Amelia Nebuchadnezzar, the unfortunate vessel of Ycnágnnisssz.
A young girl, aged 18, Amelia's life has been corrupted by madness and tradjedy.
When she was 5, her parents died in a freak accident, and Amelia glimpsed the Outer Universe
From that small glimspe, her mind was shattered into billions of irridescent fragments, the pieces replaced with a foreign connection.
Then and there, she became inexplicably connected to the entity known as Ycnágnnisssz.
Corrupted by madness, she now wanders the earth, rending the very fabric of reality in twain wherever she goes.
It is not uncommon for her to simply fall into other realms and worlds, slipping through the infinite kaleidoscope of the multiverse.
Wherever she ends up, madness will follow.
An alt of
Quick Likes
Eating "Pred Only" characters (with permission)
Scat as a form of humiliation
Humiliation and dominatrix play
Being dominated
Loving cuddles
Quick Dislikes
Immediately being assumed to be prey
Having the character's abilities dismissed
Being approached with random offers of sex (if I don't know you)
I'm nice, I promise. Please feel free to approach~ Also, quick note, none of the art on the profile is mine, most of it is from asphyxia17 and shirasu (19san) and I will gladly remove it if they ask. All credit goes to them, of course, and you can find their lovely works on danbooru~
Amelia was a normal girl, but her life turned upside down at 5 years old. It was a cold Winter's day, a healthy layer of snow coating the ground. She and her parents were driving to her grandparents, hoping to spend the holidays with them and give the bundle of joy that was Amelia some quality time with her "Papa" and "Nona". However, all it took was one small turn to completely shatter Amelia's world. The car flipped, her parents were killed and, through some inexplicable stroke of tragic luck, Amelia slipped between the boundaries of the universe and was simply gone.
Upon opening her eyes, the girl found herself in a foreign scape of floating shapes, colors, sounds she could taste, and horrifying imagery that melted her eyes before reconstituting them. She would've screamed, but the wavelength her voice used simply didn't exist within the realm she now found herself: the Outer Universe. It was there her mind broke and there that she would come into contact with a being beyond her realm of understanding, a being of madness and chaos. Filling in the cracks her broken mind had left behind, holding the shards of her sanity together, Amelia, only 5 years of age, became a vessel for Ycnágnnisssz.
The girl was then dropped back into a realm one would consider "reality", but it was not her own. The world she now found herself in was foreign, things she knew gone and replaced with things she didn't recognize. Left with not choice, she began to wander, ever stalked by the shadow of the Outer God that had corrupted her being and ruined her mind. From time to time, she'd fall between the cracks of reality, winding up in a world different from her current one, but she never managed to find her way back home, always wandering.

Amelia's usual appearamce. Creepy yet relatively uncorrupted by Ycnágnnisssz's influence.

A sligtly more corrupted Amelia, looking on with her thousands upon thousands of eyes~

One of Amelia's corrupted forms. Spooky~

Another one of Amelia's corrupted forms. In this form, her emotions notably recede as the madness begins to take hold~

A somewhat docile corruption. At the cost of her human appearance, Amelia is able to hold onto a large chunk of her sanity

Amelia's Outer God, tethered to our reality via intertwining itself with the girl's broken mind. If she ever reaches a breaking point, the God will enter our world and end reality as we know it.

The lovely profile background!