In lots of worlds, in lots of parts of the world, Monsterfolk and Humans seem incapable of getting along. In lots of worlds, Aminel would never exist, or would be the product of a forbidden romance, or a rape.
... fortunately, Aminel's father was a talented mage, and her mother was rather patient with him, so they DID find a nice world where both groups coexisted happily. A place full of Monster Girls and Monster Boys, and with lots of room for both to have happy, healthy relationships with humans. Sure, her father and mother were a bit odd, having come from what amounts to a fantasy setting, but still, they felt right at home, and soon they fit in nicely. Her father got a job as a security consultant, and quickly became HIGHLY sought-after, and her mother... well, she found herself tending to the needs of other Lamia, and other monsterfolk besides, offering them a willing ear, a hug, and generally just someone who understands the problems they have.
Obviously, Aminel was born soon enough, into a world willing to accept her. Neither her father nor her mother were surprised that she was, apparently, a full-blooded lamia. No, the surprises came later, as she aged.
Preschool was fine, with only minor incidents. She ate a bully, then spat the girl out, to teach her a lesson, and was scolded for it. Kindergarten was calm, and the girl proved an apt student. Grade school fairly well flew by...
And when she was nine, she manifested magical powers to rival her father, along with vicious headaches from a buildup of excess magic. Fortunately, her father had had the same problem, and knew EXACTLY what to do. Soon enough, in addition to basic arithmetic, languages, and other skills, Aminel was also being taught magic by her father.
When she turned fourteen, other lessons came from her mother. Certain arts of her people, which, although her mother had fled them, she did not want to lose. Dances and other skills were taught, along with certain formal etiquette.
It should surprise no one that Aminel combined these teachings. She loved dancing, and she loved magic, and it seemed natural to her that dances COULD be magic. Most mages would have argued that this was impossible, but her father encouraged her, and because she never knew it could not be done, Aminel created a new magical style, at least for that world. Her dances became the best way for her to express her magic, easily replacing rituals, though for quick casting she can still fling fireballs with the best of them. And, well, eventually she turned seventeen, and set out on her own to discover other worlds, just as her parents had.
Seventeen years old, young, slender, and full of life, Aminel is very much the child of her parents. She has the best qualities of both, in so many ways, being intelligent, inquisitive, skilled, and sensible, whilst also being perhaps a bit mischievous. She wanders freely across worlds, seeking new friends and experiences, and sharing her dances and body freely. She never harms anyone, if it can be helped, preferring to flee instead of fight, and she never eats live prey. She certainly won't kill someone or something herself. All in all, she's a generally pleasant gal, even if her more sensual dances will make her partner disappear.... at least, for a while.
Alt by The Tower.