This is a note from the player. I am a grammar Nazi. I like to play with people who know their proper grammar. I WILL look through your profile if you message me, and it should be relatively error free. Before you message me, please, take the time to look at your own profile and analyze it for errors.
P.S. Creative, OOC approaches are an easy way to get my attention and help get a play.
P.P.S. If I am Away or DND in the Library, do NOT whisper me UNLESS I KNOW YOU. Send me a PUB. I am busy.
B Sweaters Inc. A rather odd name for a place that caters to an oddly large crowd of people. People who, well, enjoy busty girls in sweaters. The establishment is run by the mysterious Aya, owner of
Cuteiemimi, and, as such, while tips are appreciated for the girls, payment is not requires. Now, the only question is..... Who do you want to spend the evening with?
The girls:

Jessica: "Ah! Welcome to B Sweaters!" The lady before you bows, showing off how her.... assets.... bounce and jiggle when she moves. "Please, come in!" She hands you a pamphlet, filled with images of girls. All of them with large chests. And all wearing sweaters which showed off their figures. She was on the cover, as well, named Jessica. "Please, take your time, and choose whichever girl catches your eye the most!" She then gives a warm smile to you as you read, the pamphlet describing this location as a brothel, where the girls are here to serve their customers' every need, be it to be a meal, to make the customer into a meal, or for purely sexual needs, for the right price, with tips greatly appreciated. Needless to say, this was going to be one interesting night......
Customers taken so far:
Tips earned:

Azelia: Nerdy, enjoys playing games, and has developed technology to pull herself and customers into any game of either one's choosing.
You read this and look up at the plaque on the door, which read "Azelia", before entering the room.
The aforementioned Azelia had her back to you, headphones on as she was at her computer, the game she was playing unable to be made out. Soon, she turns to face you, blinking and removing her headphones. "Oh. Heya." She casually greets you, waving you over to sit on a second chair beside her, both very soft and made of leather, luxurious seats for a gamer. "So, whatcha wanna do?" Her voice was very relaxed, very collected, and her gaze was constantly on only one thing. You.
Customers taken so far:
Tips earned:

Ami: A very flirtatious, open minded girl who always seems open to anything that her lovely customers ask of her.
As you open the door, you are greeted by Ami, wrapping her arms around you, intentionally burying your head between her sweater puppies, pulling you inside and closing the door, sitting down and placing you on her lap. "Hello there~" She coos quietly into your ear, holding you close. "We both know what you want, and you've already made your payment, so why not cut the small talk and get down to business, hmmmm?"
Customers so far:
Matthew_Duskwood Mama_Kyoko
Tips earned: A sizable bust increase thanks to one
Mama_Kyoko's "donation"

Laura: A very disinterested girl, that one could call tsundere, if given a trait.
You open the door to see Laura in a chair, watching TV, her back to you, seeming to ignore you. "I know you're there. Come on. Take a seat." She definitely sounds disinterested in your presence. "So, what do you want?" She looks you over derisively and sighs. "Damn. Thought I'd actually get someone INTERESTING this time." She turns away from you and resumes watching TV.
Customers so far:
Tips earned:

Cissy: Cissy is rather modest and a somewhat new girl to the business, so a gentle approach is needed, or she will get scared.
As you open the door, Cissy is cleaning, dusting her furniture, though she jumps at the sound of the door opening, turning to face you, a blush on her face as she looks at you. "O-Oh! Hello!" She bows formally. "My name is Cissy, and I am honored to be able to serve you." As she stands back up straight, her glasses skew slightly, and she fidgets, her body shifting nervously from side to side as she readjusts them, waiting for you to approach her.
Customers so far:
Tips earned:

Luana: This girl is a bit.... Odd. She has a great preference for first time customers, and enjoys being her customers' first time, be it for sex or for vore.
As you open the door, Luana looks at you and gives a welcoming smile, as if expecting you. "Oh, hello there." She walks up to you and places a hand on your face, guiding you into her room, her foot casually closing the door behind you and sitting you on a chair, then sitting beside you. "You're a new face~" She takes your appearance in, looking up and down your body. "I like new faces~" She hums and holds your hand. "Well, shall we begin, or would you rather I take the lead~?"
Customers so far:
Tips earned:

Angela: Luana's sister, though she prefers for her customers to have some experience first.
When you open this door, Angela is sitting on the couch in front of you, her legs crossed, not wearing anything on her legs, a playful smile on her face. "Oh, hello~" She said in a sultry tone, standing up, her sweater barely hiding her panties from view as she walks up to you and drapes an arm around you, pulling you into the room somewhat forcefully. "Mmmm. I've seen you around lately~ Finally decided to come play with the big girls, huh~?" She smiles. "Well, you know the process. So, what is your desire?"
Customers so far:
Tips earned:

Dani: This dark elf girl acts shy and modest, but once she has hit a certain point, she gets rather lewd.
As you open the door, Dani is sitting on a nearby chair, squirming uncomfortably, her face downcast, a blush apparent on her face. "H-Hello....." Is all she says, still looking at the floor.
Customers so far:
Tips earned:

Rose: Rose is an eager, willing to serve, almost to the point of it being a kink of hers to be dominated.
Through this door, you see Rose on her knees, looking innocently up at you. "Hello. I await your pleasure, master~" She has a slight blush on her face as she looks up at you, awaiting your desires.
Customers so far:
Tips earned:

Rei: Rei is a rather klutzy and ditzy sheep. She is naive, believing anything she is told.
Almost immediately upon opening this door, Rei falls forward, onto your chest, then looks up at you. "Oh. Hello there." She smiles and snuggles her head against your chest. "So, what brings you here today?" She wraps her arms around you, seemingly obsessed with snuggling you.
Customers so far:
Tips earned:

Lizzy: Lizzy is, on the surface, shy and innocent, but, be warned. The instant the door closes, you have approximately 20 seconds to take control, or she will be in control for the session. But, one thing to remember. Violence is forbidden against the girls.
This time, the door opens to a very... Pink room. It is what someone imagines a young girl's room would look like if she had fantasies of being a princess. Pink everywhere, frills on the curtains and fabric, and Lizzy herself kicking her feet on a nearby couch, looking at you sweetly. "Hello there~" She waits for you to enter, for you to close the door, then the fun begins.
Customers so far:
Tips earned:

Korrena: This elf lass has had a bit of a sad past, so, more than caution is needed. A gentle, loving approach is required to make her feel comfortable.
As you open the door, Korrena is nowhere to be seen, though she can be heard in the kitchen, cooking something, apparently unaware that you have entered. As she has not approached, it is entirely up to you how to approach her.
Customers so far:
Tips earned:

Nyanya: Nyanya is a rather.... Special girl. She doesn't have a location, nor can she be requested. She charges no fees, and only takes customers that she thinks she would enjoy. On average, only one in every twenty customers will actually meet Nyanya for a session. (Roll a d20. If you get a 20, you can have a session with Nyanya!)
Customers taken so far:
Tips earned:
Volunteer workers: (NOT PLAYED BY ME!)
Mama_Kyoko was so entranced with Ami that she willingly surrendered herself to the girl. For now, she's part of Ami's tits, but feel free to drop by and say hi to her. When she's out, she'll be working here, after all~
A meme brought to you by the