Name: Amellia Rosette Carno
Born: Febuary 19th 2001
Death:14th March 2021

*This character is to intended to be permavored*
Other Info: Amellia was in her mind royally fucked, her mother Madison is a naive but kind women unaware her oldest daughter wanted to see her gone, her older sister was activley trying to put Amellia in a porceleane coffin. and shes was unemployed.
However its not all bad her twin younger sisters were alright for ravenous predertors and unlike her mother, Amellia was highly intellegent, but also unlike her mother shes was not very charismatic. Amellia hopes to make it out of her twenties alive, her confidence boosted by the fact her mother made it to her mid thirties undigested, however shes becoming increasingly convinced that shes gonna get mulched befor the year let alone the decade is out either by Lionettes doing or sheer bad luck.
Amellia was technically at University but you wouldnt be able to tell by her work ethic, in her mind most women end up as a clog in a toilet so why get a degree shes really only there to get drunk enough she wont remeber being digested by some stranger.
In a tragic series of events Amellia was unbirthed by
Saerena_Cobra becoming nothing but fetal stem cells, a party girl and delinquent it is possible that her new form is in fact her best outcome in life