Full Name:
Asiah (Uh-Zye-Uh), daughter of Harshu. Officially, after being blessed, no family name whatsoever.
Female before being blessed, FemHermaphrodite/Futanari/Dickgirl/whatever after being blessed.
Varies depending on how I feel. Typically in quite late teens or early twenties, but younger can happen, inquire if interested.
At oldest age, about 5'8" (before blessing), about 6'5" (after blessing).
~150 lbs (Pre-blessing.)
~50 lbs (Post-blessing.)
Human, but after a certain age, with some supernatural and deity-related elements added.
Bust Size:
DD on average.
Bulge Size (when applicable):
16" on average.
Black, short and actually somewhat masculine-looking (pre-blessing) with a single stripe of white running from front to back slight to
the right of her front-middle hair (post-blessing).
Brown-ish. (Before being blessed.)
Silver with shades of blue and green (Post-blessing.)
Good, sort of, and probably Neutral considering both Lawful and Chaotic.
None yet.
None known yet.
Quick Likes
Adventures across the ancient world
Roguelikes through her gut labyrinth
Putting people in the gut labyrinth
Repetitive digestion
Holy lewdness
Rescuing people from the desert
Quick Dislikes
Stagnation and boredom
Lack of adventure
People opposed to entering the gut labyrinth
Invaders of Mesopotamia
Zodiac_Council for other alts. Miranda made a blessed Assyrian/Arabic/Mesopotamian/Whatever alt, oh no.
If you want further info, check the other tabs accessible from the top-left corner.
Also, if you like this profile design, here's a link to its public template;
this profile is made to be grabbed from
The CodePen Page.
Still developing this part, but, she has shapeshifting in the form of being able to become, fully or partly, things she consumes, such as
devouring the Great Snake and so being able to become a lamia or said snake itself, some neat pregnancy stuff, can technically control
whether she has a penis or not but usually does not bother. Other things too, but those are still on the drawing board, I need to use her
to figure all that out and then write it down.
Update 10/18/2020:
Have now decided, she also has more than stomach in some forms, i.e. keeping with actual cows' inner workings, for example, but also in
the sense that there's non-digestive, "storage chamber" ones. And, I've come up with neat ideas such as labyrinthine guts and intestines,
which might change every time she shapeshifts or perhaps just anytime they're unoccupied, that sort of thing. Also, to finally write down
some of the above-mentioned "neat pregnancy stuff", can "override" previous pregnancy with her own seed, either with immediate effect or
delayed so that a child will only take on her traits at some point after birth. Also-also, an interesting form of "partial hammerspace"
can sometimes happen wherein there's more than enough space on the inside, but it all looks compressed-together on the outside. That may
sound like a description of normal hammerspace, however, this is different as it entails the bulges and squirming and so on still being
visible from outside, just, seemingly cramped together more than they actually are. Also-also-also, final note for this update, I'm kinda
thinking that to go with all the things for her insides, perhaps it'll be a thing that she can carry or sort of, "house", people inside
her, for either extended, interspersed or limited time(s), or perhaps challenge them to either find something inside her, or digest in the
attempt, which around here I'm sure must be kink for some people at least sometimes, including me.
Current Shapeshifting Forms:
Because one of Asiah's primary non-sex/vore related abilities is shapeshifting, here's a list of shapeshifting forms for everyone
(including me) to have easy access to. Each form's size and proportions vary, but are usually influenced by preference in the moment.
I.e. she could be only demi-dragon, but still practically giantess/mini-giantess in size, with proportionately massive assets.
-Leopard (or other feline)/Neko.
-Giantess/Mini-Giantess. (Not technically an animal but still shapeshifting, so.)
-Megalodon-Mosasaur-Creature (Unnamed)/Demi-Sea Monster.
-Ghost/Incarnated Spirit.
-Witch/Mystic Woman. (Another one that's technically not a different kind of being, but, not her normal self, so, close enough.)
Not quite ready yet, so here's some basics and I'll explain more upon request.
Basically, normal Assyrian woman going about her everyday life in indeterminate time-period, indetermine historical fantasy or althistory
or something sort of Mesopotamia. She unfortunately was born into a family living in the settlement which is the main center of worship
of the moon goddess, (who, by the way, in historical Mesopotamian religion was a god named Sin, not unlike our friendly neighborhood
List_of_Sin) and so due to her relatively common, unknown status, she was kidnapped by the men of the town to be offered as a
sacrifice to the deity on the night of a full moon. They left her to die, but the goddess found this unjust and, besides, not an
acceptable offering due to her being offered unwillingly. So, she restored her body and blessed her, giving her the mission to inflict
divine justice upon the wrongdoers.
