I'd like to begin with being a little boring with OOC information, but if you're going to read something, read this please. Important, now read eet >:3.
My Rules:
I only take on play mate at a time, to focus and to deliver 100% in each RP. And if I say I'm busy, please respect this. But that don't mean I don't want to talk to you, booking up a future RP or discussing it between posts works perfectly fin. Even if I might be slow to respond.
At times I can be picky with what I want to play, and that I apologize for. I try to keep myself open to anything, but someday my mood grabs me and drags me towards one thing.
Also, I am more than willing to let YOU play someone from this roster with me.
I think that's pretty much it.
A cookie to anyone that can guess where I got the inspiration to this from. ^_^
RP/Scenario Ideas
Here are some ideas and scenarios I want to play out if any of them appease to you. Not all are vore.
A day at School - A day at Angel School and take part in the lessons and classes, be it a guided tour or as a temp student part of an exchange program.
Magic Lessons - Takumi needs a few magic lessons to get to keep his job, as Basic Transformation Magic have become a must at the store he works at.
Street War - Navigate the streets of Angel City when the gangs are at wars, take a side of try to stay clear of it all. Regardless, you're in the mess.
Freak Show Carnival! - You took a wrong turn, a serious wrong turn, and ended up at the abandoned amusement park down by the docks. Where the Freak Show dumps plenty of their failed creatures.
Red Light District - Welcome to the Carnival of Sin, where all your, or other's at your expense, is realized!
Snake Pit - The Coppertails are holding a fighting tournament, can you win?
Bat Cave - Smuggling by night, the Nightrunners find someone spying on them or simply being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Can you escape with your hide?
The Bangers
Bangers Support
The Freak Show
The Law
Blue Orchid
The Establishment
Angel Spa
Angel School
The Stud Farm
The Milk Farm
The Den
Stud Muffin's Bakery
Angel Museum of History
The Underworld
The Bangers
The Hightown Bangers, as the gang is called, started out their career with small time crime such as protection, bootlegged DVDs, and money collection for the Russians (who were to lazy to do it themselves). At the beginning, there were just Loki and a handful of his newly graduated friends, each of them tired of unemployment and having to scrape up a living of social checks and parents. So they together turned to a life of (minor) crime and found the business to be rather lucrative, as long as they weren't caught by the cops.
In comparison with other gangs, they are still rather small time. But they are slowly moving up, even started to catch the eye of the larger gangs in the city. Which can be potentially dangerous, and that's when they stopped hanging out in the basement of their old school and moved into the basement of the mall instead. Which turned out to be a entire mall in itself that was never finished, or they simply built the new one over the old one. The Hightown Bangers didn't care, they just cheered as they found themselves a place to hang out that were far more discrete. And to protect their little haven, Loki managed to get himself a job as mall security, by getting rid of a few of the ones already employed as well as a few of the other applicants (Around fifty). And he's a hard worker, eagerly taking night shifts and working extra. In reality though, he simply sneaks off into the basement to plan, hang out, and over see the projects of the gang. He also lives down there, in his own little self styled luxury place.
And now they plan to work their way upwards, take over the city... and become the kings and queens of Angel City
Underground Mall
Name: Loki
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Height: 6'3"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch
Role: Gang Leader
Occupation: Mall Security Guard
Battle Prowess: High
Special Abilities: Gift of Speech (Slight Suggestion) Pick Pocketing
Hobbies: Parkour
Loki comes from a poor family, his mother being a single parent that worked almost all day and long into the night on a low income job to be able to support her son and herself. Just barely having enough money for food once the rent was paid. Loki did what he could to make life easier for his mother of course, even if it involved stealing and shop-lifting, just minor things for the most part. Being smart and fast enough to not be caught in the act at least. School was not so rough on him, at first he was a target for other kids, but he quickly turned that around. And gathered some friends to hang out with, treating the school yard like a turf and setting dominance early on. Being appointed leader through silent vote, he simply took on the role naturally, and was a rather protective leader. Going out of his way to keep his friends safe, even putting his own life and limbs on the line. Once school was over, he kept his friends tightly around himself and set out onto the street, already having visions of ruling it all.
The Lieutenants
Name: From left to right, Cyle, Thomas and David.
Age: 20, 21, 20
Gender: Male x3
Height: 5'8", 6'7", 5'9"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Sub, Bisexual Dom, Homosexual Switch
Role: 2nd, 1st, and 3d Lieutenant
Occupation: Unemployed, Male Stripper, Unemployed
Battle Prowess: One: Medium. Two: High. All: Very High
Special Abilities: None
Hobbies: Model Building, Card Games, Stamp Collecting
These three have always been with Loki, ever since they were little preschoolers that ran around causing mischief and making the neighbourhood a unsafe place to live. Generally a friendly bunch, but not above playing pranks and teasing each other. Quite often playing cruel practical jokes on other gang members and Loki. Their role in the gang is to oversee and organize the lower members into groups and send them on their missions for the day.
Ms. Tombstone
Name: Sara Catherine Mariana Tombstone
Age: 38
Gender: Shemale
Height: 7'9"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Dom
Role: Money Keeper
Occupation: Teacher
Battle Prowess: Low
Special Abilities: Empathy
Hobbies: Reading
Sara Catherine Mariana Tombstone is easily the oldest member of the gang, originally Loki's English teacher who caught him shoplifting. But instead of turning him over to the police, she decided that she would set the young man straight herself. And see how that turned out, today she's in charge of keeping tabs on the collective resources of the gang. Be it money, cars, wares, or what not. And she does it quite happily, since not only have the boys spiced up her life, but thanks to them she have been able to divorce her police husband and buy herself a big house for her kids.
Name: Hideyoshi Hayate
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Height: 5'2"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch
Role: Enforcer
Occupation: Unemployed
Battle Prowess: Very High
Special Abilities: Way of Bushido
Hobbies: Bonsai Trees
Hideyoshi Hayate was a Japanese exchange student, originally part of the yakuza as well. But one night when the Koreans came, everything turned bad. Chinatown was a bloodbath, the largest gang settlement in the history of the city. Hayate himself was injured, and was about to be finished off, when the scavenging Hightown Bangers showed up and attacked his assailant, and would be assassin. Loki, being a criminal, but not the type to leave someone to die on the street. Decided that they would take Hayate with them when they left and returned to their home. Where they managed to find a private doctor to treat the stranger's wounds.
The rest of the yakuza had been all but wiped out, and the few that survived the attack from the Koreans, sought their sanctuary back home. Leaving Hayate behind. He was angry, at both the Koreans and his former friends for just leaving him for dead. So he joined the Hightown Bangers and adopted the name Bishamon, the Shinto god of war.
Name: Takumi
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Height: 5'5"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual (Gay Sub, Straight Top)
Role: Lookout
Occupation: Part time worker in a combined book store and adult toy shop
Battle Prowess: Very Low
Special Abilities: Ghost Sense
Hobbies: Reading and Writing
Alternative Clothing: Alt 1
Takumi was always the weird child in school, claiming to be hearing voices and seeing the dead. He got popular with the goths, but not so much with the rest of the crowd. In his younger school days he was a target for bullies, and this haunted him for quite a while. Not stopping until one day, in the earliest days of the Hightown Bangers, when Loki bore witness to a heavy bully session that the feline had to endure. And even though golden rule of staying alive on the street is "Stay out of other's problems" he couldn't help himself and stepped up to the little group of bullies and showed them both that looks can be deceiving and that you don't mess with Bangers.
Ms. Gaziel
Name: Ms. Gaziel
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Height: 7'8"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Dom
Role: Chemist
Occupation: Unknown
Battle Prowess: Low
Special Abilities: Unknown
Hobbies: "Toy" collecting
Chemists are hard to find, especially one such as good looking as Ms Gaziel. How she joined up with the Hightown Bangers, no one knows, it's simply between her and Loki. But all the members are happy to have her, both for the quite lovely eye candy she makes as she passes by, for her chemistry knowledge, and her connections all over town. It's thanks to her that the gang have been able to come through many times in the past, and will be many more in the future.
Name: Anna-Belle "Domitra" Hendrickson
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Height: 8'3"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Dom
Role: Enforcer
Occupation: Adult Amateur Actor
Battle Prowess: Extremely High
Special Abilities: Pain Suppression
Domitra's real name is Anna-belle Hendrickson, but she adopted the name Domitra when she went into amateur porn. Releasing a line of BDSM and fetish movies with her own funds, they were a hit with the crowd. Which was why Loki decided that the Hightown Bangers would start bootlegging them and cutting in on the profit. And that essentially ruined Domitra's buissness, and it ruined her, up to her hips in debts that she couldn't pay off. She lost her house, her car, everything. Homeless, penniless, and angry as hell, she sought down the gang that had ruined her and kicked down their front door. And when she had Loki by his throat (and all other gang members trying to separate them) the strangled feline offered her half of everything they made of her movies, as long as she didn't kill him. She agreed, if she could join the gang and they helped her make more movies.
