Another entry in
Want the skinny on appearance, dress, and the player's preferences? Skip to the bottom. Otherwise, enjoy.
Unless otherwise stated, assume that Asty is dressed casually. Typically, khaki shorts and a tank top, or similar.
Recently, Astarte has fallen afoul of a forceful, domineering man named Kanjiko, who's intimate understanding of her has kept her off-balance and nearly defenseless to his predations, leaving her at his mercy. In addition, her body seems to be changing. A slight curvature of her normally toned midriff, the faint increase of voluptuousness.. All pointing to something.
"I'm sorry, but she's done. I won't have a rogue asset running around and arresting important officials. Get her badge to me first thing in the morning."
The Captain sighed, clicking the recording off, and turning to Detective Astarte Velasquez. He blew out a puff of smoke, his long, furred tail twitching behind him. She frowned, shocked and dismayed, at the recording's content.
"See, Velasquez? You're done. I toldja to keep your damn nose out of it. The Commish demanded your badge himself for ruffling feathers. It's the last time I'll see you and your damn speciesist stance endanger my department. Badge and gun, right now."
Asty placed the service semi-automatic on the desk, followed, a hesitant moment later, by her badge.
"You're fired. Get outta my precinct."
Thus ended the short and turbulent career of Astarte Velasquez as an officer of the law. A mere two years of service and she went from patrolwoman all the way to detective, only to find herself fired in the name of politics.
But then, she'd had that sort of luck her entire life.
It happened when you were born a pure-blooded human in a city of many species. A city where you might find an elf tending a garden, or slinging espressos in a shop. Where the sight of a naga sleeping in a the shade of a tree, her body stuffed with faintly squirming bulges was just as common as the sight of a pigeon in the sky.
Her parents, uncommon as it seemed, were two perfectly happy, and utterly normal humans. They met, married, and had Astarte, quite content to be 'nothing special' amongst the myriad species that lived all jumbled together. They, unfortunately, rated no special protection among a city of predators and monsters, of demons and mythical creatures. No one cared.
So, as life goes, her father disappeared one day when she was seven, last seen leaving his office job, walking to the subway to head home. His mother assumed the worst, as one had to do in this city, and quietly told her daughter that daddy wasn't coming home ever again, collecting his life insurance and saving it up, seemingly resigned from that point on to her own fate.
Astarte made it all the way to the day of her graduation from high school, a varsity athlete in three different sports, no slouch in the grades department either, unharmed and healthy, thanks to a penchant for martial arts self-defense training, a reputation as a bitch, and a few good friends. Her mother wasn't so lucky. When she didn't show up at the graduation, Astarte raced home, still wearing her graduation gown, to find the door to their apartment ripped off it's hinges, furniture and possessions scattered around the room. A note lay on the dining table, scribbled by a shaky hand, stained with teardrops.
Dearest Asty,
I am so proud of you. You're smart, and beautiful and strong.
Your father would have been proud too. Please, don't look for me.
Just assume I'm dead, it will be easier for you. I'm so sorry I couldn't
come to your graduation, but someday, you'll understand. Grow up and
find someone you love. Live a good life. I know you can do anything
you want to.
With unending love,
Susanna Velasquez
An unmarked envelope lay next to it, bulging. Within was her mother's will, leaving everything to her, the life insurance policy she'd carried, and a wad of cash, neatly folded up and held together with a rubber band. Clutching the note and the envelope to her chest, Astarte sat down and cried.
The next morning, she had a repairman come out and fix her door, putting in a solid steel security door with reinforced hinges. A week later, she was accepted to the Police Academy for cadet training. She wasn't going to let her mother's disappearance slip into obscurity.

Former Detective Astarte Velasquez looked up at the building. A pricey private school, where the richest of the rich sent their kids, to keep them away from the 'rabble'. Dressed in a well-tailored pair of slacks, a cream-colored blouse and high heels, a briefcase at her side, she took a deep breath and walked inside.
The halls were quiet, marble floors and grand columns lending a sense of magnificence and grandeur to the edifice. The doors were shut, classrooms full of the offspring of the wealthy and powerful on either side as she walked down the hall, and turned into the administration wing.
The receptionist, a rather prissy looking nymph with elaborately coiffed hair, and obviously expensive designer clothes wrinkled her nose at the sight of the well-dressed, but obviously not-wealthy, and utterly human Astarte.
"Yes? Can I
help you?" She asked, making it plain she doubted it, with a sniff of disdain.
Struggling to throw off the glamour of the fae woman, Astarte shook her head to clear it, and frowned.
"Here to see Dean Olafson. Astarte Velasquez?" She offered, already annoyed with the arrogant woman. The receptionist arched an eyebrow, and made a show of checking her expensive, slender-screened computer. Her pretty face wrinkled in disbelief and then annoyance as she discovered that this mere human did, in fact, have an appointment. She pointed a perfectly manicured nail, painted forest green, at a pair of heavy mahogany doors to one side of the reception area.
