Really, it should be no surprise at the number of possible critters can exist. Everything here fucks, eats, or merges with everything else, sooner or later, so it stands to reason something like Azh exists. What, exactly, he IS, is hard to say, but there's rumors in abundance. At least, as far as his species. As for his personality and, possibly, his profession, well.... they KNOW what that is.
He's a JERK.
He can't help it, really. It's genetic. He could try to resist it, but at the end of the day, he LIKES being a jerk, so he just... you know. Keeps on being a jerk. He's not always an unbearable one, and can even be quite an enjoyable jerk, but.... well. If you have something he wants? He'll take it. He'll steal food, eat micros, kidnap women, the works, if he wants to. It may be more correct to say that he doesn't have a sense of right and wrong, but that, in and of itself, is flawed. He simply doesn't CARE, more often than not, and that drives his actions.
Of course, looking at him, one might see a few clear reasons that this could be the case. For a start, he looks an AWFUL lot like he has drow ancestry. The ashen skin color, long white hair, pointy ears, and bright red eyes tend to back this up a lot. At the same time, that's clearly not ALL there is to him, as he's got a pair of big, batlike wings, as well as metallic red scales covering his forearms and, and the backs of his hands, a long, slender, surprisingly strong tail, and still MORE scales in patches along his calves. Add to that a sense of simply not caring what he's dealing with, despite their apparent power, and one may well be able to draw some pretty accurate conclusions.
Aside from that? Well. He's pretty straightforward. He's 5'11, tends to dress in finery(often white or a pale gray, to call attention to his skin. Sometimes blue or red, though, depending on his mood, and of varying cuts), or in naught but a loincloth, as his mood dictates. He speaks many languages quite fluently, leading to some rumors that he's got the gift of tongues. He knows some magic, and has some martial skill, though how much of each is impossible to know. And... well. Obviously, he eats people. I mean, he IS here, right?
Anything else you want to know? Ask!