Name: Consuella
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Height: 9'3"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Role: Hideout Protection
Occupation: B-Movie Actress
Battle Prowess: High
Special Abilities: Web Spinning
Consuella was just a actress for various low budget, B-line production. Mostly as a movie monster. She enjoyed it, and had some fun along the lines. Doing some questionable scenes once in a while as well, seduction and devouring as the producer called it. After a while, it got stale though, as she only got to do B-movies. She wanted someone to take notice of her, to offer her better parts in movies with more budget. And even be the damsel in distress once in a while. But that never came, not until she went out at a bar one night. And meet Loki, who was the only one that hit on her, since others tended to avoid her. He was also a fan of her movies, at least the more questionable ones. And after a long, hard, tight night together. He offered her something other than a movie contract. Something far more exciting as the life of a gang banger.
Name: Marine Alexander
Age: 31
Gender: Shemale
Height: 8'5"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch
Role: Bruiser
Occupation: Discharged Military Officer
Battle Prowess: Extremely High
Special Abilities: Unending Stamina
Maria was a criminal from the day she was born, always stealing, picking fights and being a menace. Her parents carting her off to military school once they realized they couldn't keep her under control for even a moment. She did not mind though, she thrived in the military, learning discipline, focus, and how to fight properly. Several times were she sent on campaigns, returning to earn another medal. So it wasn't a big surprise for anyone when she was promoted to Major. However, it was discovered that she was selling military equipment and distributing drugs to the soldiers. Because of her several medals in courage on valour, she received a dis-honorary discharge rather than prison. Soon afterwards, she meet Loki in a club. And after sharing a few drinks and a room, they started talking. It leading to her joining the Bangers.
Name: Gurrada
Age: Unkown
Gender: Male
Height: 16'2"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Dom
Role: Mascot/Watch Cat
Occupation: Being big and fluffy
Battle Prowess: Extremely High
Special Abilities: Sharp Claws
Gurrada is a strange little tiger, found abandoned by Takumi when he was just a cub. The feline couldn't help but take the little fuzz ball with him back to the gang's lair, and the reaction was instant affection from the others. So they voted to keep him. However, the tiny, furry feline would grow, explosively. Growing larger and larger with each passing day. But he was still fuzzy and playful. And as they lived in a underground mall, they had all the space in the world to keep a huge feline hidden in. Besides, no matter how big, or how wild the games with the big cat became, he never hurt anyone of the gang members. Uninvited intruders on the other hand seemed to have diminished to zero.
Jobe and Taur
Name: Jobe Henderson and Taur Cole
Age: 18 and 23
Gender: Male and Male
Height: 5'3" and 6'5"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch and Bisexual Switch
Role: Gang Runners
Occupation: None
Battle Prowess: Medium
Special Abilities: None
Jobe and Taur are a free couple, joining the gang as a result from them taking the wrong turn while delivering a package through the subway tunnels and ending up inside of the gang's hideout. Where they were rather quickly subjugated to a initiation. They found themselves rather enjoying it though and ended up being happy members.
Name: Bunnyhop Adams
Age: 34
Gender: Shemale
Height: 6'2"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch
Role: Member
Occupation: Part-time waitress
Battle Prowess: Medium
Special Abilities: None
Bunnyhop, simply called Hop by her friends, is a more of a hang-around member of the Bangers. She's there with them, helping out around base. Maybe buying equipment and keeping an eye out for them, but she is never part of any of the actual illegal operations. Not of her own choice though, the other's consider her too sweet and too innocent to put in harms way. Mostly she's kept around as eye candy and stomach filling.
Name: Samuel Blue
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Height: 5'4"
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual Switch
Role: Responsible over the Inventory
Occupation: Part time mall storage worker
Battle Prowess: Low
Special Abilities: Feels no emotions
Samuel stumbled upon the gang one day, or more precisely, stumbled upon their lair by accident when he got lost during late work hours. Finding himself in the subterranean mall he wandered around in the unused parts for hours, until Gurrada sniffed him out. And brought him home dangling between his teeth, but as Samuel was born without emotions, he wasn't scared of the big cat. And ended up being treated as a snuggle toy to his dismay during the night, not being freed until the gang came and got him lose. Having the choice of either joining them, or become Gurrada's next meal. He chose the first.
Name: Allan Walker
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Height: 6'6"
Sexual Orientation: Straight (Bisexual(In the closet!!!))
Role: Super Hero gang Member
Occupation: Super Hero
Battle Prowess: Very High
Special Abilities: Super Strength, flight, invulnerability, super fuckable-ass
Hobbies: None
Allan wasn't born with his super powers, he fell into a puddle of toxic waste. Spilled from a careering waste truck. Shortly before it crashed into the harbour and sank like a rock. He was already in the Bangers at that time, and over a few days, his powers manifested. Letting him fly, lift enormous weight, and take bullets to the chest. But he decided that he would not use this gift for petty crime, no, he would help people. Save lives and become a super hero. Of course, he would still hang with his gang friends when he wasn't out saving the world. And so started the story of the city's most fucked super hero, as more than once. His ass ended up on the five-o-clock news, being rammed by one of the super villains of the city.
Name: Jerry Tomsom
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Height: 5'4"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch (bottom preffs)
Role: Member
Occupation: Works part time in the mall in the costume store
Battle Prowess: Medium
Special Abilities: None
Hobbies: Making cosplay outfits.
Jerry joined the gang by accident really, as he was taking a few boxes down to the storage room and stumbled down the stair case and into the Banger's hide out. Right into one of their planning meets. At first he was scared and became a prisoner, but as the Bangers did treat him rather nicely. Mostly since Loki told em to, since he knew the scared little mouse a bit. He started to take a liking to them and at first became a trustee and just kept quiet about their hideout, and eventually joining as a full member.
Bangers Support
Name: Marion
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Height: 6'3"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual switch
Role: Source of Income
Occupation: Prostitute
Battle Prowess: Low
Special Abilities: None
Marion is not really a official member of the gang, she's more like their latest investment. Since they have decided that need a steadier income rather than just bootlegged DVDs and CDs, and while drugs is a lucrative business, there's also lots of competition. Lots of hostile competition that like drive-bys and dropping people into the river. Prostitution on the other hand is a rather open business, with high demand and low high quality supply. Low quality there's plenty of, so the Hightown Bangers decided to focus more on giving out a high quality product for a reasonable price. And Marion was all to happy to get rid of her old pimp and go for a more interesting choice of company.
Pink Tail
Name: Richard "Pink Tail" Clydedale
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Height: 5'4"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual (but prefers men) Switch
Role: Source of income
Occupation: Prostitute
Battle Prowess: Low
Special Abilities: None
Thomas pointed out to Loki that if they were going into prostitution, the should have something to offer to all tastes. Loki's first suggestion was to put up Thomas to display, a suggestion that was answered by a ride up Thomas butt. A few hours, and a reformation, later Loki agreed it was a stupid suggestion. And so they went man-whore hunting, a hunt that turned up nothing. It wasn't until they decided to take a break in the park that they spotted Richard, doing his daily run. They were quick to approach him, and at first he was a bit reluctant, but after some convincing spit-roasting in the back of Loki's van he was all for it.
Name: Cathrine
Age: 25
Gender: Shemale
Height: 5'3"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch
Role: Source of income
Occupation: Prostitute
Battle Prowess: Low
Special Abilities: None
The hunt for more flavours continued, since there were two more to go after male and female. They just had to go looking more, Loki forcing Thomas to help him since it was his idea. Loki thinking a girl with a strap-on would be enough for anyone, he not being to picky with where he sticks his dick, or what gets stuck in his rear. But Thomas would have none of that and so insisted that they find a shemale to, which was surprisingly easy in comparison it was to find Pink Tail. And Cathrine being both a nympho and somewhat of a exhibitionist, she was all for it, after she'd given the boys head in the park.
Name: Citrine
Age: 73
Gender: Hermaphrodite
Height: 7'3"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual (but prefers girls) switch
Role: Source of income
Occupation: Prostitute
Battle Prowess: Medium
Special Abilities: Magic
The last, and hardest to find, they actually had to leave the city limits to track down Citrine. She being a innocent farm girl until the boys showed up, and introduced her to a whole new kind of world. Taking her away from seed, cows and fields, to subways, buildings and sex. Lots and lots of sex, which she found herself enjoying quite a bit. And at first, she was a little hesitant about taking money for sexual acts, but she warmed to the idea after a while. And some beneficial salary arrangements. Of course, they had to get her a place to stay, and to receive clients at. And that was easily fixed, Thomas, Cyle, and David just walked across the street from the mall and "arranged" a tenant's moving out rather hurriedly, not even taking time to pack. And since Citrine was so quick to offer to rent the place, she could move in the same day, to a fully furnitured apartment.
