Nao Ayame, a bunny girl, a bit more unique as well, you see, her strength and power varies greatly from time to time, but she is usually a bit on the strong side, mostly with leg strength though, she can hop and jump quite well, even give a quite painful kick as well... but enough of that, her personality is a bit more different from the usual here, she is a bit more honest then most here, also seems a bit on the kind side at first, until she loses interest.
The most interesting thing about her is a coffin she carries with her for some reason, it may label her as strange to many, especially when she says it is where she sleeps... though it is more then that, it has a nice black color to it, a white leather strap that allows her to walk around with it on her back at times, a unique little runic looking ornament adorned to the top of it in the shape sliver, white, and black in color, looks similar to a star atop a cross, the door is actually a double door that opens from both sides of it, a nice pink fine soft material lining the inside, very comfy like soft pillows really, little puffy buttons lined and spread out upon the material, it also seems a bit larger on the inside then out for some reason... though others shouldn't get too close to the coffin or inside of it as well... read the next paragraph...
The coffin is capable of vore for Nao, it, when another gets close to it, it opens up sometimes on its own and can grow something similar to a pinkish tentacle or arm thingy to grab them and pull them in, or just suck them inside like a vacuum. One inside it instantly closes sealing them in with no light at all, at which point it can do many things, some include digesting them inside, another draining energy from them with something similar to slime that moves around, it can also trap souls inside as well, all of which when done or doing so, transfers all to its owner, Nao, she gains everything that the coffin takes from others. Nao is also immune to her own coffin for some reason, dragging her in would do nothing to her but the other person will still be affected... The coffin has a mind of its own at times as well, but sometimes Nao can stop it, she can also have it do other things, maybe take a person inside alongside her and have... well gonna cut off here.
Oh, she stands at 4'11" and is quite light, orientation is pan.
OH, I Forgot one last thing, all power she gets thanks to the coffin isn't permanent, only a very small percentage is of said power or strength. When it almost all vanishes, if the coffin hasn't kept the ones soul they can reform at that point somewhere, most likely a place that they know well and or live at, and most their power but that very tiny percentage is back to them.