Name: Anastasia Sweet
Age: 30
Sex: Switches between herm and female
Race: Demi-human wolf girl
Bio: Anastasia is the rather mysterious
'other mother' of the Sweet family. Despite the surname there is almost nothing sweet about this cold and calculating warrior. How she married
Samantha is also a mystery. But despite the conflicting personalities, Anastasia loves her wife very much. As she also loves her children who she hopes will grow up to be warriors as great as herself. The only ones who have anything to fear from this powerful warrior are those who would dare to harm her or worse, her family.
Samantha Sweet
Daughters :
Nico Sweet ,
Ann Sweet and
Jennifer Sweet
Brian Sweet and
Joseph Sweet
Rules of the Sweet family!
- No perma ever (as prey) !
- Don't ever hurt family members !
- No fights/drama in the family !
- Don't make children characters unless the family creator (
Nico Sweet) gives the ok !
- ALWAY listen to the parents !
- Whoever breaks a rule or does bad stuff gets a punishment !