Name: Serena Pride
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Height: 5'9"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch
Role: Source of Income
Occupation: Collage Student and Escort
Battle Prowess: None
Special Abilities: None
Serena went to school with Loki and his friends, with age differing between them though. But she still hung out with them now and then, often being the focus for their sexual endeavours during those times. Sadly, her parents found out that she was a slut when she started collage, and cut her off from their money. So with no other choice, she started turning tricks. But Loki was quick to step in, helping her out by protecting her, and screening clients. Making her into a luxury escort rather than a common whore.
Name: Daniella Cotton
Age: 43
Gender: Female
Height: 6'3"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch
Role: Economical Support
Occupation: Loki's Adoptive Mother
Battle Prowess: None
Special Abilities: None
Loki loves his mother, yes he does, even though she isn't his real one. Daniella have been there for him when he've needed her though, be it as a source for money, advice, support, or sexual training. All of which she have provided happily for her beloved little son and his friends, she really is way too kind to them she knows that. But she don't care, she just loves having the entire gang over for dinner and socializing. As for her own income, she owns a shipping company which she inherited from her late husband. A modest company at the time, now turned into a multi-billion international company.
Name: Analisa Stock
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Height: 6'7"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch
Role: Source of Income
Occupation: Luxury prostitute
Battle Prowess: None
Special Abilities: None
Analisa lived a normal, regular life as a model. Having the 'ideal' model figure of being so sickly skinny it was disgusting. But one day she received a cupcake, sent to her in a glass box with silken wrapped. The note saying "From a Fan" and as it was but one tiny little cup cake, with chocolate coverage and sprinkles. She ate it. And that was the end of it, or so she thought, morning come. Her slender figure was gone, replaced by the gorgeous that was now bestowed upon her. At first she was devastated, losing her job, her model friends, the only ones that stuck with her was her family. And her fan, that sent her flowers and sexy underwear. She accepted it, of course, having little else to go by. And one day, her fan got her a new job, through a friend of his. Loki being there to make her into one of the most popular girls in the city again.
Soft Tail
Name: Bryan Jakobs
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height: 6'5"
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual Sub
Role: Gang Income
Occupation: Prostitute
Battle Prowess: Low
Special Abilities: None
Soft Tail is the latest addition to the street working part of the gang, having been found by Jobe and Taur that picked him up at a local bar and rode his soft little tush for an entire weekend straight. And as the cute little pony was still able to stand and hold a conversation, they enlisted him as a sure card for handling group bookings when they came in. Soft Tail didn't mind much, it was a semi-secure income with protection by the gang. Not to mention he is somewhat of a slut, so he just loves it when large bookings comes his way.
Name: Tania Wool
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Height: 6'7"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Dom
Role: Secretary
Occupation: Secretary
Battle Prowess: Medium
Special Abilities: None
Tania is Daniella's full time secretary, living and working with her 24/7 to assist her in running her rather substantial company. Mostly having to deal with clients or ship captains wanting to company. She deals with it easily enough, while having a very 'hands-on' relation ship with her boss. Loki having often walked in on them during 'employee evaluation time' as Daniella refers to it.
Name: Scazz Coppertail
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Height: Varies Lenght: 34'3"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Role: Leader of the Coppertails
Occupation: Gang leader
Battle Prowess: Extremely High
Special Abilities: Hypnotic Gaze
Scazz is a street child, born and raised there. Was a errand boy for criminals at a very early age, standing lookout and just doing small stuff that no one else wanted to. But this gave him a very good grip on how things worked from the bottom and up, and it was thanks to this knowladge that his gang grew so fast and managed to get such a strong grip of the city as they did so fast. Soon enough ruling a good third of it like a king, his palace being bars and clubs where he would sip from his goblet of power. Having a reputation for having a dark cravings, and being a glutton. Everyone stays clear of him, even members of his own gang seem to be vary around him.
Name: Ruger Eichelberger
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Height: 5'8"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Sub
Role: Plaything
Occupation: Second in command of the Coppertails
Battle Prowess: Very High
Special Abilities: Immunity to charm and hypnosis
Ruger is a imported commodity from Germany, kidnapped from his parents at young age and sold into trafficking and prostitution through out his entire upbringing. Until he was sold to Scazz. Scazz needed a second in command, but he couldn't have one that was scared of him. So he sough out someone that had lived in hell and felt fear beyond terror. And then he gave him comfort, luxury and even compassion. Now Ruger can be seen as the one always sitting at Scazz side, and even often in his coils. Where he lovingly strokes and caresses his master's scales.
Name: Bourbon Amazon
Age: 31
Gender: Shemale
Height: 8'3"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Dom
Role: Enforcer
Occupation: Bouncer
Battle Prowess: Very High
Special Abilities: Regeneration
Bourbon started her career as a underground cage fighter, scoring win after win against opponents much larger than herself even. Often with not a single scratch on her person to be found. No one would realize where this unatural constitution came from. Until Scazz watched one of her fights. And afterwards offered her a job as his main enforcer.
Name: Alfalcha Savanna
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Height: 6'4"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Dom
Role: Legal Support
Occupation: Lawyer
Battle Prowess: (Physical) Low (Legal) Very High
Special Abilities: Eidetic Memory
Alfalcha have always been a good lawyer, and never minding whom she worked for as long as the price was right. Taking cases revolving murder, theft, vandalism, and so on ans so fourth. She have become a very common sight in court cases involving gang activity. Lately though, she've been the most present during cases against Coppertail members. As Scazz have put her on retainer, and some even say she have become an actual member of the gang.
Name: Bound Topper
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Height: 5'6"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch
Role: Gang Wizard
Occupation: None
Battle Prowess: High
Special Abilities: Bondage Magic
Hobbies: None
Bound was drafted into the Coppertails when it became clear to the gang that they lacked some magical artillery that the other gangs seemed to gather to them. But they had a problem, the magician they had gotten was a expert in bondage magic. So his abilities didn't carry the same force as they expected. But they became happy with their selection soon enough when they could add a humiliation element to their battles.
Name: Vladimir Roman
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height: 5'8"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Dom
Role: Leader of Nightrunners
Occupation: Gang leader
Battle Prowess: Extremely High
Special Abilities: Vampire Powers
Vladimir came to the city not long ago, and the first thing he did was to take over the Russian Mafia by force. And turned the entire organization to a less subtle way of working than they normally did, most of it involving large, muscular men fighting in cages wearing as little as possible. His clubs are now popular spots for any fighting enthusiast, coupled with male-only dancers and prostitutes, often the fighters. There are rumours flying around that Vladimir is in fact a vampire, but those are just silly rumours created by jealous competition.
((OOC Note: looking for someone to play the fox.))
Name: Ballast Roman
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Height: 5'5"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Dom
Role: Second in command of the Nightrunners
Occupation: Club Owner
Battle Prowess: Extremely High
Special Abilities: Vampire Powers
Ballast is Vladimir's younger sister, arriving to Angel City a year later than he did and quickly muscled her way into his gang. Which was done by nagging and whapping her brother over the head repeatedly until he made her second in command. Not that she have done a bad job since then, on the contrary, the clubs she've come the be in charge off are doing even better than her brother's. She leans on the other end of the scale though, having girl-only fights and girl only performers. She also have a much higher sale of drugs and illegal substances than her brother does, and some inside the gang have approached her with the suggestion of helping her take her brother's place. Those people have never been seen again.
Name: Rambe Catcthe
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch
Role: Gang Hitman
Occupation: Fighter/Entertainer at Club Stalingrad
Battle Prowess: Very High
Special Abilities: None
Ramble is a imported fighter for Vladimir's main club, but he is also the bat's best hitman. For the fact that he does it clean, no show, no bombs, no bullets, people simply disappear when he's dispatched to take care of someone. Luckily, Vladimir isn't so fast to kill people left and right like Scazz is. So for the most part, Rambe just fights and dances in the clubs. Swinging his fist and shaking his ass for all the people that wants to see him perform.
Name: Garth Streamson
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Height: 5'4
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Sub
Role: Entertainment
Occupation: Male Dancer at Club Stalingrad
Battle Prowess: None
Special Abilities: Alluring Sparkle
Garth started working for Vladimir when he was only eighteen, even then he was a dancer. The best, no matter who came to him, no matter what kind of way they swung. He would have them sitting on the edge of their seat, drooling and paying any price to see more of him sway and move his body before them. This Vladimir used, or abused, depending on how you see it. He would have Garth gather information for him, blackmailing clients to spill their secrets to the alluring feline in exchange for a longer dance or more. Who did it all with a smile on his lips.
Name: Victor Bugest
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Height: 5'6"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch (Bottom pref)
Role: Butler to Vladimir
Occupation: Bartender and Butler
Battle Prowess: High
Special Abilities: Flight, absolute awareness
Hobbies: Chess
Victor is a imported servant Vladimir had brought to him shortly after asserting his position. Being both loyal and eager to serve, he will under take any task for his master.