Update 10/18/2020:
So, to sum up at least some of what I've got so far; she's definitely Assyrian, and other ancient regions nearby such as Mesopotamia,
Sumer, Elam, Akkad, Babylonia, and so on do definitely also exist there, along with the region still being much more green and even
savannah, but interspersed among masses of desert. There are big and small cities, Babylon MIGHT be the biggest city known but it's not
certain just yet, and outside of the immediate Near East, Fertile Crescent sort of area, it's still uncertain just what's out there. Maybe
Egypt? Greece? Kush/Nubia? Meroë? Hattusa? Who knows. We'll see. I also know that whatever polytheistic, widespread religion they follow
in Asiah's homeland, it definitely experiences the same sort of "syncretism" and "reinterpretation" around, but the gods in different
areas of the world are not necessarily the same; i.e., Ishtar and Aphrodite are two distinct individuals, here, even though they are seen
as being fairly similar in a number of ways. I also know that the gods, at least in Asiah's homeland, are venerated, worshipped, prayed
to, etcetera in rather lewd ways.
Update 10/28/2021:
So this profile is now my most updated one. Neat. I was gonna choose a better background image, but the giant "ASS" amused me too much. You're welcome.

The background used for this profile

The profile image (uploaded to the profile)
The Gut Labyrinth.
One of Asiah's primary unique factors as a character, along with her world/setting and shapeshifting powers, is her "stomach maze", also known
by such names as the "gut labyrinth", "belly network", "tummy puzzle", or, a bit on the nose, the "internal roguelite". It is an ever-shifting
series of chambers and passages of all sorts of shapes, sizes, properties, and contents which magically fit inside her entirely invisible to the
outside world. There can be just a handful of easily-understood chambers between her primary stomach and her colon, or hundreds of confusing, myriad
rooms containing who-knows-what.
What makes it a "roguelite"?
The labyrinth is not just for showing off and making digestion interesting; it can be also used as a setting for a game, not unlike a roguelite.
There are numerous potential items, NPCs, magical effects, puzzles, challenges, different chambers, even altered realities and alternate dimensions,
and who-knows-what-else that I haven't thought of yet, all randomly distributed and randomly acting throughout the maze. There are potential rewards
for making it to the end and escaping, however, for the purposes of roleplaying here, one might rather fail; it is large enough to live inside, and
even if one does not want to potentially make it their new home and begin living in (and reforming in, post-digestion) the labyrinth, there are still
all sorts of possible digestions and digestion-related fates awaiting within the many passages of Asiah's innards.
Why would I want to live inside someone? Especially if it's a confusing maze?
Inside, there are still sources of nutrients, and even without them, one can both digest inside the labyrinth and, subsequently, reform inside it (if
one is capable of reforming). There is plenty of space inside, obviously, and it's certainly not lonely thanks to the NPCs within. Asiah does also have
some conscious control over it; you could be indefinitely or temporarily living inside her, and she'd simply ensure you could readily find your way out
as needed. Of course, as ever when staying inside a pred long-term, she could also simply decide she doesn't want to ever let you out... There is one
particularly notable benefit to living inside Asiah if one plans to be in her world long-term; it is significantly more livable than the desert which
surrounds her homeland.
What's it like inside? More details.
There are many fleshy chambers (and some not so fleshy chambers), connected mostly by similarly-fleshy, narrow passages which, with a little encouraging,
will pull and smush an individual through from one chamber to the next. The chambers vary in size, proportions, and shape, and the passages similarly vary
in length and density (and sometimes other attributes), however generally the chambers will be roughly room-size, and the passages like very narrow halls.
If one visits the labyrinth, one can expect to see holy artifacts, books, pots, vases, pans, candles, tables, chairs, beds, and all sorts of other furnishings,
as well as various individuals, some human and some very much not, some friendly, some hostile, and some fitting somewhere in-between, and even a variety of
environments, not just limited to some chambers being effectively flesh rooms and some being actual digestive chambers, but also some having pools of different
liquids, some having plants growing in them, some even containing animals or creatures. It is also of note that not all these chambers are akin to stomachs;
some are more like her inner breasts, testicles, womb, or occasionally other innards, and all somehow connected through the magic of the labyrinth, all ever
changing and ever random. Further, much of the maze is permeated by one scent, or pheromone(s), or musk, or other smell, and virtually all of it has a sort of
inexplicable natural light level, enabling one to conveniently see through most of it.
