Who even cares what my name was. I'm just....a PERMANUTSLUT.
I couldn't even last a day. She's just so glorious. I couldn't stand how badly she wanted to keep ruining me and using me. I needed to feel her own me forever. I had to melt into those balls finally. She ruined me, utterly. Everything I own covered in her cum. Every room. When Becky took my to my room, I gladly plunged myself into that cock even after she destroyed my ass and flooded my body. I needed to belong that badly. I needed to MELT. I needed to CHURN. I needed to get SPUNKED for good. My body and soul are hers now, and she wasted them all over my own bed, drenching every inch with what I used to be. Not that it matters. I would do it all again, only if I could. But I can't. She took me completely and forever. And I loved every second! Goodbye....