"Hey, looking for Angela? Well I've got good news! and bad news, but let's start with the good news. Ok, so the good news is that you found her, sort of, and the bad news found her. Weren't expecting that one now were you? Lemme explain, might wanna sit down for this one though. Huh? Beanbag chair? Oh, you mean my new bone bag! Funny you should mention it actually, because that's Angela. No, seriously check the picture on the side and don't you recognize the jewelry sitting at the bottom? There you go, now you're getting it! So here's what happened, one day I'm minding my own business, just started the stream up and suddenly I'm bombarded by this link to a forum post about some posh prey girl who needs to be put in her place, give you two guesses who that was, but I bet you'll only need one. ANYWAY so I pull it up, give it a look and decide it sounds like fun. Fast forward to the next day I pick up lunch, didn't catch her name but she gave me the address and a key card I didn't end up needing...few hours later I'm laying in Angela's bed with what's left of her in that condom you're sitting on! The End, the bitch is dead"
Angela DeSilva is a micro-celebrity she's a New York fashion influencer who loves fashion more than she actually works in it. She makes alot of content on how the shape, stype, colour and fabric of an outfit build out it's looks. She's condescending towards predators generally keeping herself out of arms reach after a few too many comments about how nice it is to see a prey girl wrap herself up so nicely. She is confident a little spoiled and very intelligent.
Age: 21
Height: 5'7