
alt of Vivian_James
Gender Female
Height 5'7
Art belongs to W-00-t
Anke Van Klass is a sweet girl, she has learnt at her mother's knee to respect people and assume the best of them, this can lead her to be quite gullible. She’s part dutch though she doesn't speak much dutch herself, her family is mainly Australian, owing to an odd accent, though it fits with her delicate image somewhat, making her quite cute and endearing, attracting a lot of attention from boys and girls alike.
She is a bit shy and introverted around guys, along with an easily frightened jumpy nature though around friends and people she’s grown acquainted to she'll loosen up a bit, though she'll never lose her slight stutter and quiet voice. This is due to her love of every single kind of woman, She can't help but be enraptured by the beauty of the quirks of every woman's body and personality, she would even be content standing silently by someone and watching her, learning her.
However once she spends some time with someone she'll stutter less, and her more excitable quirky side surfaces, she'll often offer to cook for you, or show you a magic trick.Magic is one of her hobbies, practiced almost as excitedly as her other hobby of Traditional gaming...Indeed she’s a lover of board games… though unlike most who pick up the hobby of MtG from this love, Anke is an avid warhammer player and model painter..pretty good at it as well, stories from newcastle abound of a polite young girl who completely routed their entire army while sweetly offering them pastries, Gaming clubs having felt the wrath of her Vampire counts. She spends most of her spare time painting...with a handy sandwich or donut at her side. Anke isn’t exclusively hooked to Warhammer and Warhammer 40k though, she does pass her time with other board games...though mostly ones one would consider ‘hardcore’ such as Dominion and other card games… one way to break her quiet demeanor is to loudly talk about how good monopoly or risk is in front of her...prepare to feel the full brunt of nerd wrath if you break that taboo. She is an imperial guard player, most of the time, sometimes alternately switching to Orks or Daemons, as for fantasy, She plays Vampire counts, Warriors of Chaos, Or Empire, depending.
Her weight has always been a subject of some embarrassment to her, always causing a blush or two when it's pointed out, She’s been of a gluttonous hunger since she can remember, even as a baby demanding an extra jar or two of mashed this day it’s her visits to starbucks that jumps her gut up an extra inch or two… She tries to avoid it, but finds herself drawn to the cafe for another venti mocha, double, 10 pumps caramel, shot of cream, extra egg nog-flavored whip, sea salt caramel drizzle with toffee crumble… of course she uses the app nowadays, saying out loud is far too embarrassing… Her titanic appetite means the next time you see Anke Van Klaas...she’ll probably be bigger. Her appetite has even led to the occasional...unfortunate disappearance over a rules disagreement…. of course, that’s not to say Anke doesn't feel really bad about it afterwards, she never intentionally eat anyone under normal’s like she has some kind of beast in her...waiting to burst out. After eating someone, it’s usually comfort food time for herself, as otherwise she’ll spend months in a depressive mood, not wanting to even go out to work her shop, it’ll take some serious eating and coaxing from her friends to get her out of her apartment once more.
Anke works at a store known as ‘Mindgames’ in her home city, working in the wargaming section in the upper floor of the building...this area is usually quite quiet, so Anke will spend her time up here painting, and chatting with the odd customer who comes in, maybye reading a white dwaf or two, writing a new army list...and of course eating while she does all this… she’s the sole occupant of the desk up here, the section not needing more than one person at a time to manage...unlike the boardgames, Cardgames, and Pen and paper rpg sections downstairs. The customers are fond of the polite, slightly shy girl, but none more so than her boss and manager, the stores owner, who supplies the girl with many belly gropings throughout the day- Enjoying her shy squeaks and fogging up of her glasses.
Anke, when approached by someone who is interested..or flirting with her, is always taken off guard...despite her cute demeanour and looks, she’s never considered herself desirable in the eyes of the common public, and as such tends to get very fluttery and giddy when she’s flirted with, as well as a little embarrassed...or if she’s in a bad mood, she’ll get paranoid that this is some kind of plot against her, as so many offers of courtship in high school were. If one actually manages to get her into bed, they’ll find the girl surprisingly kinky..usually submissive as one would expect...although, if one catches her in the right mood, they’ll find themselves at the whim of her dominatrix fantasies, the girl dressed in barely fitting leather, as she ties you up, making sure you take her seriously…. many men and women can speak fondly of these experiences...despite the schizophrenia of being whipped and then being extensively cuddled by the affectionate woman….
Tl;DR, shy affectionate polite nerd with a hidden pred(when angry and hungry) and BDSM dominatrix streak, mostly sub.
Sliders at Vivian_James