(For kinks and stuff look
here! )
Heh~! Heya there! welcome to my profile, home to the most awesome kitty every! my name is Artceo Whisp, but you can call me art..or maybe, if i like you enough, Arty!
Let me tell you a little story, not one with dragon and princesses, or space ships and crazy aliens...but it is about that whole..curiosity killed the cat thing! it is actually quite the opposite in this feline's case; it should have been how curiosity made the cat! There once was a pair of scientist, jane and Calen Whisp..both where perfectly normal humans (albeit a bit smarter than the average joe) though what was science without..curiosity? it turned out that that pair of scientist where married..and they had gotten a wee bit frisky one night, leading to jane getting knocked up! of course this came as a surprise, then an opportunity to test out a few new things they had been developing. so the threw morels out to the wind and after a few months of development they started to..genetically edit there future child! they added different types of DNA, but eventually stopped on one that they found they could manipulate rather easily..feline DNA. After a few attempts of splicing they dident notice anything to different with the growing being inside of jane..but in a few more short months they would get quite the surprise!
At last there child was born, and he shocked the majority of doctors..he seemed to be a perfect human boy at first until they examined him closer. they revealed he had strange growths, two attop his head, and on at the base of his tailbone! they assumed these would eventually fade away, just birth-oddities that would go down in the logs as..abnormal. but this wasent where the strangeness stopped, not in the slightest! around the age of two Arty's normal human ears started to degenerate and slowly but surely a pair of cat like ears started to peak out of the top of his hair, and that little 'nub' at his tail bone had grown out to nearly a foot long and sprouted a tiny coat of dark brown fur witch coated it to the tip which was a nice snow white! these minor changes kept blooming until the feline like parts where adiquite to his body size. Along with that he started to get surprising abilities, like enhanced flexibility, reflexes, and hearing to go with those fuzzy ears witch where constantly on alert even when they where being used to show emotion. one downside is his eyesight was not as good as they average kid, simply fixed by a pair of prescription glasses witch added to his actually..rather adorable look. this sadly is where the story becomes rather..normal, not crazy radioactive accidents or magic super powers..he just kinda got old enough and he left his parents to go out into the world on his own..to discover how the real world worked~
Acquired endless ball of yarn..dont ask~
acquired a whole collection of weird scifi toys and collectibles! donated by that nice little mouse..
acquired a collection of skimpy outfits..from a certain other kitty boy >w>
Favorite things-
Catnip- oooh wazzat'?
Feeesh- Yummy .w.
Mice- s-so adorable..must..not..pounce
Boxes- hrm..what are these strange portals to worlds of darkness? must dive head first into them!!!
Warm blankets- Puuuur~ really good places to curl up and nap~
belly, ear, and tail rubbing- C-careful..those are really sensitive!!
napping- a good amount of sleep for a cat is around 13 hours a day y'know?
(more to come)
Least favorite things-
birds-stupid..feathery things..taste kinda good though
Water- HISS!!!!!
Storms- EEP! loud noises! hide me ohgodtheworldisending
(more to come)
WEWB i drew a thingy <3

it isent great, but i'm proud of it ^^