
Koukuji_Family just did somethin' super-fuckin'-weird...

Being a goddess is busy, busy work. Contrary to popular belief, some gods and goddesses can't do everything and be everywhere at once! Sometimes they need a little help in order to get the job done! And that's when our favorite Goddess of Light, Lady Palutena, got herself a brilliant idea after sifting through some debris and scrap left over from the Aurum invasion.

Killing two birds with one stone, Palutena found a way to both dispose of this Aurum junk -and- solve her multitasking problem. The alien scrap was gathered up, melted down, and re-purposed into a magic miniature figure of herself, one that would become a life-sized, sentient 'body double' for herself, to take care of goddess duties that she simply can't handle right away. Of course, she had to share her new creation with Pit.

Aurumala (as Palutena has dubbed her) has a similar personality to Palutena, with some quirks that differ from her creator. One such quirk is her slight obsession over Pit, which even extends to his grumpy doppelganger. The angel pair often end up trapped in the fake goddess' rather tight embrace. Another odd quirk is that she has a slightly bigger desire for battle...

As with most 'technology', Aurumala isn't without a few 'bugs'. The Aurum are a hive-minded race whose only desire was "to consume, and be all". Bits of that programming still exist in Aurumala, though she does not desire to 'be all', she has a recurring tendency to consume. Many Centurious have ended up missing already, and poor Pit has likely been on the wrong end of Aurumala's 'cravings'...

(( Semi work in progress, things may change here and there. As silly as it sounds, this alt is based on the concept of 'amiibo', in case you couldn't tell. ))