You think YOU have problems... heh. Well, you probably do, but 'liese here has stranger ones still, let me tell ya. After all, her family being what it is, and her being the youngest, some very unusual things have happened to her.
Of course, she can't help her family being the way it is, any more than she could pull down the moon. And she DOES love them, really. Just, her mother and her brother both have their appetites, and she's often around when their urges strike... and she can't help being delicious. *whine*
It's not so bad, really. They love her in turn. She just wishes they didn't love the way she tastes and feels slithering into whatever orifice so much. Still, they're the only family she has, and she's inclined to be a bit more lenient because of it. After all, when your mom's a succubus, what can you do? And her brother inherited her mother's sex drive.... it just remains to be seen what Anneliese will inherit, now. It should only be a year or two before we all find out.
IN the meantime, Anneliese is just a girl! She goes to school, dressed up in the uniform her mother picked out(lord knows why, it's not required), and she mostly tries to keep to herself. She doesn't feel comfortable around the other girls, mostly because she knows she's different, and, well, she just finds it easier to leave well enough alone. This has led to a sort of self-imposed social exile. 'Liese will most often be seen in a corner, reading a book, during recess, rather than playing with the others, and so far no one's decided to go and try to make friends. She's /weird/, after all.
When she's not in school, Anneliese likes to wander. The house she lives in is up against some modest wooded areas, and she likes to explore, by herself or with her cat Rufus. Other times, though, she'll hang out in the local Park, reading, taking pictures, sometimes trying to draw(though she's not very good yet). Her mother lets her do whatever she wants, mostly because she's made sure the girl will be perfectly safe, and she'll undo any permanent harm, erasing the girl's memory and seeing to it that the one who hurt her is punished.
Mostly, though, Anneliese is JUST a girl. She's starting to get some strange urges and feelings, but that's probably puberty. For now, though, she's just a simple, delicious, wriggly girl, with unusual circumstances. And, well, a little bit of a sixth sense about people...