The Freak Show
Out of all the gangs in the City, the freak show is the one that every gives the widest breath of all. Even the police makes sure to stay well clear of their turf, which is a small piece of down town, and most of the industrial areas of the city. Most know for their nightly street raids, where they roam through the city, looking for any form of amusement they can find. Hyped up on drugs and alcohol, they are none to picky with whomever gets in their way.
The Freak Misstress
Name: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Gender: Shemale
Height: 7'4"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Dom
Role: Stress Reviler
Occupation: Dominatrix of the DEN
Battle Prowess: High
Special Abilities: Unknown
No one knows much about the Misstress, no one have even seen her face once. At least not and told the tale about it. Rumours are many and sketchy, ranging from hideous disfigurement to angelic beauty. Regardless, no one really cares. She runs the largest underground BDSM club in the city, and it have often happened that rumour spreaders end up banned, or never heard from again. She is also the leader of the notorious street gang The Freak Show.
Name: Adelette Anna-belle Klydesteph
Age: Unkown
Gender: Unkown
Height: Unkown
Sexual Orientation: All-sexual
Role: Second in Command of the Freak Show
Occupation: None
Battle Prowess: Extremely High
Special Abilities: Metamorphism
Hobbies: Clay Sculpting
Adelette is a mystery to the city, no one knows where she comes from, or even when she came. She seems to have always been there in one form or another, always being a menace towards the citizens in some manner. In her latest incarnation, she is the second in command of the Freak Show, a role she've taken on with zeal and gusto. And having made it her personal business to make her gang the most feared of them all.
Name: Anna-Sara Cile
Age: 24
Gender: Shemale
Height: 8'4"
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Role: Fixer
Occupation: None
Battle Prowess: Very High
Special Abilities: Latexmancy
Hobbies: Designing latex clothing
Anna-Sara was a sheltered child, and a abused one. Her parents putting her through years of mental and physical abuse, calling her a freak of nature or a monster on a daily basis. This going on well into her teen age years. And didn't stop until a outside force put a stop to it, the Freak Mistress one day just came and took her away from her home. Giving her a new one, and a new life. Adopting the name Latex, she became one of the Mistress' most loyal subjects.
Name: Tina McBable
Age: 38
Gender: Female
Height: 12'4"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Role: Supernatural Ward
Occupation: Medium
Battle Prowess: Very High
Special Abilities: Foresight and minor magic
Hobbies: Studying the arcane
Robust was always odd child, claiming to hear voices, to see things, and talk to dead people. And such, her up-growing was a constant parade of being told not to let her imagination get out of hand. Her most traumatic experience being when a priest came forward and claimed that she was possessed by evil spirits and wanted to exorcise them. He was not allowed to finish though, as a most earthly evil stepped in and stopped him. Bringing another into the Mistress' fold.

Name: Golgotha
Age: 1630
Gender: Male
Height: 8'3"
Sexual Orientation: All-sexual
Role: Half demon
Occupation: Body Artist
Battle Prowess: Extremely High
Special Abilities: Demon Magic
Hobbies: Metalworking
Some claims that Golgatha is one of the city's founders, or was at least one of the first inhabitants to arrive. But he have been a constant presence ever since the founding days. Owning a huge tower right in the centre of town, as well as several other venues scattered around. How he became the owner, no one is really sure, he is not a reclusive half demon, but rather very forward about who and what he is. As well as his membership of the Freak Show. The best way to get in touch with him is actually to enter his Body Studio, where he twists and alters those that come to him into so much more than they were from the start.
The Law
Even in this city of crime, the law excist, and they work tirelessly day and night to get the gangs behind bars.
Name: Garry Monroe
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Height: 7'4"
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual Dom
Role: The Law
Occupation: Chief Lieutenant of the 30th District
Battle Prowess: Extremely High
Special Abilities: Tanuki Trickery
Garry was born into a police family, and he was raised to be a cop from the very start. Learning ideals of law and order, to protect and serve with his life on the line. And he would not have it any other way. He loved and worshipped his parents, more so after his father's death at the hands of the Copper Tails. Sadly, no one could tie Scazz directly to the crime. But Garry swore that one day he would put the reptile, and all other gangs, behind bars once and for all. Unfortunately, or fortunately, for the Bangers, their hideout lies smack in the middle of the 30the police district. Where Garry is the Chief Lieutenant.
Name: Clarita Angel
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Height: 6'3"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch
Role: Angel in disguise
Occupation: Police Undercover Agent
Battle Prowess: Very High
Special Abilities: Angel
Clarita has been sent from the heavens above to watch over Angel City and the innocent that resides here. And she does this task all to happily, blending into the local crowd easily enough as she have taken a job as a undercover police agent. The only one that knows of her true nature is Garry, as she once saved his life when he was shot in action, by applying her special healing touch on him. This did require her to unfurl her wings and reveal their full glory.
Name: Zika Inque
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Height: 6'5"
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual switch
Role: Information Gather
Occupation: CSI
Battle Prowess: High
Special Abilities: None
Zika is a former gang member having switched sides when her sister tragically passed away. Then she dropped her flag and colours and enrolled into the police academy, helping to bring her former gang to justice once she had graduated. Mostly by spending hours and hours examining and gathering evidence, tirelessly working day and night to make sure that no one was getting away. She is also the only underwater CSI in the entire city, giving her a added level of protection by the police force.
Name: Pop
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Height: 6'4"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch
Role: Problem Solver
Occupation: Government Agent
Battle Prowess: Very High
Special Abilities: Self Duplication
Pop, as he is know as is an enigma in the city. Only having introduced himself for Gary and John on his arrival and have since then exchanged few words with anyone. Simply observing and watching the workings of the city as the days go by. And have so far shown no hint of trying to solve the issue with crime or gang activity. So far simply watching, waiting.
The overcrowded Jail of Angel City, still accepting inmates even after going way beyond it's capacity.
Name: Buck
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Height: 7'4"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Dom
Role: Warden of Angel City Jail
Occupation: Warden
Battle Prowess: Extreamly High
Special Abilities: TF Powers
Hobbies: Sex toy reviewing
Buck is the warden that have lasted the longest in the jail, many others having quit after just a year or less. But he have not only remained, but also instilled a disciplined peace and order inside of the prison walls.
Name: Borealis
Age: 30
Gender: Shemale
Height: 9'4"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Top
Role: Guard Dog Angel City Jail
Occupation: Security Dog
Battle Prowess: Very High
Special Abilities: Bounding Leap
Hobbies: Making cock-socks
Borealis was once a simple wanderer, moving from state to state, city to city in hopes to find somewhere she could call home. But no such luck came for her, she was either kicked out or chased away for various reasons. Being to aggressive, too large, to cumbersome, her prowess for accidents getting on people's nerves. That was, until she meet Buck and he got her a job in the prison. Where it didn't matter, the building being far to sturdy for her to break, and the inmates the same. At least, until they spent time beneath her.
Name: Thong Backbone
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Height: 7'4"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, male lean
Role: Guard
Occupation: Prison Guard
Battle Prowess: Very High
Special Abilities: Transformation magic
Hobbies: Thong making
Thong wanted to follow in his father's footsteps and become a cop, but he found himself drawn to actually keeping the scum off the streets. Rather than pointlessly pulling them off em over and over again. So he turned to the prison and became a guard. Keeping the inmates in line along with Borealis and Buck.
Name: Stud Flare
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Height: 8'4"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, male lean
Role: Guard
Occupation: Prison Guard Captain
Battle Prowess: Very High
Special Abilities: Transformation magic
Hobbies: Stretching underwear
Stud is one of the guards that seems to have been there forever. No one really sure when he started working, just that he is good at it. Inmates quick to sit down or put their backs against the walls when he comes, or some turning to face away. He is also the guard that teaches all the others the basics of transformation magic that is used to keep the prisoners in check.
Blue Orchid
The Blue Orchid is one of the most luxurious resturants in the entire city, highly sought after and with a month-long waiting list just to get a table. It's service and menu being next to unique within the city limits.
Name: Raul Bluebuck
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Height: 6'4"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch
Role: Hot Chef
Occupation: Chef and Resturant owner
Battle Prowess: Medium
Special Abilities: Master of the Kitchen
Hobbies: Cooking
Raul knew he wanted to be a chef from the moment he started thinking of a carer. Having spent most of his youth helping out in his father's restaurant, he already had a head start and ace chef school. Going out into the world to practice under the masters, learning everything there was to know. And then returned to show off his skills to his former teacher, by making her into a dish on her own request. This event being what created the basic idea for his own restaurant.
Name: Peter Stud
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height: 6'4"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, male lean
Role: Cold Chef
Occupation: Chef apprentice.
