Age: 3, maybe four
Height: 2' 5''
Hair Color: blond
Species: Neko
Annabele is a young neko, only four years old. she doesn't know much about the world, only how to talk and move. She soaks in what anyone tells her, learning quick,, but unfortunately, or perhaps very fortunately, for some, she was dumped by her human parents at the park, labeling her a freak, and saying she would fit in just fine here. She has very few abilities, only able to change her appearance slightly and able to stretch her orifices. as a new character, and too young to know about sex and vore as of yet, she has no 'prefs' yet, but may have them soon, depending on what she is taught. Since she knows virtually nothing about much of anything, you are open to teaching her. wanna teach her how to hunt? fine. wanna teach her how to vore, that's even better. wanna teach her about sex? that, too, is good.