years. Gir burst down the Black Archmage door and announced that she would be taking that title! The man laughed at her, before roaring with fury as he began to cast spells at her! She countered each one, before out of nowhere, the blood in the old mans arm turned to spikes of ice! Angered at this, he attempted to use that spell on Gir...only to find that when HE tried to use it, it backfired back at him, causing his own heart to burst with spikes of ice! Grinning, Gir formed a spear of ice and threw it through the dieing mans skull to ensure SHE got the kill, so no one could claim it was suicide. She took the man and used some alchemy and her own magics to turn him into a scepter, a scepter she topped with a magic ice crystal. Wielding this Scepter, which amplified her power, she looked to the members of the Black Guild, and announced that SHE was the new Black Archmage, before unleashing a wave of energy that forced each of hem to bow to her~ With a grin, she decided that she liked this newfound power.
One day, Gir decided that this guild had become something...beneath her. Something beneath ehr level of power. And so, she sought to form a guild with stronger mages than this world had to offer~ She wated no time in opening a portal, calling the guild a group of loosers, and walking through into the Nexus, never to see that guild again. Truth be told, from time to time she finds herself missing them...but then, she often gets over it. Having finally achieved her goal, ad finding out it was more than she ever expected, Gir settled on the idea that she was simply deserving of a more powerful guild~ And so she came to the Nexus, ever excited to see what is held in-store for her~
Demons Mirror

After coming to the Nexus and experiencing all it's interesting cultures, Gir has constructed a new Guild Hall for her new Black Guild, which she has named Demons Mirror. She is currently looking for strong recruits~
After building her Guild Hall, Gir put up a quest board. In her eyes, even a Black Guild should have a quest board, since questing is a GREAT way to not only build strength and reputation, but also a way to potentially meet new strong guildmates.
Quests currently available:
- Destroy the Village - A Beast Master threatened a village with destruction should they not give him three virgin women for him to feed to some of his beasts. They refused to comply, and so he is sending in Greatwolves to destroy the village. He is also offering a LARGE sum of money to any Black Guild willing to send forces to not only defend his Greatwolves, but to also aid in the complete destruction of the village. Prefrably no survivors.
- Snack for a Dragon - A dragon has offered thirty percent of his hoarde to any Black Guild that can successfully aquire for him a princess. Preferably one who's knights have been killed off, to avoid those pesky rescue missions.
- Wrath of the Dark Elf - A Dark Elf named Mortuus is offering a handsom amount of gold, as well as some magical artifacts including an enchanted arrow and bow, to any Black Guild that can send someone to kill off a Nature Elf named Lily, who turned him down in favor of the prince of her people. Bonus cash if you kill the royal family as well.
((WIP but ready for play))