Battle Prowess: Medium
Special Abilities: Hydromancy
Hobbies: Painting
Peter was always unsure of himself when growing up, and had absolutely no idea what he wanted to do for a living when he grew up. Spending his school years in miscellaneous classes that lead to nothing. It was only pure luck he stumbled into Raul's kitchen. Literally. The fox grabbing him, putting chef's clothes on him and showed him the basics. Turning Peter into his first apprentice.
Name: Candy Cane
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Height: 7'4"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual male lean
Role: Waiter
Occupation: Head Waiter
Battle Prowess: High
Special Abilities: Perfect balance
Hobbies: Dancing
Candy got hired by emergency when Raul opened the restaurant, not having anyone to sever the food and a severe shortage of serving personal. He made some quick calls to friends and got recommended Candy. Who was more than happy to get a job, with a steady hand, strong arm and sure on his feet. He could serve the entire restaurant in minuets, without mixing up any table. Pleasant to talk with and easy to get to know, he was a staring success.
Hot Trot
Name: Hot Trot
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Height: 7'4"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Role: Waiter
Occupation: Waiter
Battle Prowess: Medium
Special Abilities: None
Hobbies: Cooking
Hot Trot was the second waited hired by Raul, just a few days after Candy was hired. But he is constantly walking on a thin line, as he's somewhat accident prone and fumbling. Dropping dishes or crashing into tables. But when working on the Blue Orchid, the retirement plan involves ending up as the evening's special.
The Establishment
Of course Angel City have a established government of officials and what not. Not that anyone have seen the mayor for several years, he have been missing since two days after the last election (His fifth win in a row). Rumours have it that he has a spot in the harbour, but officials claim that he is on a outreach trip to the capital.
Name: John Anderson
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0"
Sexual Orientation: Straight Sub
Role: Government Pawn
Occupation: Deputy Mayor
Battle Prowess: None
Special Abilities: Head for Paperwork
John was a regular person doing his job, until the Mayor disappeared. Being the Deputy Mayor, he was suddenly put in charge. Not that he actually does much, he simply keeps things going as they are. He have enough of his own problems, the three biggest ones coming right through his office door one early Monday morning. To the sound of clicking high-heels and sway of luscious hips and bosoms. Lady A, B, and C, those were the only names he were given. And before long they had him calling them Mistresses and eating out of their palms.
((The three ladies are free for other's to play when playing with me if they so desire))
Ms. Craft and Toy
Name: Anna Craft and Toy
Age: 39 and 19
Gender: Female and Male
Height: 6'7" and 5'3"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Dom and Bisexual Sub
Role: State Official and Toy
Occupation: Secretary of State and... Toy
Battle Prowess: None
Special Abilities: None
Ms Craft was appointed Secretary of State not long after the mayor's disappearance. And she seemingly doesn't do much, but in fact, she is working for a international crime syndicate that is slowly undermining the state. Well, she would, if she didn't enjoy living in Freedom City so much. After all, there are few other places in the world where you can semi-own a willing slave without being arrested. Toy is her personal toy, who goes where she goes, does what she tells him, most often it involves being on his knees beneath her desk, fetching her coffee or delivering messages. His role is part sexual relief, part secretary, part assistant and part... anything she can think of. And he does it happily.
((Toy is free to be taken control off if you desire))
Ms. Auria
Name: Clara Auria
Age: 49
Gender: Hermaphrodite
Height: 6'5"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual switch
Role: State Official
Occupation: State Principal
Battle Prowess: Low
Special Abilities: None
Clara started out as a teacher in kindergarten, and would remain in the same kind of work for her entire life. Only changing where she worked and for what year, until she'd educated in almost every field that Angel City had schools for. And until she was offered the position, she had never considered being a principal. But she did a good job at it, and would soon enough get a promotion to a larger school. And after that she became head principal over all of the City's school, after that, well, the only position higher was State Principal, same office, more responsibility. But she gladly took it, as now she has a chance to help make sure that every child gets the education they deserve, and can be swayed away from a gang life.
Allyon and Zorban
Name: Allyon and Zorban
Age: 25 and 31
Gender: Male Trap and Male
Height: 5'9" and 6'4"
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual Switch x2
Role: State Officials
Occupation: PR Management Agents
Battle Prowess: Very Low
Special Abilities: None
Allyon and Zorban fill a crucial role for the management of the city. With so many incidents of violence and high crime rate, they were hired for PR Management. Something they have proved to be quite apt at, as they are able to get larger companies to see past the troubles and actually invest in the city. Moving offices and industries to the state and employing local, hard working citizens. They are also the ones in the city office receiving the least bribes, but collect the most favours of everyone. No one really know how they seem able to smudge over any incident that would otherwise ruin anything, to make grumpy high-class visitors leave with smiles and nothing but fond memories of Angel City.
Name: Lord Maxuel Equinox III
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Height: 6'5"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Dom
Role: Figure of State
Occupation: Land Owner
Battle Prowess: Medium
Special Abilities: Transmutation and Doll Animation
Hobbies: Cooking and Riding
Maxuel is the inheritor to the majority of the land surrounding Angel City, his family being the first to settle here many generations ago and have since then owned most of the state. Only selling out small portions of it at a time, while renting most of it for a meagre sum. Considering the size of the state though, it is still a hefty income as the number of plots rented out counts well over a billion. Most of the time Maxuel tends to spend in his own mansion and the land surrounding it, riding one of the many horses or entertaining guests while tended 24/7 by a staff of animated dolls.
Angel Spa
Name: Afhanna Morgainstein
Age: 31
Gender: Shemale
Height: 6'1"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Dom
Role: Information Broker
Occupation: Spa Owner
Battle Prowess: Medium
Special Abilities: None
Afhanna is a person of unknown quality and origin, coming to Freedom City with little but the clothes on her back and empty pockets. She quickly worked her way through nightclubs, strip joints, and brothels until she owned the majority of them. Only to sell them all off overnight and buy one of the largest mansions within the city limit and renovate it into a luxurious spa for the city's wealthy and powerful. On the side of this highly legal and legit business she trades and sells information on anyone to anyone that can pay in some medium.
Name: Dalutus
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Height: 5'4 (to shoulder)
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch
Role: Afhanna's Pet and Guard Dog
Occupation: Afhanna's Pet and Guard Dog
Battle Prowess: Medium
Special Abilities: None
Dalutus was so cute when he was a puppy, and Alfhanna never imagined that he would grow as big as he did when she bought him. But he did grow abnormally large after all, and quickly. Soon able to tackle his owner to the ground as he wanted to playfully lick her face. But even though she couldn't carry him around with her, he went where she went. Be it home, work, or shopping. He would never stray from his mistress' side for long or far without her permission.
Titana and Joe
Name: Titana and Joe Hitch
Age: 26 and 19
Gender: Shemale and Male
Height: 9'4" and 5'4"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch
Role: Relaxation Administrators
Occupation: Masseuse and Sushi Chef
Battle Prowess: Very Low
Special Abilities: None
Hobbies: Meditation and Cooking
Titana and Joe are adoptive brother and sister that have been inseparable since the day the first meet at a early age. Going to the same school, and even ending up working together at Afhanna's spa. In different parts of it mind you, but still sharing the same workplace. Of course, none of them have high moral standards as there have been many times Titana have planted microphones in her massage studio and Joe have drugged his food to make guests more manageable for Afhanna's motives.
Name: Hellena
Age: 29
Gender: Herm
Height: 16'4"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch
Role: Guest
Occupation: Billionaire
Battle Prowess: Medium
Special Abilities: Transformation Magic
Hobbies: Transforming people
Hellena comes from a wealthy home, her father owning half the continent, literally. And as such, she have been given a large portion of it. But it runs itself most of the time, giving her the luxury of being able to just sit back and relax while she gets wealthier and wealthier. And so she spends the time at Angel Spa, often with a cute bunny toy nearby.
Name: Touscan
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Height: 6'8"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch
Role: Yoga instructor
Occupation: Yoga Instructor
Battle Prowess: Low
Special Abilities: Extremely Agile
Hobbies: Swimming
It was with a hair's margin that Touscan got the job as a yoga instructor, as Afhanna was a bit critical to the idea of even having yoga classes. But he managed to impress her with his flexibility, so she gave him the job.
Angel School
Name: Allan Clint
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Height: 5'7"
Sexual Orientation: Bi-Curious
Role: None
Occupation: Student
Battle Prowess: Low
Special Abilities: Low
Hobbies: Urban Exploring
Allan is a student at Coxworth university where he spend his days studying physics and history. He is an average student that doesn't make much noise around himself, never been in a fight, only been part of a few pranks on room mates and such things. But beyond that he have done nothing to raise attention to himself. After school though, he lives a different lives, where he goes out into the abandoned parts of the city. Breaking and entering most of the time, to explore the forgotten history of buildings and sites. Taking small, easily picked trophies with him back to his dorm.
