"n...No Please... I B...Beg of you... H...Have Mercy".
(((Rp's will make this Profile)))
Name: Reichi - Made up of the Japanese words for Zero (Rei) and one (Ichi) (((Combine efforts of
Android_Gray in a Rp and
Lady_P in a OOC chat)))
Weight: 4x the weight of a normal High school girl, however, her body seems to hide the weight well and make her act like she's only 45 kg's (90 pounds)
Hair: a light brown color that runs down her back to armpit length, perhaps longer
Eyes: a Light brown color like her hair
Outfit: Like in the Image it is a high school girl uniform with white panties and a white bra, her leg stockings on her right leg is torn in her shin
internal knowledge: So far, even with her arms and legs being that of a machine on the inside, it appears that Reichi has the digestive tract of a human, Stomach and intestine at least, she has been known to stretch and not feel pain, like those reaching inside of her from the back way to find a small opening to slide, a extention cord can be pulled out so the girl can freely charge to any wall socket, even if it is embarrassing to to the poor girl.
Upon having her arm and Leg smashed by her creator, the Android girl would escape the next day while the man was at work, she was nothing more then a creation to he's sexual desires but the second she was saying no was the same second she was being punished, it was much more then a slap to the cheek, it was a broken limb, she could feel two things, pleasure and pain and the pain side of things was to keep her in check, the broken leg was to make sure she couldn't run but she tried, even if she fell down every step and crawled out the front door of the apartment that loser of a human was living in, she would hobble, fall, crawl, anything she could till she was far away and soon she reached the park where she colapsed in a ditch, she was running low, she was broken, hurting, why would she need to live any more, then the Android girl met a Male Android named Gray, someone who seemed to love he's life as a man made machine, but she couldn't believe it, even if this wanna be made hero was helping her with a half assed repair job. However the Herobot offered her a place in an Abandoned Auto shop to continue to get charges so she never ran out of power. seems that no matter the gender, Androids should trust other Androids.
After the light repair job, the two Androids got talking on what name to give to the female android, there were common names tossed around like Annie, Sarah, Hannah but then the names Rei and Ichi were brought up, Combining them together, she finally had a real name, one that felt right, Reichi was her first name and the name she shall forever keep.
upon getting herself on charge, the two Androids would talk, gray about he's creator being a nice guy, making him to be a hero to save those in need while she had nothing to say, she couldn't say anything nice, how could you say anything nice about the man who made you just to use and abuse you like a pet, public humiliation like naked with a leash around town, making her eat and drink like a dog even though her body doesn't need food or fluids, forcing her to sleep on wooden floorboards when it was freezing cold, she hated him yet she never wished for him to die after all, she would have never existed with free will or a personality, but the smashing her arm with a sledgehammer and the same with her shin of one leg, but now she had an abandoned auto repair shop to sleep in and to charge, she couldn't ask for anything better even if it did cost a arm and a leg.

"Ahhh S...stop breaking me you jerks"

"Oh Come on! Both my hands?"

"When you said you'd break an arm and a leg, I didn't think you mean't you would ACTUALLY Do it!"

"W-Why? Why are humans so cruel to the ones they've created?"

"Oh this? It's nothing... infact... people keep breaking me, I've learned to enjoy it... Ehehehe, I guess I am broken junk"

"If you wanna peak... just go ahead..."