This profile was copied automatically from the old chat.
Player is a Male, and oocish/alt list is
Hurrah Sliders gone, everyone have a feild day with Anna. Really do whatever you want too her but as far as transforming her and whatnot goes. Fly it by me first please?
Name: Anna Molly
Age: 25
Height: Five foot three
Weight: One hundred five pounds
Birthplace: The small open meadows of Tilla’
Race: Human
Class: [Core] Artisan [Ascended] Priestess

((<3~)) Art is by the lovely
Fia by the way~
Appearance: This young woman, having red hair that drops past her shoulder, wearing at the moment a blue dress that she got from Karen, it’s a blue dress The bottom part however is white, just a bland white however. Her eyes are a hazle with a bit of blue flaked into it. She has a slim build and she's slightly pretty, not enough to make people melt when they see her but just enough to not look unattractive. Is now wearing a pair of White running shoes with red wings from
Aleka before she was eaten
Born into a normal family. She had two older siblings one brother and one sister. She was kinda treated badly but when isn't a younger sibling picked on. After a few years of the normal life.
Durning one day of school, they went on a trip in art class to the woods to find things to draw. Being herself Anna went off on her own to try and find the best thing to draw. Not paying any attention to where she was walking (Anna is sometimes a very dreadfully clueless female.) She ended up falling into a hole. The only thing was there was a sort of odd sense of vertigo when she fell in, like she was being turned upside down. When she woke up and mustered enough strenght to get out of the hole, she was in the park, and not the place of the class feild trip.
After a lot of walking and some resting, she found a friend in Karen, despite Karen wanting her to be a meal, anna agreed and was snacked on three times before she finally had a discussion with her mistress. With that Anna had become a preistess for Karen herself.
Knowing that she would need some time to get used to this she went into a hermit like state. Sitting around and learning the basics of being a preistess to Karen.
Also in added events she has a pair of Demon wings pretty red ones given too her via an unbirthing by Aleka. Now I dunno whats going too happen to be perfectly honest, she loves them now but they may ware out eventually.
Element/God: Karen
Weapons: None at the moment
Armor: Just the dress
Items: Full book of art supplies and
Karen's amulet that was a gift. Allows her to get to Karen't domain and reform.
None yet.
Spells: (If spells are had)
Well at the Moment, since Karen has some followers, Anna can do a few things. One of them being shrinking, the other taking that hammer in the picture and charging it up with alot of energy before swinging it at someone, it's not pleasnt too be hit by it Belive me
VoreBattle rules for Anna Molly
Passive traits:
Faith far too strong, Anna isn’t affected by mind control rolls unless they happen to be a +20, and it can be a twenty from modifications, or a natural one.
Down there?! Anna is always shocked and paralyzed when someone attempts to Unbirth, or cock vore her, (Totally Karen’s fault) She suffers a -3 to escaping any of these rolls.
Special abilities.
Shrink! Anna has the chance to shrink her foe, if she rolls a 1-4 Anna becomes a micro herself, a 5-9 makes her childsized, and a 10-14 makes her opponent childsized, giving a -2 to rolls for the duration math and a 15-20 makes her opponent a micro for a time, a 20 makes her foe a micro for the match. While a micro they gain -4 for the time as a micro. of the match, can be used three times. the -2 and -4 go the same way for her when the rolls aren't in her favor, and a 1 makes her tiny for the rest of the match.
Anna’s Silver hammer: She has a chance to summon her hammer and swing it at her opponent when she rolls a one, she fails completely and is stunned, anything below a five she summons the hammer, but misses throwing it out. Until the next round, five or higher she swings the hammer, anything between 5-10 makes Anna swing and hit her foe stunning them for a round, while a 11-15 means she hits them and does 2 damage with the blow, a 20 means she does 4 damage to the foe and knocks them out for two rounds.
Divine transformation –Pending