Ron and Coz
Name: (left to right) Ron and Coz
Age: 18 and 19
Gender: Male
Height: 5'6" and 6'1"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch and Bisexual Top
Role: Students
Occupation: Students
Battle Prowess: Low
Special Abilities: None
Hobbies: Switches
Ron and Coz are two of the many students at Angel School, living on campus to get away from their parents. They spend most of their time in bed with one another rather than studying. Often inviting other's as well. While they make money on the side by being underwear and swimsuit models.
Name: Desmond
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height: 6'4"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Role: Senior Student and tutoring guide
Occupation: Student
Battle Prowess: Low
Special Abilities: None
Hobbies: Bondage
Desmond is one of the senior students of Angel School, and such spend most of his time studying or tutoring other students for a price of course. This price often involving raised tails or spread legs. Being quite the closet pervert, he tend to not reveal his true interests until it's too late for his partner to back out.
Name: Miuki Akamatsu
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6"
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
Role: Street Protector
Occupation: Student of Angel School
Battle Prowess: Very High
Special Abilities: Extreme Agility
Hobbies: Zombie Slayer
Miuki moved the Angel City with her parents when she was a mere five years old, and have since then grown into a fine young woman. A deadly, fine, young woman. Living a secret life on the side, where she combats zombies and demons of the underworld from pouring into the world. Cutting them down with sword, wit, and body. And being quite a favourite among the city's docile, residential tentacle monsters. The only exception she gives to her "girls only" rule.
Name: Iridium Inu
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Height: 7'4"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Role: Teacher
Occupation: Gym Teacher at Angel School
Battle Prowess: High
Special Abilities: Hydromancer
Hobbies: Swimming
Iridium have always loved water, but her career choice became a full time gym teacher rather than a life guard or swim teacher. A choice she don't regret, as not only does she loves water. She also loves watching the young boys and girls under her care sweat and run, and she have revolutionised the gym classes on the school. With a hundred percent attendance at all her classes, even from the students that are never at their other classes.
Long Board
Name: Adam Trailer
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Height: 6'7"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Role: Student
Occupation: None
Battle Prowess: Low
Special Abilities: None
Hobbies: Surfing
Long Board is one of those students that doesn't really take his school going seriously, more preferring to party or spend time at the beach. This does reflect his grades, much to his parents disapproval.
Rory and Glenn
Name: Rory Ander and Glenn Heighten
Age: 17 and 18
Gender: Male
Height: 6'11" and 6'10"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Role: Students
Occupation: Students
Battle Prowess: Medium
Special Abilities: Minor Tantric Sex Magic
Hobbies: Magic Studies
Rory and Glenn are students of Angel School, taking part in the magic program. But they are not doing too well, as their studies are far too focused on the carnal ways of the craft. Drugs, sex, and music is what involves their niece. Some say that they excell in this area, and it's the only one that have kept them in school. Some just call them pot heads. After school, they leave the grounds to seek out gangs and the more wild parts of the city to have their fun.
Name: Ron Iron
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Height: 7'3"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Role: Wresting Champion
Occupation: Student
Battle Prowess: High
Special Abilities: None
Hobbies: Wrestling
Ron is not only the captain of the wrestling team, but also the state champion.
Name: Bull Adams
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Height: 5'3"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch (top pref)
Role: Junior League Baseball Player
Occupation: Student
Battle Prowess:
Special Abilities:
Hobbies: Baseball
Bull was interested in sports even as a baby, with a extra keen interest in baseball. It have in fact carried with him his entire life, going from one junior team as another. As baseball is a big sport in Angel City, teams exchanging players regularly to mix the kids around and nurture their social bonds. But Bull have always stood out among the others, as he have even gained some level of national fame.
Name: Callan Beak
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Height: 7'5"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Role: Football star
Occupation: Student
Battle Prowess: Medium
Special Abilities: Fly
Hobbies: Football
Call-B is only part of the Angel High because of his sports scholarship. Never been good with studying or tests, he have always relied on his excellent football skills to take him onto the next class.
Slide and Glide
Name: Slide and Glide Archer
Age: 18 and 19
Gender: Male
Height: 6'5" and 6'6"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switches
Role: Half Brothers
Occupation: Students
Battle Prowess: Medium
Special Abilities: None
Hobbies: Each Other
These two half brothers are one of the most common sights in the various bathrooms around the school. One usually balls-deep in the other. As they both just keep going at it like two bunnies in heat. So far no one have manage to find out where this unnatural lust comes from, or the stamina to keep it up. They simply go at it again and again and again.
The Stud Farm
The stud farm is a specialized farm just outside of town where they grow custom ordered play things.
Name: Clydesdale
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Height: 12'3"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Role: Mad Scientist
Occupation: Owner of Stud Farm
Battle Prowess: High
Special Abilities: Mad Science
Hobbies: Mad Science!
It was just a stroke of luck that Clydesdale figured out the formula that would make his endeavour to create the perfect sex toys possible. Of course, as his toys took a lot of extra room, he had to move out from the city and out to the abandoned farm. Originally it having been a cattle farm, it was re-purposed to fill his needs. Far many more stables, a extra barn for his lab, and a web of underground tunnels and chambers. All of this funded by his yet to be made toys.
Wild Oats
Name: Wild Oats
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Height: 7'4"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch
Role: Play Thing
Occupation: None
Battle Prowess: None
Special Abilities: Endless Stamina and Bottomless Balls
Hobbies: None
Wild Oats is one of the many play things grown at the Stud Farm, sadly he is also one of the few that have been cancelled too late. Already well in his growth cycle they had no choice but to finish making him and bring him into the world. Now mostly a magazine and demonstrations example, he is well taken care off by the farm's owners.
Mut and Husky
Name: Mut and Husky
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Height: 6'6" and 4'9"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Sub
Role: Toy
Occupation: None
Battle Prowess: None
Special Abilities: Unkown
Hobbies: None
Mut and Husky is one of the projects of the Stud Farm, two bodies with the same mind. The two of them inseparable, in fact, if they are put more than ten feet apart. They become half beings and slip into a catatonic state of staring blindly ahead.
Name: Mars MK4
Age: Unkown
Gender: Male
Height: 7'3"
Sexual Orientation: Any
Role: Guard Dog
Occupation: None
Battle Prowess: Extremely High
Special Abilities: Varies
Hobbies: None
Mars is one of the most popular creations to buy at the stud farm. Filling a niece most tend to overlook when visiting. The need for a home security system, that also fetches your slippers in the morning. Customisable with a verity of abilities and functions. Variable intelligence and instincts, can be bought in bulk even.
Name: Gypsy
Age: Varies
Gender: Male
Height: 10'0"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Role: Stud
Occupation: None
Battle Prowess: Medium
Special Abilities: Glue Cum
Hobbies: None
Gypsy is another one of the more popular products of the Stud Farm. Popular enough to be exported and used as a breeding horse with other, regular mares.
The Milk Farm
Angel City's one and only milk farm, also have a Ice Cream bar in the Shopping district.
Betty and Marry
Name: Betty and Marry Taan
Age: 31 and 32
Gender: Female and Shemale
Height: 8'3" and 8'6"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, open relationship
Role: Milk Farm Owners
Occupation: Farmers
Battle Prowess: High
Special Abilities: Motion-mancy and Cream-mancy
Hobbies: None
Betty and Marry married at an early age, and together they took over the cattle farm of Marry's parents. But they switched focus from meat to milk, as there were no sources of milk anywhere near Angel City. And now they are the biggest milk farm in the state. Besides the farm, they also have a ice-cream bar in the Mall. But they are merely the owners, it's run and staffed by a independent crew. Even if they come by now and then to help out and see how things are going.
Name: Bahest
Age: Unkown
Gender: Female
Height: 10'3"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Role: Milk Goddess
Occupation: Goddess
Battle Prowess: Unbeatable
Special Abilities: God of Milk and Cream
Hobbies: None
Bahest is another god that have come to reside in Angel City, even if she spends her time on the farm outside the city itself. Where she watches over the cows and bulls, keeping them healthy and making sure they give out the best milk they can. But her service doesn't come free, as Betty and Marry makes regular sacrifices to her.
Name: Bella Solar
Age: 41
Gender: Female
Height: 7'5"
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian (makes exceptions for Shemales)
Role: Accountant of the Milk Farm
Occupation: Accountant
Battle Prowess: Low
Special Abilities: None
Hobbies: Origami
Bella works as an accountant for the couple that Runs the Milk farm, as she also lives on the farm with her two kids from a previous marriage. Having been given the guest house as a perk to her job. But not only handling accounting, she also takes care of contracting and is the lawyer of the farm. In essence, she's the face one meets when making businesses with the Milk Farm
Name: Timmy Backthrob
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Height: 6'11"
Sexual Orientation: Gay
Role: Son of Bella
Occupation: Student
Battle Prowess: Low
Special Abilities: None
Hobbies: Swimming
Timmy is the first child Bella had with her ex-husband. He is a care-free, relaxed kid that spends most of his time in the City. Hanging out at the water park or at the school arena-pool. AS he is captain of the swim team
Name: Cecil-Burton Solar
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Height: 6'3"
Sexual Orientation: Bi-Curious
Role: Son of Bella
Occupation: Student
Battle Prowess: Low
Special Abilities: None
Hobbies: Rollerblading
CB is the youngest son of Bella, and a party lover. If there's a party, he's there. Regardless if he's old enough or not. As he's a expert on finding his way into any party or club he wants.
