Bethany, or Beth for short was born due to a freak accident involving one of
Gliss's lives and a battle between
Pachip in which Gliss died, but instead of passing on to the afterlife, her soul flew into Pachip's womb and impregnated her. Why? Because this is the Nexus and that kinda stuff happens, that's why! And because magic! and friendship! and the last reason is a lie! Sort of!
Beth is a girl of a few words, but that doesn't mean she's shy. She is short and to the point and gets it across with only a few spoken words. She can come off as insensative or hard to get close to, but the truth is that she has problems and insecurities of her own, and anyone that can break through her tough exterior will find a little girl that really just needs to hold close friends close. In fact, she can become quite attatched to a person that has gotten close to her. Quite the opposite of how she treats everyone else.
Beth is what is known as an Equal. Don't know what that is? check out Pachip's profile. I'm too lazy to explain.
Beth is a part of