"Through there."
Giving the snooty nymph her most annoying, saccharine sweet smile and chirpy 'thank you', she turned on heel and marched to the doors, opening them and slipping inside, giving them a push shut behind her.
"Dean Olafson? I'm Astarte Velasquez, I'm here about the coaching job.?"
Today, Astarte, 'Asty' to her friends, or 'Miss V', as her students know her, is gainfully employed as a coach and PE teacher at the Oberhurst Academy.
Currently 28 years old, with a storied past behind her, she'd be quite an eye-catching sight, even if she didn't stand out even more from her peers and students for being a simple, plain human.
She always wears a necklace, on a black leather thong, which sports a slender gold charm.
Asty also tends to have a Beretta PX4(Sub-Compact) concealed somewhere on her body. Yes, even at school. She's got the proper licensing for it.
Tall, for her gender, standing 5'10, she looks to be quite fit, muscle and tone plain on her arms, stomach and legs. This, however, doesn't preclude the presence of an obvious female traits. Striking, for her dark, obviously Hispanic skin tone, and her gleaming golden eyes, she's all the more notable for the natural, close-cropped blonde hair that tops her head.
A rather full bust, distressingly so, from her standpoint, as it often interferes with her physical activities, usually is covered by a sports bra or tank top, when she's not at work, a light jacket or vest typically worn over that. Well-shaped hips and long, athletic legs are clad in jeans, lycra leggings or shorts, when she can be dressed casually. She tends to eschew skirts, as she seen them get other 'vulnerable' types into trouble before. A pair of cross-trainers or sneakers typically complete the ensemble.
At work, she dresses rather more conservatively. A blouse, typically fashionable and in some pastel color, tucked into a pair of dark-colored slacks, almost always in navy blue or black. And a pair of low-heeled dress shoes, that are classy without being impossible to move in. A whistle usually dangles around her neck, and sunglasses are almost always pushed up onto her forehead. In much the same way that she avoids skirts, she tends to steer clear of dresses, unless specifically required to wear one for a formal dinner or fundraiser at the school.
OOC Info and Preferences
-While Asty has a certain amount of distrust and animosity for most demi-humans and mythical creatures that she's run into, she isn't truly bigoted. Some of her better friends are, in fact, inhuman. She just doesn't tend to trust offhandedly, without a good reason. One could consider her attitude towards these types of people to be
hostile, rather than the usual
indifferent. Children and teenagers are typically the exceptions to this rule.
-As obvious as it might be, there's a few types of scenes that Asty fits right into, no adjustment required. Want to play with her back in her days
on the force? No problem. Have a young demi-human or legendary creature?
She can be their teacher. Just want an
unwilling human to prey upon in a modern setting? There you go. I'm not going to do all the work for everyone, but people should get the idea.
-Another obvious point, but as written,
Astarte is not predatory in the slightest. She just isn't. Even if she'd be capable, she isn't so inclined, thanks to her family history. That said,
someone setting about changing this, in a long-term story RP, is a huge interest of the player. Feel free to ask about it. Be warned, standards for this sort of thing will be high, and I may say no. Also,
any changes in this vein are likely to be limited to only the RP, not an overall change to the character as a whole.
-The player vastly prefers
long, character-driven RPs, where stories and development take place. These can include overtones of
sex, vore, domination and such themes, but shouldn't be simple 'oh, I ate you,bye' scenes, by and large. That doesn't mean never, but it's not what the player is looking for.
-Related to the above is an important point.
Astarte has no natural ability to reform/resurrect/return to life. You kill her, she's dead. Unless the theme of bringing her back again and again to continue to tease/eat/torture her is the point of the scene, this isn't likely to change. As such, if you get into an acutal RP with her, be aware of this. It doesn't mean we can never play again, but we will have to
start over, as though nothing had happened, should she be slain.
-What goes, and what doesn't. In general terms, you can assume that the player likes anything pertaining to, or directly related to:
domination, vore, sex, rape, bondage, pain/bloodletting, transformation, pregnancy, humiliation, public use, slavery, same-size or near same-size vore, and mind-control. This isn't a complete list, but gives a good idea of the basics. On the other hand, the player is usually
not interested in the following:
scat, watersports, most cases of hard vore, huge size differences (i.e. super-macros that are more than three hundred feet or so, or micros below an inch or two).
-All that being said,
I don't bite. I have preferences and, yes, I do have standards that tend to go for all of my scenes, namely writing skill and creativity. If you have any questions, please, please, ask. Suggestions, ideas, compliments? Send those this way too. Want to use the setting that Astarte lives in for a character? Feel free, I don't really mind. Want to make your demi-human/mythical character one of Asty's good friends? We can talk!