The Den
The Den is the city's biggest and most famous, or maybe infamous, night club. A place where perversion, sin, and debauchery flows freely among those that dare to enter. All under the careful guidance of the owner, Extacy. Aided by her employs in spreading the wonderful world of delightful pleasure.
Name: Brian Velvet
Age: 23
Gender: Male (trap)
Height: 5'6"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch
Role: Classy Bondage Artist
Occupation: Employee of the Den
Battle Prowess: Medium
Special Abilities: Locomotion Manipulation
Hobbies: Painting
Brian have always had a strong aesthetic sense, and have loved to restrain others. It was only natural that he would eventually merge the two interests into one single thing. Now he spends his evening doing live-performance bondage displays on the main stage of The Den. Taking volunteers to become part of his art, some becoming a more permanent part than they had first imagined.
Name: Coy McAdams
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Height: 6'5"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch
Role: Dancer
Occupation: Stripper at the Den
Battle Prowess: Low
Special Abilities: None
Hobbies: Clothes Sewing
Coy was one of those unfortunate children when she was young, parents killed in a gang street-war, moved from orphanage to orphanage over and over again. Growing up was uneasy and uncertain for her, but she managed to get along in some manner. Growing up, she started walking the streets. Until Mistress Extacy caught eye of her and gave her a job as a stripper instead.
Cuffs and Stuff
Name: Charlie Buff
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Height: 7'4"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch
Role: Dancer and company
Occupation: Exotic Dancer
Battle Prowess: Average
Special Abilities: None
Hobbies: None
Cuffs and Stuff turned to a life of dancing and selling himself out not because of necessity, but rather for the joy and thrill of it all. Finding pleasure in being paid for sex, dancing and showing himself off to a roaring crowd. The bigger the crowd, the more exited he gets, and loves showing it off to everyone.
Kim Cestin
Name: Kim Cestin
Age: 28
Gender: Shemale
Height: 8'7"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Dom
Role: Breaker
Occupation: Company
Battle Prowess: Average
Special Abilities: None
Hobbies: Making bondage gear
Kim's job at the Den came as a joy to her, as she tried of working menial jobs where she manned registers or did the same task over and over again. Day in and day out. Instead, she got a job doing what she loved the most, fucking. She becoming a form of challenge, as she was pointed out as the "Breaker" of the club. This meant that she got to deal with anyone that was difficult, or simply stupid enough to try and skip out of paying the bill.
Stud Muffin's Bakery
Stud's bakery has become a staple in the morning diets of many angle city, many of the menu items ranging from average to amazing, and the service team are almost as sweet and exotic as the food they serve. Though rumors speak of hidden items made in erotic and unconventional ways, asking the owner often stated as the best option.
Owner: Stud_Muffin
Employee: Honey_Buns
Hearth Broken
Name: Andrew Wayne
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Height: 7'3"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, male lean
Role: Stock Baker
Occupation: Baker at Stud Muffin's bakery
Battle Prowess: Low
Special Abilities: Pastrymancy
Hobbies: Art-baking
Andrew had often found joy in baking, but his parents wanted to send him off to magic school rather than letting him spend his time with frivolous endeavours as they called it. But while he was studying, he actually created a new form of magic. Pastrymancy, to control, alter, and manipulate the world of pastries and baking.
Name: Milieu Throb
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Height: 8'3"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Role: Stock Baker
Occupation: Baker at Stud Muffin's bakery
Battle Prowess: Low
Special Abilities: None
Hobbies: Artistic Baking
Milieu is one of those people that just can't seem to settle down anywhere, always drifting and moving around. Going from job to job, city to city. His latest place of employment being Stud Muffin's bakery. And he actually enjoys it here, enough so that he might stay.
Angel Museum of History
Name: Prof. Ryan Mubarak
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Height: 7'5"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Role: Curator and professor of Angel Museum of History
Occupation: Curator of Angel Museum of History
Battle Prowess: Medium
Special Abilities: Powers of unknown Egyptian deity
Hobbies: Studying history
Ryan have been interested in history since a early age, so it was only natural he became an archaeologist. With a special interest in Egyptian history, going on many expeditions to the regions to dig up ancient ruins and treassures. One such treassure was a statue of a unknown deity. And also it's prison. When he touched it, the deity was freed and fused with his being. Turning Ryan into so much more than he was before. Two minds, two wills, two souls merging to become a new being. But still with the guise of Ryan, for now.
Name: Saber Longtooth
Age: 31
Gender: Shemale
Height: 8'4"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch
Role: Explorer
Occupation: Field professor and explorer for Angel Museum of History
Battle Prowess: High
Special Abilities: Unkown
Hobbies: Cave-diving
Saber never figured herself for an explorer, she hardly even left the house as a child. She was in fact somewhat of a book worm, a nerd even. Awkward in school and social encounters, clumsy and accident prone. At least, until she meet a new friend. A traveling explorer and adventure seeker, she showed the odd little girl that there were more in life than books and dusty desks. She gave her a drive, a need to explore and travel, even taking her along on a few trips. So it was only natural that Sabre soon find herself in Ryan's employment rooster, becoming a adept explorer and taking home various artefacts for the museums display.
Name: Panthera
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Height: Varies
Sexual Orientation: Dom
Role: Ancient Cat God
Occupation: None
Battle Prowess: Undefeatable
Special Abilities: God
Hobbies: None
Panthera is a ancient god from a civilisation long since gone. Now he spends his day teasing and playing with the museum goers. Having ended up there after his temple was raided many centuries ago, artefacts plundered and scattered all over the world. Until they slowly started to find their way back together, clustering around the Sacrificial Altar of Panthera that have resided in the Angel City Museum for many years.
Atu Tome-Cra
Name: Atu Tome-Cra
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Height: Varies
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Role: Guardian Spirit
Occupation:Guarding the Angel City Museum
Battle Prowess: Extremely High
Special Abilities: Unknown
Hobbies: None
It was established early in the construction that the museum would need super natural protection to ward off threats from the underworld and similar out-worldly entities. So the most powerful mystics that money could buy was brought together and made to create a guardian. The result was Atu Tome-Cra, spirit of vindication. Who, when not being on the prowl for threats, lounges in the lobby where his foci resides in the form of a large blue cloud.
Name: Allan Winslow
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch
Role: Military contact and hardware supplier
Occupation: Captain of Freedom City Military Base
Battle Prowess: Very High
Special Abilities: Deadly Aim
Allan have always played the game, always having a agenda and plan of his own. Selling guns to the gangs of Freedom City is just a minor income of his, he's secretly using his military position to run illegal contraband over customs. Smuggling drugs, guns and people where they need to be. Even having a large industry of selling his own brand of condoms all over the world, made for those with a bit, extra size to them. He recently got in touch with the Hightown Bangers, when he just happened to be escorting a security transport that went under gang attack. Of course, this attack was not from the Bangers, but rather from a larger, more resourced gang. And scavengers as they are, the Bangers moved in to collect on what was left behind. Finding Allan executing the last of the transport attackers. Instead of going at them though, he offered them a deal. If they did some minor favours of his, he would leave them alone and give them a discount when shopping from him.
Name: Anna-Sara Morriner
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Height: 6'11"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch
Role: Quartermaster and munitions expert
Occupation: Lieutenant at Freedom City Military Base
Battle Prowess: High
Special Abilities: None
Anna-Sara is a born and raised military girl, both her parents and their parents having spent their lives in service to their country. So she continued the tradition happily, settling for calmer positions then they however. And a more permanent placement as well. Having little to no idea about the gang activity in the city, she goes on with her daily life happily unknowing of the criminal elements that run Freedom City.
Name: Dana Blowbuck
Age: 27
Gender: Shemale
Height: 8'4"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Dom
Role: Covert Ops Specialist
Occupation: Lieutenant of Angel Task Force
Battle Prowess: Extreamly High
Special Abilities: Regeneration
Hobbies: Weapons
Dana have always loved the military life, and with Angel City's own military base close at hand. She ended up there early, following the footsteps of her mother. Soon ending up in the special task force that specialize in counter-terrorist operations. Also to sometimes having to take over or support the swat team when the gangs get a bit too difficult to deal with.
