This profile was copied automatically from the old chat.
((alt of
______Base Stats__________________________
Age: 16 (player is of age)
Race: Wood elf/Undead- vampire
Class: Ex-Scout, Planeswalker and Artificier
Hometown: Skingrad, Cyrodiil
Intro Theme: Take Me Out - Franz Ferdinand - Franz Ferdinand
Battle Theme: The Fallen - Franz Ferdinand - You Could Have Been So Much Better With Franz Ferdinand
_____Character Preferences_______________________
To begin I can not emphasize enough on the importance of a good RP- truth of the matter is that vore IS NOT the most important thing to me.
and that being said- I have really no interest in yiff (god know why y'all refer to cyber as yiff) at all; sorry to disappoint.
This is Victor's younger brother Armand- by whatever inexplicable event he too has found himself in this 'forested hell' (as he refers to it) Back in the brothers' home plane Armand served as a young militant field agent and scout. And unlike his brother- he enjoys the wood elves delicacy of human flesh. In many respects Armand is vastly different then his brother, so feel free to approach and strike up an RP :)
Oh and be warned- Armand is known to try and eat any kind of snack food within arms reach XD
CREATOR'S NOTE: This Profile is still under construction ><

How evil are you?
_____Bodily Discription_______________________
Hight: 5'8"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Blood Type: AB
Voice: Irish accented
Hair Type: Green (died) natural long
Skin: Tan
Face: Pleasent with a charming smile. Eyes being his best facial feature.
Eye Color: Beautiful golden- one can almost see the sparks of a mighty fire in them.
Body Style: Well built if a bit skinny- Armand likes to keeps in shape
_____Apparel & Equipment___________________
Head: Black headband, and a pair of slash mark tattoos under his eyes
Body: A long sleeve white shirt with a red tee to go over it- the tee has a simple star pattern on the shoulders. also has a small scarf he wears to cover up his vampire bite.
Shoulders: Sacred Blood Tattoo (upper half)
Wrists: Sacred blood Tattoo (lower half)
Hands: Black fingerless gloves
Legs: Casual cut blue jeans, and a metal plated belt
Feet: Black boots with silver studs on the fronts
Jewelry: A circular amulet he wears like a rosary around his wrist called a Boros Signet. He also wears several ear rings and has beads strung through his hair
Weapons: His fists, a small bolter pistol he has slung behind him on his belt. also has an artifact spear he made called Gunger* along with a round shield, but Armand is proficient enough to be able to use other weapons.
Misc: pack carries- Not much aside from the necessities. stand out items include a few books and a wok (which incidentally serves as his shield as well) Also caries a variety of exotic fruits, and a neigh unending amount of spare parts and metal.
*Gunger is an artifact spear that it's haft can collapse down into a short gladius like blade, the blade being split down the middle with red electricity dancing down the middle. using the spear drains it's owners stamina heavily being that it is still in development. the weapon is also capable of hurling devastating rift bolts- but requires time to charge proper.
Artificier lvl 7- Construction and comprehension of machines, artifacts, and enchantments. a master of this skill can build just about anything and like wise repair any device SKILL BONUSES: none
First Aid lvl 2- Medium level healing and medical knowledge
Boros Student lvl 1- Red and White magic used to bolster defence, strength, resistence, speed and other physical parameters. SKILL BONUSES: White Magic, Red Magic, First Aid
White Magic lvl 4-
Red Magic lvl 3-
Polyphyric Hemophilia (Vampyrism) lvl 1-
Shadow lvl 1-
Angelic Core lvl 3-
Soul Dominancemastered-
Planeswalking lvl 2- Ability to shift between dementions and various planes of existence.
Shmoo- in all essence he's just tasty. some say sorta like ice cream, others say some other kind of exotic spices. it varies individual to individual; though what is agreed upon is that Armand is utterly delicious.
Scouting lvl 5-
Rythemic- Has a strong internal metronome, giving him enhanced balance and music bolsters all his skills. That depending on the music- slow music weakens and slows him down while break neck paced music drives him into a frenzy
Oquorok lvl 5- Proficiency in close combat fighting.
Temperance- Doesn't drink alcohol
Stone Mouth- Not exactly the most eloquent, usually very blunt.
Tactician lvl 2-
Hot Head-
Feral Race- This ability results in having slightly higher natural senses all the time but gives a weakness to pheromone, sonic, and visual stimuli as a result.
