Sarah - There was once a powerful sword, forged of ancient materials that have long since vanished. The blade was used in a great many battles, and it took many lives, far too many to count. It was passed down through a single family, and in each generation, it was used only for death. One day, the last in the family line took up the sword, but saw the death that it had wrought, and so he ended his family line through Seppaku. As he lay dieing, the blood that stained the blade left it, and collected itself into the shape of a girl, a kitsune girl. She picked up the blade, taking ownership of it. She decided to take the name Sarah, and now works to bring about an age where swords are not needed. However, as she was born of bloodshed, she is still a vicious and powerful warrior, even if she seems kindhearted at first.

Viral - Originally some corrupted data in
AureoLux_V5 's systems, Viral quickly gained a mind and will of her own, absorbing and integrating some of her hosts files in order to make herself better. Soon, he found her and quarantined the girl, who was now...well...a girl! However, after hearing of her excitement to go outside, as well as he desire to live, Aureo decided that instead of Deleting her, he would set her free. And so, he ejected her from his system, along with some spare nanobots, which took the shape of the girl herself, giving her a real body~! Now she roams the land, happily acquiring as much data as she can, and learning how to act not as a Virus, but as a person~