Just some mergirl who met someone who changed her life, cliche though that may be.
She never suspected it was going to happen, of course. How could she know that the pretty redheaded human who could eat people was more than she seemed? Sure, there aren't many human predators out there, but they DO exist. She'd met them before, after all! But there was something different about this one, besides the odor of far-off places, and a sense of, well, inhumanity, to her. Aregahn just wrote it off as nerves, though. At least, up until the stranger left, and, curious, the mergirl followed her.
Yeah, she's still not sure if she regrets that or not.
See, the woman she met was
Weyland, a wandering mercenary who could travel to different realities through sheer force of will(among other things). And, due to the nature of her powers, she could be followed across realities, a fact that Aregahn did not know, but soon found out. She wound up in a strange world, and when the strangeness finally caught her attention, she stopped, startled into stillness... and got stranded!
And, well, now she's here. She doesn't know where 'here' is, or how she got here, having never seen a place like this in her life, and she similarly does not know how to get home! She tried backtracking, and failed miserably, even as she followed her own trail. She just.... her trail disappears, about fifty yards from where she stopped. And, well, that means she's lost, and stranded, in a strange land!
... still, there are all sorts of nummy things around to eat. It could be worse, couldn't it?
Little Lost Mermaid Gal, courtesy of The Tower. Click picture, receive altlist.
Worth noting, she does have a more human form. Ask about it!