Summoning lvl 1-
[x] The ability to call forth minor daedric weapons and armor from the burning plains of Oblivion. Binding spell is only temporary and will wear off after a set amount of time or are unsummoned by the user.
Weapons Mastery-
Proficiency lvl 3-
Acid-proof- Can't be digested for the most part.
Regenorator- ability to revive and/or reassemble body.
Bound Soul- Immunity to soul digestion
_____COMBAT TOURNEY INFO_____________________________________
Title: Armand
Weapon Preference: Short sword/spear and shield
Disciplines Learned: Basic combat, Legion tactics, Trench combat, Marksman tactics, Wojek + Boros combat styles
Magic Capacity: Heavy, (4380000000mu)
Strengths: close combat, speed, agility, accuracy
Weaknesses: Blue Magic, Psychological warfare, Psyonics, Pheramonal and Sensory based attacks, Sonics
Elemental Resistance: none
Elemental Strengths: Light, Fire (White, and Red Mana)
Elemental Weaknesses: Water (Blue mana)
Alliance: Neutral
Mental Nature: Impassioned
Situational Mentality: Intense
Fighting Mentality: Zealous Rage
Fighting Type: Soldier/Legionnaire
Desperation: Retreat, dirty fighting
Degree of Insult: Carelessness of others
Hard Vore- Don't do that normally, sorry... unless its a result of a combat scene. Ask me first!
Sex- not usually; Unbirth doesn't count though, cause.. well just because! >_<
Herm Stuff- Don't mind associating with 'em, but no intimacy please. Just aint my schtik y'know?
Digestion and scat- nope, hell no do I do that. and if your the type who tries that crap "my character can digest even your soul! and you can't do nuthin bout it! har har har!" well guess what... fuck you cause I don't do that. and also i even have an ability negating digestion if u bother to read the list. so there... go suck a lemon.
Weak or Godmodding Fights- now that ladies n gents is a real let down.
None (;_;)
___*NEW* Enemies__________________________________
None (yay!)
____Vored/Unbirthed by_____________________
None yet
______Back Story [WIP]______________________
Armand_Armas thrust forward with his spear skewering yet another phyrexian horror "damnit! hajar! get over here and help me hold this damn doorway! were going to get over run!" the young elf planted a boot on the head of another dathi slayer come for the garrison boy's blood. as his falajii friend neared him he shouted "Armand! we must fall back! we can no longer hold the fort! qadir Mishra is demanding all troops return to the fortress at Koilos!" with that the elderly falajii bodyguard took off narrowly avoiding an opening planar rift, a disfigured tentacle pouring through. the elf cursed and stabbed another metallic undead as he turned around and dashed after hajar- but out of another rift came something he had hoped to never face- gix himself. he had heard the tales told round the camp by not only the gixian priests but lord Mishra's other court holders. the fearsome demon grinned his claws dripping with fresh blood- whenever gix had stepped from it must have been back in his prime. the mechanical Phyrexian slashed at Armand causing the elf to hop back, bringing his spear to bear he thrust forward at gix stabbing him in the gut- it was like trying to stab a tank more than anything else. the demon cursed and broke the spear in two and came at Armand. thinking quickly he dashed out the garrison gate he had been defending only to be caught in a bright light- above him a huge rift was bathing the dank and gloomy rust covered phyrexian surroundings in blue light. armand curdsed and picked up a scimitar from a fallen ally and uses his wok as a makeshift sheild to repel gix's attacks. the demon spoke to Armand in his head wispering promises of a brutal death for trespassing in his domain. all the while the rift above fell lower and lower- suddenly a red rift opened up left of the combatants in it a volcanic explosion could be seen- hints of phyrexia's beginnings. an earth shattering screech was heard as the two rifts crossed- the red gate flickered and showed a forested area on the other side- the above rift was the botton of a frozen ocean- rather than face gix the elf backed away and fell back to the other rift- now there was a 50 50 chance he would be sundered by the flickering rift but one look at gix gave him all the courage he needed- plunging into the tear he falls on his face into loam and and plants of a cool forest floor the elf looks back as the rift he flell through changes to show gix being liquified by another larger phyrexian drednaught. shiving the young elf looked around where he was- placing the wok on his back he moved out into the woods in search of some water for one thing- he already smelt a large body off in the distance as well as many animals but after fighting on that infernal plane for 3 days with neigh but a single wineskin of nabiiz (desert wine) water was more important right now.
((sorry for how rough the back story is right now- I'll go back and flesh it out later ^^; ))