The Trio is a group of Angels that was tasked to look over the park. They could not interrupt except when a demon was seeking innocent souls.
Rivameus - The fierce Warrior of the Trio. She can summon Zephyrflare, a longsword forged in heaven that can cast off waves of wind and fire. She is a mid-ranged fighter that uses speed to decimate the evils that threaten her area. The Red of her clothing is the cleansing fires of heaven.
When she is off duty, she tends to be a busy body at their apartment. Her primary responsibility is the cooking. Like the fire that wraps her form, she can have a bit of a temper and will easily blow her lid. Her anger levels are easy to tell as the height and power of flames around her increase in kind. Sometimes this is not helpful considering they have a gas furnace.
Larus - The leader of the trio. She is a magic user using all ten elements for a long range assault. While she hasn't earned her wings yet, due to being new, she can fly as well as the other members of her group, due to her magics. Her outfit is simple despite having long white ribbons in the shape of wings. She needed to have something that gave her an angelic presence.
While off duty, her age really shows. She can be childish and even throw tanturms when she doesn't get what she wants. She is shy about alot of things and really really doesn't want to hear about dirty things. Her primary responsability is the floors and laundry.