
Aysun Miller is a middle age mother. Though she looks youthful for her age, the voluptuous woman is already in her mid to late 30s. Though most people never guess that upon first sight. Aysun married young to the love of her life, and together they had two lovely baby boys. Unfortunately for her husband, he did not survive long after the conception of their second child. That very same night he was churning away inside her gut, nothing but a slad of dead and digesting meat. She had good reason to do so though. She was eating for two! Although chances are she may not have exactly known that was the case at that point. Either way he was a filling meal. Churning her own lover and husband inside of her, feeling him die and scream in agony, it was heaven. She had eaten a ton of prey before, but doing it so a close loved one just brought her to a higher plane of pleasure.

She raised her two boys to make sure none of them fell prey to some nasty pred from school, or the milf down the block. After all, if a milf was going to add her two baby boys to her curves, it was going to be her. And at the end of it all, it was. Aysun had never stopped eating after her marriage. She continued packing on the pounds in all the right places as she raised her two kids in the quiet suburbs. She burned off excess fat when she could, though as she got older and had less free time due to her career and child raising, eventually it sort of caught up with her. Luckily she never seemed to get too fat. She just got thick in all the right places. Which made catching prey all the easier.

Her two sons were her favorite meals. They two were so easily seduced by their mommy's body, it almost seemed unfair. She spent the better part of the week digesting each one, savoring his cries and squirms. Eventually though, they'd stop moving. They always did.

Nowadays Aysun is not much of a predator anymore. She still stuffs prey down into her gut on occasion, but something else has taken root in her mind. Being prey. She sees all these young busty teenagers, and athletes full of muscles and fantacizes about melting down in the next generation of predators. She imagines how much noise she'd make gurgling up inside the confines of a younger predator. She's had quite a few close calls due to this new desire, but has somehow gotten away each time. Though she is aware that one time she might not be able to get away. Or might not want to.
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Soft Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Fatality Always/Love
Reforming Always/Love
Never/Dislike Very boring.
Endo Always/Love
Never/Dislike Never.
Oral Vore Always/Love
Cock Vore Always/Love
Vampiric Vore Always/Love
Soul Vore Always/Love
Rough Always/Love
Gentle Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Pain Always/Love
Disposal Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Unwilling Always/Love
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Never/Dislike Can do this.
Male Partner Always/Love
Female Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Demi Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Depends
Fur Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Depends
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Depends
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Depends
Plants Always/Love
Never/Dislike Depends
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Never/Dislike Depends
Underage Character Always/Love
Never/Dislike Depends
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Quick Posts Always/Love
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Group Roleplay Always/Love
Never/Dislike Always wanted to try this!
Whisper Always/Love
Public Always/Love
Private Always/Love
Noisy Digestion Always/Love