Roleplay function-related information.
If one is primarily a pred, that does not necessarily mean the labyrinth is inaccessible to them as a roleplay environment. Thanks to the presence of NPCs,
and the option of simply running it as an adventure, the labyrinth is very much friendly to preds, prey, and switches in more-or-less equal measure. It is also
still very much possible to have character interactions with Asiah, in spite of the fact she can't exactly be inside herself. Aside for interacting before going
in (the first time, and future times if not starting inside her) and when coming out (if you come out~), there are opportunities to communicate with her via body
interactions and magics, though neither of these is always available; they typically require specific circumstances, or, the acquisition of certain items or abilities.
Regardless, make no mistake; the maze is constantly-evolving as a concept, and if it sounds interesting to you but you're not sure about a certain aspect or aspects,
then most likely I can explain it and work something out that we're both satisfied with, and which will go on to improve the labyrinth as a whole.
The semi-historical, semi-fantasy setting.
(Work in progress.) Asiah lives in something of a semi-high fantasy, alternate history version of Earth. She comes from Assyria, within the Fertile Crescent,
which, here, is sometimes considered synonymous with Mesopotamia. Neighboring civilizations include such states as Babylonia, Hattusa, Phoenicia, Egypt, Elam,
and who knows how many others. Greek, Caucasian, Arabian, Persian, Indian, and Chinese civilizations of some sort are also known to exist, along with vague
ideas of others, however because neither Asiah nor I have had reason to explore those possibilities yet, the exact details of these and any further peoples are
unconfirmed as yet. It is, however, known that most peoples rarely go to war with each other, due to the difficulties of managing the ongoing crises of massive banditry
and villainy among human beings, the positive, negative, neutral, and random whims of the gods, and increasingly-numerous, increasingly-bad attacks by mythical beings and
Known places so far:
-Assyria, including the cities of Assur and Nineveh.
-Babylonia, including the cities of Babylon, Kish, Nippur, Uruk, Ur, Eridu, Larsa, Lagash, and Isin.
-Elam, including the cities of Susa and Anshan.
-Hattusa, including the cities of Hattusa and Alalah.
-Phoenicia, including the cities of Byblos, Sidon, and Tyre.
-Egypt (also known as Kemet), including the cities of Tanis, Memphis, Naukratis, Giza, Heliopolis, Herakleopolis, Hermopolis, Rosetta, Damietta, Bubastis, and possibly Alexandria.
-Cities of uncertain statehood, including Halab (also known as Khalibon or Aleppo), Damascus, and Palmyra (also known as Tadmor).
Pantheons and religion.
(Work in progress.) In Asiah's world, the gods of most (or perhaps even all) practiced religions do exist, in one form or another, along with associated
associated mythological beings, items, and abilities, however religions do not work the same way they do and have done in the real world; here, they exist in
a fashion which is much more roleplay-accessible; that is, focused more things one might want to roleplay, especially lewd activities and states of being. The
deities from different pantheons also have something of a rivalry going on, not only among the members of each pantheon, but among the different pantheons as well.
The latter is especially prominent among deities who are "equivalents"; for example, Anu is the chief of the Mesopotamian pantheon, while Zeus is the head of the
Hellenic pantheon, so they are usually rivals. Using the same two pantheons for another example; Aphrodite is the Hellenic goddess of love and sex, whereas Ishtar
is the same deity for the pantheon of Mesopotamia, thus they are typically rivals. In general, though, while practices of each religion vary, both when comparing
faiths and when comparing different regions practicing the same faith, there will be one constant through most of the world; lewdness.
Known deities of the Mesopotamian Pantheon:
-Anu, the creator god.
-Enlil, the wind and storm god.
-Enki, the wisdom and magic god.
-Marduk, the earth god and patron of Babylon and of Babylonia.
-Ashur, the air god and patron of Assur and of Assyria.
-Sin, the moon goddess and patron of Ur.
-Shamash, the sun and justice god.
-Ishtar, the love and sex goddess.
-Inshushinak, the underworld god and patron of Susa and of Elam.
-Tiamat, the originator goddess.
Known deities of the Hellenic Pantheon:
-Zeus, the chief god.
-Ares, the war god
-Aphrodite, the love and sex goddess.
-Athena, the wisdom goddess and patron of Athens.