Ruger Whitetail
Name: Ruger Whitetail
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Height: 6'7"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch
Role: Heavy Weapons Specialist
Occupation: Lieutenant of Angel Task Force
Battle Prowess: Extremely High
Special Abilities: None
Hobbies: Unknown
Ruger had a fascination with guns from a early age, something inherited from his father who not only were a gun collector but also a gun seller. Owning one of the largest stores in the city. So Ruger spent a lot of time there, learning all that he could about weapons. When he ended up in the military, it came as natural to him to handle guns as drawing breath. The bigger, the better.
Buck and Doe
Name: Buck and Doe
Age: 20 and 21
Gender: Male
Height: 6'5" and 6'1"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switches
Role: Soldiers
Occupation: Soldiers
Battle Prowess: High
Special Abilities: None
Hobbies: None
Two simple soldiers, following their orders and doing their job. And taking turns doing each other.
Name: Archen
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Height: 7'4"
Sexual Orientation: Straight (He claims)
Role: Fallen Angel
Occupation: Daemon Hunter
Battle Prowess: Extremely High
Special Abilities: Angelic Abilities
Hobbies: None
Archen is one of the few fallen angels that walk the earth. Having gotten to this state for having allowed a daemon to seduce him. His wings lost and the gates of Paradise closed to him, he now seeks to redeem himself by cleansing Angel City of the daemonic taint that corrupts this once pure city.
The Underworld
Name: Yenzha Uurriilllluuuzzhoo
Age: Unkown
Gender: Unkown
Height: 9'4"
Sexual Orientation: Dom
Role: Public Menace
Occupation: Succubus of the 9th Ring
Battle Prowess: Medium
Special Abilities: Reality and Pleasure Manipulation
Little is know about the dark shadow that stalk the bedrooms of collage girls and boys, leaving dripping and gaping holes behind as it goes through several rooms each night. The collage kids having come to expect the nightly visits though and even look forward to them, even teachers having come to sleep in the the dorm rooms from time to time. People that have tried to capture or record the incidents often being find in similar states morning come, or not at all.
Name: Backlash
Age: Unkown
Gender: Unkown
Height: Variers
Sexual Orientation: Dominatn
Role: Soul Stealer
Occupation: Pleasure Demon of the 11th Ring
Battle Prowess: Extremely High
Special Abilities: Demon Magic
Hobbies: Stealing Souls
Backlash is one of the minor demons of the 11th ring, as such, none of the great demon lords pay her much attention. But rather leaves her to do as she wish, letting her enjoy her young life and play with the mortals all she wants.
Name: Gostislav
Age: Unkown
Gender: Male
Height: 9'5"
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual dom
Role: None
Occupation: None
Battle Prowess: Very High
Special Abilities: Demon Magic
Hobbies: Visiting young men's bedrooms at night
Gostislav is one of the more serious demons in the Underworld, taking his job to the utmost extreme. Until he's done for the day, when he instantly becomes far more relaxed. And during those times, a lot of young men have gotten a surprise in their bedroom. And then a rear busting humping.
Sum and Golgatha
Name: Sum and Golgatha
Age: 17 and Unknown
Gender: Male and Male
Height: 6'1" and 9'2"
Sexual Orientation:
Role: Summoner and Summoned Demon
Occupation: Novice Sumner, Demon
Battle Prowess: Low and High
Special Abilities: Summoning Magic and Demon Abilities
Hobbies: None
Sum and Golgatha have a somewhat strained relationship. As Sum accidentally summoned the demon, and now can't get rid of him. And Golgatha that wants to be rid of the hapless summoner yet can't leave because there's no real contract between them.
Name: Dorian Grey
Age: 146
Gender: Male
Height: 6'3"
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Role: Super Villain
Occupation: Criminal
Battle Prowess: High
Special Abilities: Summoning
Hobbies: Turning girls into men
Dorian Grey is a prime example of things can go wrong at child birth. Ever since he was little, he have hated females of any kind. Even his own mother, and have searched the world for ways of suppressing women or even getting rid of the gender all together. Lately he have taken a pause to coax Dynoboy out from the closet he is hiding in, showing him the light of male to male sex is far greater than boy and girl.
Fox Brothers
Name: Jacob and Jorrel
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Height: 6'4"
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual Switch
Role: Menace for younger boys
Occupation: Movie producers
Battle Prowess: Low
Special Abilities: None
Hobbies: Nature Photoing
Jacob and Jorrel are two rather shady characters, not doing anything illegal except maybe picking borderline young amateur actors for their movies. As they spend most of their days hanging around the various high schools and collages in search for boys to take part in their movies, luring them away with promises of good payment for little work. And then returning them to school unable to stand or sit, with a rather hefty roll of bills in their pocket though.
Name: Samarian
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Height: 6'7"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch
Role: Store Owner
Occupation: Owner of a Lingerie Store
Battle Prowess: Low
Special Abilities: Lingerie Transformation
Hobbies: Transforming people into Lingerie
Samarian is a simple store owner, one of the most popular ones in the Angel City mall. With a perfect spot to never be missed or overlooked, and famed for their excellent service and live models. Even most of her customers only come to browser her selection, many leaves with one of the stylish black bags with her store logo on. Some leave in the bags though, for if they bother her, or her models, she reduces them to a well designed piece of lingerie.
Name: Atlas
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Height: 8'4"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Dom
Role: Model
Occupation: Part time Model at Samarian's Lingerie emporium
Battle Prowess: Medium
Special Abilities: None
Hobbies: Body building
Atlas is a former body builder, now he simply do it as a hobby. He gave up the career after winning his fifth' contest without any form of opposition. And settled for just becoming a model instead, and got a job at Samarian's store. As she was his former girlfriend, and having parted under friendly conditions, there was no problem for him to get that kind of job. And him prancing around in as little as possible tend to draw customers.
The Triplets
Name: Damion, Eric and Fredric Tall
Age: 25
Gender: Males
Height: 65"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switches
Role: Public Attraction
Occupation: Tourist Attraction
Battle Prowess: Extremely High
Special Abilities: Size
Hobbies: Switches
The Triplets of Downtown are a well know tourist attraction, found when they were babies inside a abandoned barn on the country side. They were adopted by the city and had their own home built in the middle of the Angel Park, the largest park in the country. Where they grew up and was well taken care off, with the entire city as their parent they grew up ok. Not turning towards the city-stomping, people eating monster that most macros are. And became somewhat of a tourist attraction, something they didn't mind. As one thing they had in common other than appearance was their love of exhibitionism. Not only posing for tourist pictures, they have also starred in various magazines. One of their most famous ones being "Construction Site Bondage"
Name: Fuger Coleton
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Height: 5'7"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch
Role: Source of Income
Occupation: Football Star
Battle Prowess: Medium
Special Abilities: None
Fuger have talent, no one denies that. As he hold the best personal score for most goals done in a season in the entire country, he is a sought after commodity for football teams all over the globe. But they can't have him, he wants to remain in his home team. And they want to keep him. Just like every criminal in the city wants him to remain, as he is a secure betting card during the games. The bets not going on if his team will win or not, but rather how many goals he will score during the game itself.
Name: Jissella Crock
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Height: 7'4"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Dom
Role: Pirate
Occupation: Pirate
Battle Prowess: Very High
Special Abilities: None
Jissella hails from the tropical nation of Jamaica, and came to haunt the coast of the state after being driven from there by a rival pirate. Now here, she's a menace for both commercial and private ships alike. Laying siege to them and disappearing with her stolen cargo and captured passengers before the coastguard have the slightest of a chance to mount a rescue.
Name: Aquina Surf
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Height: 9'4"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, female lean
Role: Care taker
Occupation: Staff at Angel City water park
Battle Prowess: Medium
Special Abilities: None
Hobbies: Swimming
Aquina loved the ocean from the day she was born, her parents often taking her out to the beach to spend time in or near the water. They even went as far as moving to a beach house when their daughter got a little older. So it was just natural that she came to seek work as a care taker at the water park. Not just a place for slides and pools, but also a aquatic zoo at the same time.
Mor and MATIJA
Name: Mor and MATIJA
Age: 19 and 29
Gender: Male and Male
Height: 5'4" and 8'3"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Bottom and Bisexual Switch (top prefs)
Role: None
Occupation: Mechanics
Battle Prowess: Low
Special Abilities: Extra Stretchy and Non
Hobbies: None
Mor and MATIJA own a mechanics shop together and are the only employees. It being a small repair shop only, where they sell parts and they do various repairs to industrial vehicles and equipment. They are also a open couple that live the upper floor of the shop.
Name: Blake Tanu
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Height: 5'3"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Switch (Top Pref)
Role: None
Occupation: Store Owner
Battle Prowess: Low
Special Abilities: None
Hobbies: None
Blake owns a small clothing store in the shopping district, his pride and joy. Having started out as a stall on the market square and eventually working until he could rent space to house a real store. Carrying all manner of every day clothing for both genders, everything from underwear to suits and dresses.
Sexual Orientation:
Battle Prowess:
Special Abilities: